What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

This must


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Do you seriously not understand that you can get a pic of degenerates and dumps in any country no matter how well off?

Economy and wealth of a country is not considered by silly cherry picked anecdotes, it’s considered by objective macroeconomic measures.

I really don’t even understand what you are doing out here. Do you enjoy making a clown of yourself this much? Maybe you enjoy showcasing to Americans how brainwashed, ignorant and primitive Russians are?
That's rich. Actually I told you from the start that we wouldn't come to any consent, but you went on arguing, basically telling me that you were good while I was bad on account of msm or some other bullshit sources telling you so, showing at that failure to get some trivial things, total absence of humor and incessantly blathering of virtues of credit and free speech. What I'm basically telling you is, like some other guy said: you'd be in a position to go out and tell other people how to put their houses in order if yours was in order in the first place. This is like taking advice on physical fitness from a fat guy that weighs 320 pounds, smokes two packs a day and knocks off a bottle of Scotch every night. Not exactly the vision of health.
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Why does the most corrupt, poorest country in Europe, where the opposition is banned, where the people's freedom of movement is restricted, where lynchings are organized, where churches are banned, receive so much help from the US? With dollars and guns. US lend money. Why? They love ukrainians? Why didn't they help before? Before the war.
Why does the most corrupt, poorest country in Europe, where the opposition is banned, where the people's freedom of movement is restricted, where lynchings are organized, where churches are banned, receive so much help from the US? With dollars and guns. US lend money. Why? They love ukrainians? Why didn't they help before? Before the war.

Because you are factually full of shit, thats why.

Not only opposition is not banned, Ukraine actually managed to have elections of consequence and peaceful transfer of power, something that has NEVER happened in Russia.

Churches are not banned, Russian Orthodox churches that answer to Moscow's ex-KGB agent "Kirill" were banned after full scale Russian invasion.

Besides, you may recall that America provided huge assistance to Soviet Union when Germans invaded, even though USSR was a poor and certainly plenty corrupt totalitarian state.
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That's rich. Actually I told you from the start that we wouldn't come to any consent, but you went on arguing, basically telling me that you were good while I was bad on account of msm or some other bullshit sources telling you so, showing at that failure to get some trivial things, total absence of humor and incessantly blathering of virtues of credit and free speech. What I'm basically telling you is, like some other guy said: you'd be in a position to go out and tell other people how to put their houses in order if yours was in order in the first place. This is like taking advice on physical fitness from a fat guy that weighs 320 pounds, smokes two packs a day and knocks off a bottle of Scotch every night. Not exactly the vision of health.
You didn't answer the question:

Do you seriously not understand that you can get a pic of degenerates and dumps in any country no matter how well off?

This is how our conversation keeps going - you post some silly bs, it gets demolished, you start complaining about "absence of humor" and some other irrelvant nonsense.

Absolutely we Americans are in a position to tell you repressed, brainwashed, relatively poor Russians how to better run your country.

Once you can get over your affinity for autocrat Czars ruling over you with iron fist, then you too can have real freedom of speech, real economic growth, low corruption and a government for the people by the people.
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You don't need to cherry pick when the whole country is like that.

The only thing that you're still good at is chewing gum, walking is not your specialty anymore. But I'm sure you have no idea of what I'm getting at, relentless demolishioner.
Because you are factually full of shit, thats why.

Not only opposition is not banned, Ukraine actually managed to have elections of consequence and peaceful transfer of power, something that has NEVER happened in Russia.

Churches are not banned, Russian Orthodox churches that answer to Moscow's ex-KGB agent "Kirill" were banned after full scale Russian invasion.

Besides, you may recall that America provided huge assistance to Soviet Union when Germans invaded, even though USSR was a poor and certainly plenty corrupt totalitarian state.
Orthodox Priests have been attacked some killed and opposition IS banned also any Media that doesn't do as they are told, and the elected President was overthrown you stupid arsehole in 2014, now what's left of Ukraine is a hybrid between a Nazi tribute act and a third world failed state you prick.
Orthodox Priests have been attacked some killed and opposition IS banned also any Media that doesn't do as they are told, and the elected President was overthrown you stupid arsehole in 2014, now what's left of Ukraine is a hybrid between a Nazi tribute act and a third world failed state you prick.

