What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

Another point: The freedoms won for the press and the very possibility of having relatively free elections before Maidan never would have existed if the Russians had their way. Generally fair elections were guaranteed only by the 2004-2005 “Orange Revolution” which forced a revote after the pro-Russian candidate tried and failed to steal the election.

The fact that the great majority of citizens increasingly felt Ukrainian and not “Russian” — including most of those who spoke Russian at home — meant that Russian oligarchs and gangsters increasingly had to rely on Russian state pressure to win and hold power. This ran directly up against the sentiment of most Ukrainians.

Of course had Russia even a slightly enlightened political culture, things may have been different. It also did not help that many Ukrainians had their own problematic political culture (the Banderite influence). Bandera worship was not nearly so widespread as the Russians made it out to be. However in Western Ukraine this sentiment was sort of like Confederate “Lost Cause” nostalgia in the American South. A good number of die-hard anti-Russians rallied around this minority political narrative leading up to Maidan, and even after.

Anyway, Ukraine was not Switzerland or even Austria. The great middle of ordinary people who did not want war could not stop the drift to war, could not control events. After 2014 Putin militarily supported the secessionists and by 2022 decided he could invade and put a “quick end” to growing Ukrainian nationalism … which of course he called fascist.
I wonder what your day job is. You surely got a PhD in bullshitting. Jen Psaki or that other monkey like creature could learn a thing or two from you, easy.
I wonder what your day job is. You surely got a PhD in bullshitting. Jen Psaki or that other monkey like creature could learn a thing or two from you, easy.
He and many others here are the reason I continue .

Where else can you loosely deal with so many semi and full lunatics in one place ?
It's like a Human Zoo where nearly all of the animal inmates smell and fart continuously .

I may be an arrogant bitch but I thank whoever that I am not as stupid as they are .
And such unbridled stupidity is high comedy because it is so serious and largely well intentioned .
Fuck them but they crack me up .
I wonder what your day job is. You surely got a PhD in bullshitting. Jen Psaki or that other monkey like creature could learn a thing or two from you, easy.
He and many others here are the reason I continue .
Where else can you loosely deal with so many semi and full lunatics in one place ? It's like a Human Zoo where nearly all of the animal inmates smell and fart continuously … Fuck them but they crack me up .
These two arrogant Russian characters offer personal attacks because they have nothing else to counter the truth with once their Russian chauvinist propaganda is exposed. The Russian state runs on such chauvinist fumes, but survives because it still has oil and gas. It treats Ukrainians who want to be free of miserable Russian bullying with much worse than words. Such Russians are slaves who follow whatever current Czar or strongman promises them that Russia is or will again be “great.” They seem to think their crude Russian manners and even cruder use of brute military power in Ukraine will “Make Russia Great Again.” They are sadly mistaken,
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He and many others here are the reason I continue .

Where else can you loosely deal with so many semi and full lunatics in one place ?
It's like a Human Zoo where nearly all of the animal inmates smell and fart continuously .

I may be an arrogant bitch but I thank whoever that I am not as stupid as they are .
And such unbridled stupidity is high comedy because it is so serious and largely well intentioned .
Fuck them but they crack me up .

....What is it you think you continue here except getting your silly Russian propgandata smashed to pulp?

You fools actually think you are convincing anyone at all that Russia's agressive war in Ukraine is not a modern day atrocity, not a black stain on your country?
silly Russian propaganda smashed to pulp?
That must have been when you couldn't distinguish hyperbole in my "elaborate ruse" and your democracy loving colleague unanimously declared you a winner, right? Or was it with that stupid Ukie Facebook clip, which I didn't dignify with commenting, where I assume they took a Russian one from the Telegram and passed it for their own? It's not smashing to a pulp, pal, it's pulp fiction.
These two arrogant Russian characters offer personal attacks because they have nothing else to counter the truth with once their Russian chauvinist propaganda is exposed. The Russian state runs on such chauvinist fumes, but survives because it still has oil and gas. It treats Ukrainians who want to be free of miserable Russian bullying with much worse than words. Such Russians are slaves who follow whatever current Czar or strongman promises them that Russia is or will again be “great.” They seem to think their crude Russian manners and even cruder use of brute military power in Ukraine will “Make Russia Great Again.” They are sadly mistaken,
Another piece of Russian propaganda for you.
Facebook clip, which I didn't dignify with commenting, where I assume they took a Russian one from the Telegram and passed it for their own?

