What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

The Verkhovna Rada has supported in the first reading a draft law on the use of English in Ukraine, which obliges some civil servants, as well as emergency workers and a number of other spheres to speak English.

You see, Ukraine now has a second official language.
Why to know English:
-Heads of local state administrations and their deputies;
-Military officers serving under contract (the list is established by the CMU);
-Middle and senior police officers of the National Police, heads of other law enforcement agencies and civil protection services?

Friends, this is colonization. Official, impudent, no longer hidden even for the sake of appearances, taking place on live TV in front of the eyes of the native population, colonization of Ukraine by America and Great Britain. Just like it was once in India. How do you think Indians know English?
The Bandera cattle still pretend they don't understand anything: "Ah, the Russian army had no right to come here. Ah, this is our country and we have every right to burn russians in ovens. Ah, the Budapest Memorandum..... ah, sovereign state..."
And I'll put it this way: the Russian army not only had the right, but was obliged to go in there. Obliged.
And much earlier. And all international laws are worthless if they allow a Nazi state gone mad to bully its own population.
When the question of independence of the Ukrainian state was decided in 1991, the Ukrainians promised their Russian compatriots all rights and protection of the Russian language. Russians believed it and voted for independence, but after a while it became obvious that all the promises were a brazen lie.
Accordingly, the act on the State independence of Ukraine no longer has any legal force. It is nothing, an empty place, a piece of paper. It has been denounced by the Russian population due to the failure of the counterparty to fulfill its obligations - if you don't believe me, ask the lawyers.
Came upon this gibberish
performed by your WH press secretary and remembered you and your similarly, what's the word, ah yeah, circumlocutional posts. Can you or anyone else decipher what she is about here? The only vibe that I got is how wonderful life is when you're in the US, right?

Sure, I'll decipher it to the outsiders: By objective measures economy is doing much better than how Americans feel about it and Biden's policies are in themselves popular. However Biden is not getting the credit and its the job of his communication team to better get the message out and "cut through the noise".

Imagine that - government concentrating on domestic isssues and what people feel about them.

It's mindboggling how these Ruzzians narrow down on something in America said about our internall matters on an obscure podcast, but can't be bothered to understand huge problems in their own country.

For Kremlin propagandists like Solovyev that diversion from the many domestic issues is the whole point, just as it is for North Korean government that blames the western boogeyman for their people starving.

Reality however is that Russia and North Korean people would live alot better if their governments were not just under their autocratic Dear Leader's ass. It never worked well in the long term, and it never will.
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The Bandera cattle still pretend they don't understand anything: "Ah, the Russian army had no right to come here. Ah, this is our country and we have every right to burn russians in ovens. Ah, the Budapest Memorandum..... ah, sovereign state..."
And I'll put it this way: the Russian army not only had the right, but was obliged to go in there. Obliged.

Kids, this is your brain on Russian propaganda.

The only thing you Orc fools obliged was hundreds of thousands of Russian prime working age men to be killed and maimed in a war of your Dear Leader's choice.

A collosal atrocity that has ensured a generational economic decline and yet another historic black stain on Russia.

This is what so called Russian World has to offer to it's neighbors and the world - wars, misery, corruption and repression.
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Referendums are the highest form of democracy, which is why they are not held in Ukraine.

Oh yea?

When did you fascist Orcs have a referendum in Zaporizhzhia city? You had no problem proclaiming Zaporizhzhia to be part of Russia, without a single vote.

And when did you fascists conduct a referendum in Chechnya? The only one that was done there showed that the region wanted to be it's own state. My old classmate from Russia was in service and made a cripple for life by bullets traversing his body over there. Russia actually has zero interest in anyone's self-determination.

These pleads about voting and democracy are nothing but transparent excuses of convinience for imperialist agression, just as it was for Nazi Germany.

International laws are VERY clear that referendums conducted on occupied territories are illegal and void.

Everyone knows that and not a single developed country in the world officialy recognizes Crimea or Eastern Ukraine to be part of Russia, not even their "good friends" in China. It's just something Kremlin peddles to know nothing dupes to put some lipstick on your country's deeply amoral fascism.
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Rant and hyperbole, neither worth your time or our effort to read it .
Devoid of a single fact .
Generalisations , cherry picking , lack,of logic and poor construction .

Verdict :=
must concentrate more and research before making unsupported and often wild guesses .

