What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

Ukraine is a largely bombed out husk of its former self.

Actually, most areas far away from the front in Ukraine, like Kiev & Lviv, are not at all “bombed out hulks.” As I have often pointed out, Putin’s invasion succeeded largely in destroying areas like the Donbas and others they think somehow were more “Russian.”

God help anyone who lives in an area Russia claims as rightfully its own. God help those who are being “saved” by Russia!
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Actually, most areas far away from the front in Ukraine, like Kiev to Lvov, are not at all “bombed out hulks.” As I have often pointed out, Putin’s invasion succeeded largely in destroying areas like the Donbas and others they think somehow were more “Russian.”

God help anyone who lives in an area Russia claims as rightfully its own. God help those who are being “saved” by Russia!
Call it hyperbole. But still. Russia inflicted a shitload of damage to Ukrainian population centers far from the Donbas region.

But as to your last point, full agreement.
Something to do with the junk enshrined into your heads by your "unbiased" free press. Hohols on average live two days on the battle field but it's not the subject matter.

That’s really your explanation of statistics that Russian government itself publishes?

Straight up denial.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, you don’t seem to be able to deal with information in a sane, reasonable way. A constructive conversation can’t be had with people like that.
That’s really your explanation of statistics that Russian government itself publishes?

Straight up denial.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, you don’t seem to be able to deal with information in a sane, reasonable way. A constructive conversation can’t be had with people like that.
I thought you didn't believe in Russian statistics. Shoygu said 125000 killed in action happened as a result of the Ukrainian summer offensive and 16000 of heavy weapons. Does it mean you agree with him all of a sudden?
But you digress, what is it you were going to impress me with? The elements of a wealthy American life. A shower and a toilet, several times a day is good. What next?
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I thought you didn't believe in Russian statistics. Shoygu said 125000 killed in action happened as a result of the Ukrainian summer offensive and 16000 of heavy weapons. Does it mean you agree with him all of a sudden?
But you digress, what is it you were going to impress me with? The elements of a wealthy American life. A shower and a toilet, several times a day is good. What next?
….significantly longer life expectancy - that’s what I’m impressing you with.

People lead healthier lifestyle with better healthcare.

Are you drunk? This is not rocket science here.

This aside from much higher avg. purchasing power, better housing, appliances, cars, roads and other infrastructure, much lower rate of corruption, poverty and much more personal freedoms.

Getting mobilized to go die in Ukraine is also high on the list of quality of life destroying shit that can happen to you in Russia.
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You are still alive. How the hell can I know what expectancy you're going to have. Give something tangible.

Why don’t you read up on the subject of life expectancy instead of wasting everyone’s time with your ignorance?

People do not live as long in Russia. It doesn’t get more tangible than that.
Why don’t you read up on the subject of life expectancy instead of wasting everyone’s time with your ignorance?

People do not live as long in Russia. It doesn’t get more tangible than that.
I thought you were going to flash your IPhone before me, the apple of your eyes, as Russian or Ukrainian escapists do, never mentioning the credit they had to go into. I hope you've paid yours at least. Have you?
This aside from much higher avg. purchasing power, better housing, appliances, cars, roads and other infrastructure, much lower rate of corruption, poverty and much more personal freedoms.

Getting mobilized to go die in Ukraine is also high on the list of quality of life destroying shit that can happen to you in Russia.
Aside from the average msm bullshit, nothing new. A man without humor, did you watch cartoons in your childhood? I think you didn't.
I thought you were going to flash your IPhone before me, the apple of your eyes, as Russian or Ukrainian escapists do, never mentioning the credit they had to go into. I hope you've paid yours at least. Have you?

Oh yes, how can one forget CREDIT.

One of benefits of stable economies with developed financial systems is availability of credit at low rates. A lot more Americans can live in houses due to long term mortgage rates.

Russian interest rates are through the roof to tame inflation and prop up failing ruble, a quality of life downgrade brought to you by your fascist invasion.
Oh yes, how can one forget CREDIT.

One of benefits of stable economies with developed financial systems is availability of credit at low rates. A lot more Americans can live in houses due to long term mortgage rates.

Russian interest rates are through the roof to tame inflation and prop up failing ruble, a quality of life downgrade brought to you by your fascist invasion.
So you have not, damn, and you've got no spare money either? You see, the rule is quite simple. What would you need credit for if you got money? But you're saying your parents live a happy life now, why didn't you ask them to pay for your phone, iPhone, sorry?

A more important question now.
So you have not, damn, and you've got no spare money either? You see, the rule is quite simple. What would you need credit for if you got money? But you're saying your parents live a happy life now, why didn't you ask them to pay for your phone, iPhone, sorry?

....you need want credit because you don't have all the money yet, but have income.

You finish school, get a good job and don't have to wait 20 years before you can get a nice house, or 5 years before you can get a car.

Welcome to better quality of life in a stable, developed economy.
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This must be what a stable economy looks like. The guys got so much income they don't know where to put it.

It's an insult to a stable, that's what it is. You live in a dump, pal. No amount of cocky democracy talk can change it.
But, to escape this beastliness you may still return back. Putin will forgive your petty transgressions. I will even buy you an iPhone, without credit.
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This must be what a stable economy looks like. The guys got so much income they don't know where to put it.

It's an insult to a stable, that's what it is. You live in a dump, pal. No amount of cocky democracy talk can change it.
But, to escape this beastliness you may still return back. Putin will forgive your petty transgressions. I will even buy you an iPhone, without credit.

Do you seriously not understand that you can get a pic of degenerates and dumps in any country no matter how well off?

Economy and wealth of a country is not considered by silly cherry picked anecdotes, it’s considered by objective macroeconomic measures.

I really don’t even understand what you are doing out here. Do you enjoy making a clown of yourself this much? Maybe you enjoy showcasing to Americans how brainwashed, ignorant and primitive Russians are?
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