Those are clearly Russians, clearly identified and geolocated to Ardiivka.

Like most Russians who have been living on Kremlin propaganda for most of their lives you don't seem to able to process information in a reasonable, coherent, sane way.
Another piece of Russian propaganda for you.

You think some guy's fantasy about Russia proves something?

Hopefully he moves there and gets a real good taste of the corrupt, repressive, impoverished reality of so called Russian World.

Meanwhile, millions of prime age Russians have left Russia since your government launched full scale war.
Those are clearly Russians, clearly identified and geolocated to Ardiivka.

Like most Russians who have been living on Kremlin propaganda for most of their lives you don't seem to able to process information in a reasonable, coherent, sane way.
I know of one coherently justifying those who pilloried Ukies in their maidans and he blabbers of democracy 24/7. Even I, who seemingly hates them all, felt sorry for the poor creatures.
AntonToo I forgot who your parents were or are, may them be healthy and sane. Ukrainians or what, and where exactly you are from originally.
Another piece of Russian propaganda for you.

These sorts of videos are convincing only to naive low-education or already convinced partisans. The guy both speaks Russian and hates life in the U.S.A. Maybe he will be happier in Moscow — especially if he has American dollars to spend!

But Russian men in general die ten years younger than we American men, are far more miserable, have terrible incomes despite their country’s immense resources … and that was before the war. Outside of a few big cities the life of average Russians, not to mention non-Russian citizens, is terrible by U.S. or West European standards. Certainly far lower even than in China.

In China, which I know better from having lived there for years, if you are a native Chinese speaker, and are a person who pays little attention to politics or your lack of political freedom, in recent years it has been easy to be satisfied with life there. Unlike in Russia, in China there is very little violent crime in big and small cities and most people’s standard of living has improved tremendously in recent decades — so it is not surprising that diaspora Chinese sometimes choose to live there. There are jobs and opportunities to live well in many parts of China.

In Russia? Not so much. Not by a long shot. If you speak Russian and plan to move there … you better bring a pile of U.S. dollars and leave your thoughts about small government, personal freedom and true liberty at home.
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These sorts of videos are convincing only to naive low-education or already convinced partisans. The guy both speaks Russian and hates life in the U.S.A. Maybe he will be happier in Moscow — especially if he has American dollars to spend!

But Russian men in general die ten years younger than we American men, are far more miserable, have terrible incomes despite their country’s immense resources … and that was before the war. Outside of a few big cities the life of average Russians, not to mention non-Russian citizens, is terrible by U.S. or West European standards. Certainly far lower even than in China.

In China, which I know better from having lived there for years, if you are a native Chinese speaker, and are a person who pays little attention to politics or your lack of political freedom, in recent years it has been easy to be satisfied with life there. Unlike in Russia, in China there is very little violent crime in big and small cities and most people’s standard of living has improved tremendously in recent decades — so it is not surprising that diaspora Chinese sometimes choose to live there. There are jobs and opportunities to live well in many parts of China. In Russia? Not so much. Not by a long shot. If you speak Russian and plan to move there … you better bring a pile of U.S. dollars!
I'd shut up and cry if I were in your place. What healthiness can there be in a country where, like the Simpsons said, the blubber stripped off of Americans could fill the Great Canyon two thirds up? Violent crime? You shoot yourselves like there's no tomorrow. Your health system is such that one day you're well off but the minute you break a leg or need a heart surgery you're broke beyond repair. Look at the threads of this forum. I don't think it's Russian propagandists who open those where you talk about all that trash you have to deal with more and more as years go by living in the "greatest country on earth".
I never said the U.S. is “the greatest country on earth” and American political opinions are certainly divided at present. But in the end Americans would never trade their lives for the lives of miserable and poor Russians … and for very good reasons.

P.S. to AlexanderPK :

For the vast majority of Americans who have — too expensive — private medical insurance, or for those poor who qualify for Medicaid, as for seniors with Medicare or Medicare Advantage plans … a broken leg is no fun but treated essentially without further charge. Even heart surgery is available and is far more often done and probably with far better results in the U.S. than in Russia. My father, an ordinary working man, had triple bypass heart surgery some thirty years ago and lived until he was 93.