Thats way too many words to say nothing at all.

Dumbass, nationalists defend their motherland, Nazis are the ones that invade it.

On the broad view of the conflict Russians are the autocratic invaders fighting to destory the Ukranian nation, Russians are the modern day Nazis and we talk about them all the time here.

Kremlin propaganda diet left you dupes unable to tell up from down, right from wrong.
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And I'll put it this way: the Russian army not only had the right, but was obliged to go in there. Obliged…. Accordingly, the act on the State independence of Ukraine no longer has any legal force. It is nothing, an empty place, a piece of paper. It has been denounced by the Russian population …

Kids, this is your brain on Russian propaganda.
AntonToo is right about many Russians, but there are strong indications that inside Russia Putin’s war is far less popular that it was two years ago, and certainly less popular than his original seizure of Crimea.

I can agree that much of the Russian-speaking population inside Ukraine were upset and understandably worried after Maidan. But many even of this group were horrified to see Russian military and ex-military “volunteers” move into Donbas to take over the disorganized, mostly autonomy-seeking leadership there, breaking the country apart and setting the stage for a real national war.

The “Russian”-identifying Ukrainians would never have suffered anything like they have if Putin had respected Ukrainian sovereignty there. His bloody invasion of Feb. 24, 2022 led to infinitely more destruction and death in all of Eastern Ukraine, precisely the areas he claimed to be “defending.” Of course it devastated other parts of Ukraine too, areas where the majority was neutral or strongly anti-Russian. It unified and broadened anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine as a whole. It may even eventually lead to Putin’s removal and Russia’s further disintegration.

Even “victory” for Russia in Ukraine, should it occur for example after a hypothetical Trump election victory in 2024, will be a Pyrrhic victory of mass graveyards and desolation. It would also be a defeat for freedom and democracy everywhere, and probably embolden China towards Taiwan. The war, seemingly at a stalemate now, unfortunately seems to be strengthening and emboldening rightwing populist authoritarians in the U.S. and Europe.
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Sure, I'll decipher it to the outsiders: By objective measures economy is doing much better than how Americans feel about it and Biden's policies are in themselves popular. However Biden is not getting the credit and its the job of his communication team to better get the message out and "cut through the noise".
That's to say you stupid Americans can't tell
Heaven from Hell and
Blue skies from pain.

We're telling you that you're happy so fuck off.
Reality however is that Russia and North Korean people would live alot better if their governments were not just under their autocratic Dear Leader's ass. It never worked well in the long term, and it never will.
You've been bragging about your wonderful wonderful life for so long that it begs the question, what is it? A toilet and a hot shower, that's a must you're all very proud of, I know. What else? Air conditioner? What's that american dream? When will the credits be paid off if ever?
You've been bragging about your wonderful wonderful life for so long that it begs the question, what is it? A toilet and a hot shower, that's a must you're all very proud of, I know. What else? Air conditioner? What's that american dream? When will the credits be paid off if ever?

….its tough to know where to start with someone with such a limited understanding of what goes into quality of life for people.
If the Ukrainians were smarter, they could take advantage of their favorable geographical application. Ukraine could have become a neutral buffer between Russia and Europe, and made money from it - a gentle calf suckles two mothers. But the desire to kill russians was stronger.

What did Russia want? You think it wanted to kill ukrainians? No, Russia only asked for non-aligned status for Ukraine. Let me remind you that it was the neutral status that once allowed Sweden and Finland to become the most prosperous countries in Europe, but Ukraine gave up its chance.

Ukraine could have become a new Sweden or Finland, but it chose to become an ever-warring second Israel. She dared not refuse her superiors.
Your post just proves that you kiss the ring.
….its tough to know where to start with someone with such a limited understanding of what goes into quality of life for people.
Surprise me. What's the use in living a wealthy life if you can't brag about to a backwards aggressor?
Surprise me. What's the use in living a wealthy life if you can't brag about to a backwards aggressor?
Let’s start with most obvious - Why do you think men live 10 years longer in US and other developed countries compared to Russia?

Something to do with the quality of life maybe?
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Let’s start with most obvious - Why do you think men live 10 years longer in US and other developed countries compared to Russia?

Something to do with the quality of life maybe?
Something to do with the junk enshrined into your heads by your "unbiased" free press. Hohols on average live two days on the battle field but it's not the subject matter.

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