Moron, just like Nazi parties were outlawed in countries they invaded, Russian invader propagandists, including their church are banned in Ukraine that is strugling for its very survival.

Ukraine allowing Russian collaborators to freely operate in their country during a war is SCUICIDAL.

How do you fools not understand simple reality?
Russians understand reality pretty clear:

"according to official"? What official? Whats the the full context?

Stop posting half-baked bullshit.

If Russia wants peace all it has to do is NOT INVADE.

If Russia wants to sleep without wondering all they need to do is take their little green invaders and send them home to their wifes and children. Everyone is real tired of your impearialist bullshit and nobody wants anything to do with your swampy country.
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Listen, Vlasov, you should cover your cake hole as a US resident when it comes to aggressions , but you, hypocritical scoundrel, you won't shut up.

Bullshit, Russia is invading it's neighbors and annexing their territories, nothing America did in modern history comes even close to these lawless, facist land grabs.
Bullshit, Russia is invading it's neighbors and annexing their territories, nothing America did in modern history comes even close to these lawless, facist land grabs.
I am from Krivoy Rog. My father was from Krivoy Rog, My grandfather, who liberated Krivoy Rog in 1944 as part of 3rd Ukrainian front was also from Krivoy Rog. His wife, my grandmother, was from Dnepropetrovsk(born in Ekaterinoslav). So I give my full blessing to Russia to invade Ukraine and wipe out nazi bandera scum.
And you shut up.
I am from Krivoy Rog. My father was from Krivoy Rog, My grandfather, who liberated Krivoy Rog in 1944 as part of 3rd Ukrainian front was also from Krivoy Rog. His wife, my grandmother, was from Dnepropetrovsk(born in Ekaterinoslav). So I give my full blessing to Russia to invade Ukraine and wipe out nazi bandera scum.
And you shut up.

Krivoy Rog is part of internationally recognized Ukrainian sovereign territories, so get lost soviet left over, no one gives a crap what you "bless".

Here is Krivoy Rog native sending you some warm holiday wishes:

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Krivoy Rog is part of internationally recognized Ukrainian sovereign territories, so get lost soviet left over, no one gives a crap what you "bless".

Here is Krivoy Rog native sending you some warm holiday wishes:

Looks like a fagot. Will be sent to Europe after. Will be exiled to Europe, after serving a sentence in Siberia clearing snow. All snow.
Looks like a fagot. Will be sent to Europe after. Will be exiled to Europe, after serving a sentence in Siberia clearing snow. All snow.
A typical scumbag they've managed to turn their populace into during the post soviet years.No wonder, actually, if you look at what they are teaching them at school. The child of Holodomor.
Looks like a fagot. Will be sent to Europe after. Will be exiled to Europe, after serving a sentence in Siberia clearing snow. All snow.
Fascist fantasies, that’s all you have in your sick head.
A typical scumbag they've managed to turn their populace into during the post soviet years.No wonder, actually, if you look at what they are teaching them at school. The child of Holodomor.

Why is he a scumbag?

Because he belives Ukraine to be a sovereign nation that should defend itself against facist invaders? :cuckoo:

The question is what the fuck did they teach you? All the talk about your grandfathers defending motherland from Nazis and you still haven't learned to not invade other countries.
All the talk about your grandfathers defending motherland from Nazis
Yes, that too. The sad thing is that this bastard's grand grandfather and my grandfather were doing that side by side but this motherfucker was made to forget it while I still remember.
We didn't invade, we came to make them unforget who they initially were. Not those western ones though. As I said you may keep them all. Whoever is with them, whatever cookies you give them, all the same they'll designate you responsible for all the misfortunes they may encounter.

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