Yes, many Americans are too fat. Yes we have a lot of guns. But we live much longer and fuller lives than Russians, we don’t drink ourselves to death like Russians, we have far better homes and cars and highways. Our local governments are far more responsive to local demands, especially in suburbs and small towns. In general we have much higher technology, entrepreneurship, freedom to open businesses.

By the way we — all of us — also have indoor toilets and hot showers! We usually have several in each home, have air conditioning in hot climates and heat in winter. We are blessed with many natural advantages, and have due to our free traditions a free and diverse choice of media / press and a wide-open and even sometimes crazy internet. Our traditions of Constitutional and representative democracy guarantee us all that.

Sometimes I even think we don’t quite deserve our natural treasures and good luck. Many of our people act so immaturely … if we are not careful we may end up with a miserable government like yours, and soon after with an economy as unproductive as Russia’s.
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I never said the U.S. is “the greatest country on earth” and American political opinions are certainly divided at present. But in the end Americans would never trade their lives for the lives of miserable and poor Russians … and for very good reasons.

P.S. to AlexanderPK :

For the vast majority of Americans who have — too expensive — private medical insurance, or for those poor who qualify for Medicaid, as for seniors with Medicare or Medicare Advantage plans … a broken leg is no fun but treated essentially without further charge. Even heart surgery is available and is far more often done and probably with far better results in the U.S. than in Russia. My father, an ordinary working man, had triple bypass heart surgery some thirty years ago and lived until he was 93.

Yes, many Americans are too fat. Yes we have a lot of guns. But we live much longer and fuller lives than Russians, we don’t drink ourselves to death like Russians, we have far better homes and cars and highways. Our local governments are far more responsive to local demands, especially in suburbs and small towns. In general we have much higher technology, entrepreneurship, freedom to open businesses.

By the way we — all of us — also have indoor toilets and hot showers! We usually have several in each home, have air conditioning in hot climates and heat in winter. We are blessed with many natural advantages, and have due to our free traditions a free and diverse choice of media / press and a wide-open and even sometimes crazy internet. Our traditions of Constitutional and representative democracy guarantee us all that.

Sometimes I even think we don’t quite deserve our natural treasures and good luck. Many of our people act so immaturely … if we are not careful we may end up with a miserable government like yours, and soon after with an economy as unproductive as Russia’s.
Yes, the greatest on earth after all. It's a wonder though how you're able to make do with only two for each. Oh, wait, you said several. Well, several must be just enough to pamper your needs, What good would be of those two if you fat mothefuckers eat junk in unimaginable volumes day in day out. If input is voluminous and ugly you can rightfully expect the output of the same magnitude, right? Clever!
Those are clearly Russians, clearly identified and geolocated to Ardiivka.

Like most Russians who have been living on Kremlin propaganda for most of their lives you don't seem to able to process information in a reasonable, coherent, sane way.
I don't like this guy, I sensed pro Ukrainian tunes in his stories before but I don't hear those tunes now. Why is that?
I don't think it's Russian propagandists who open those where you talk about all that trash you have to deal with more and more as years go by living in the "greatest country on earth".
You have to accept that here we have a couple of unwitting Trolls who are too lazy to find reputable and fully checked out news sources .
Their claims are about as far fetched and plain silly as it is possible to invent and frankly it is not worth the time and trouble to try and convert their entrained minds .
When your opponent is recruiting 15 year old young boys and women, and in some batallions the average age is above 50 , something smells .
When the number of UAF surrendered has reached 15000 , you should smell a huge rat .
When even the Mad Midget admits that his problem is man power rather than ordnance , you should see that the game is over .

But not these two Trolls .

And they should also notice the passing of fellow Trolls , Toomuchbooze and Litwin, aka Nazi Winkle , who have stopped posting about ground activities because there is nothing but doom and gloom for them to talk about .
The former reached rock bottom when he regularly talked about UAF advances where deserted villages had been abandoned but which he counted as successes despite losing thousands to move a paltry distance to somwhere the Russians had zero interest in .
Nazi Winkle now only posts non battle ground material and we all know how obsessed and unbalanced he is and how his understanding of ongoing matters topped out at zero .
Even he knows that the game is over for Kyiv and the Mad Midget. .
and frankly it is not worth the time and trouble to try and convert their entrained minds .
I didn't nurture any illusions about changing the world. 👇:)
Your information comes from the MSM, which to me is as good as a sewer. You don't seem to trust Russian media as well, so there's no common ground for us to come to any kind of agreement on anything this war related.

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