What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

"Ukraine said Russia lost more than 6,000 soldiers and more than 400 armored vehicles and tanks in one week, though it isn't possible to verify its figures."
If it's not a claim I don't know what is.
Anyway, if you were in Ukraine I'd suggest you pack up and run, luckily you're not, so have a say in your society and govern under the blanket of your bed while nobody's watching.
Aaaand? You can go on Telegram channels and actually WATCH Russian attack waves get decimated. Are you so far gone that you won't belive your own eyes?

There are organizations that specifically tally up visual confirmations from the front, from both Russians and Ukranians, to produce CONFIRMED loss numbers.

Maybe it's 6000 killed/wounded/captured, maybe its less, but exact numbers do not change the fact that Russia is throwing a lot of equipment and people trying to take Ardiivka no matter what they tell you on Putin Vision TV.
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Yeah, it's a brain-teaser indeed. Ever heard of Israel? And, being a native English speaker haven't you ever heard of Hotel California? Eagles had this other quite famous song on that album too
I was hoping you had to know. I, from behind the iron curtain, new but you, a free thinking individual in a hot bed of democracy didn't. Strange, ain't it?

I was born in Russia, it is my native language, I speak and read it fluently.

I also know the vast difference between how Russian government, society, media and justice system works compared to United States where I live.

At this point you live in a totalitarian state, but you, like many Russians don't seem to understand that because public contradiction of your regime's propaganda is effectively outlawed.
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I was born in Russia, it is my native language, I speak and read it fluently.

I also know the vast difference between how Russian government, society, media and justice system works compared to United States where I live.

At this point you live in a totalitarian state, but you, like many Russians don't seem to understand that because public contradiction of your regime's propaganda is effectively outlawed.
Never been to America but what I've learned about it from movies, TV series, YouTube and maybe in no small measure from this forum too (I reiterate, just look at its thread headlines) is that it's so fucked up that you can live there comfortably enough only if you're some kind of a freak. Take our SEF aka Litvin for example. Can there be any doubt that he'a a PIDOR, in every sense of the word, if you know what I mean and you must know if you're Russia born? BTW, write something in Russian so that I could see for myself that you really know it.
What's that mantra about totalitarianism you're so fond of?
Ukrainian Russians aren't allowed to talk Russian in Ukraine, yet I bet in your universe it's quite OK. They banned all the opposition parties but there's no worries here either. What am I banned to do here, pray tell. Were your parents some dissidents who left the country with deep seated sense of resent back in the eighties? It's not eighties anymore, though I can't remember being unhappy in the eighties either.
There are organizations that specifically tally up visual confirmations from the front, from both Russians and Ukranians, to produce CONFIRMED loss numbers.
I know. ISW, right? I'm aware of that dump.
There's colonel McGregor on the other hand. According to his sources there are 500 thou plus KIAs on the Ukie side. But you'll say that he harassed his secretary 20 years ago therefore he can't be trusted. What I can't understand btw, how in a country where half the population are weirdos of some kind or another and pedophilia is almost legal you can charge people for natural attraction to the opposite sex?
Never been to America but what I've learned about it from movies, TV series, YouTube and maybe in no small measure from this forum too (I reiterate, just look at its thread headlines) is that it's so fucked up that you can live there comfortably enough only if you're some kind of a freak

Thats a fantasy in your head. You sound like an ignorant child when you say silly things like that.

There is generally much better life quality in United States and people are generally free to live it as they see fit.

There are reasons why so many want to come to America and very few want to immigrate to Russia.
There is a reason why Russian population is in decline and USA population is always growing.
There are reasons why a man born in Russia is expected to die 10 years earlier than another man born on the same date in USA.

Hopefully you can get out of the bubble you live in and travel to USA and other developed countries.
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Ukrainian Russians aren't allowed to talk Russian in Ukraine

Thats just another example of Russian propaganda you are full of.

Russian is a protected language in Ukranian Constitution, among other minority languages.

The only time you are required to speak Ukranine's offical language is if you are providing public service.
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I know. ISW, right? I'm aware of that dump.
There's colonel McGregor on the other hand. According to his sources there are 500 thou plus KIAs on the Ukie side. But you'll say that he harassed his secretary 20 years ago therefore he can't be trusted. What I can't understand btw, how in a country where half the population are weirdos of some kind or another and pedophilia is almost legal you can charge people for natural attraction to the opposite sex?

McGregor is welcome to share "his sources", it's stupid to just take some Kremlin shill at his word.

But even if it is 500,000, what is your point? That Russian invaders don't die in Ukraine....because Ukranians die defending their country?

Side note, leave your wierd sexual fantasies to yourself.
I got a good laugh too watching your links about billions killed and a million tanks destroyed in three days.
"Ukraine said Russia lost more than 6,000 soldiers and more than 400 armored vehicles and tanks in one week, though it isn't possible to verify its figures."
If it's not a claim I don't know what is.
AntonToo nailed AlexanderPK ’s hyperbole in his comment #76. Of course it is impossible to argue seriously with a Russian chauvinist who argues that your links claimed “billions killed and a million tanks destroyed in three days” and then to “defend” his argument refers to a Ukrainian claim that 6,000 Russian soldiers and more than 400 armored vehicles and tanks were lost in one week during the Russian offensive against Avdiivka.

Of course nobody should have blind faith in either side’s numerical claims of devastating losses to the other side …
What am I banned to do here, pray tell.

You are officially banned from any public messaging not approved by Department of Defense.

Russia now has laws under which you can get 15 years for "discrediting army".

You can get same for any public anti-war messaging, including any peaceful protesting of the war.

Unofficially, you are also banned from putting togather any sort of serious public critique or political opposition to Putin. Jail or worse awaits you.

Time to wake up Sasha, you now live in an authoritarian state ruled by a regime that survives on propaganda and personality cult.
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You are officially banned from any public messaging not approved by Department of Defense.

Russia now has laws under which you can get 15 years for "discrediting army".

You can get same for any public anti-war messaging, including any peaceful protesting of the war.

Unofficially, you are also banned from putting togather any sort of serious public critique or political opposition to Putin. Jail or worse awaits you.
Why should I politically oppose Putin if I support all his moves. Your public critics opposed Biden on the 6th of January, how are they now, in their jail cells?
Why should I politically oppose Putin if I support all his moves. Your public critics opposed Biden on the 6th of January, how are they now, in their jail cells?

Sasha, like most Russians you don't understand the very foundation of proper governing.

It's not about who you support, it's about government being responsible to the people. Government cannot be held to account to the people if all populace is allowed to hear is one sided state propaganda about how great their Dear Leader is. Government cannot be held to account if there is no true judicial independence upholding constitutional rights and freedoms of the people. Not much can be fixed if ruling class is electorally isolated from the consequences of their bad descisions.

Has it ever occured to you that the very reason you think positively about Putin could be because your government does not allow any serious public criticism of what he does?

Biden gets beat like a rented mule everyday in prime time TV by a dedicated oppostion party. You trying to equate freedom of press in United States to Russia is simply laughable.

People were jailed for COMMITING CRIME on Jan 6th. Freedom of speech does not give you a right to violently break into government buildings to obstruct offical proceedings.
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AntonToo nailed AlexanderPK ’s hyperbole in his comment #76. Of course it is impossible to argue seriously with a Russian chauvinist who argues that your links claimed “billions killed and a million tanks destroyed in three days” and then to “defend” his argument refers to a Ukrainian claim that 6,000 Russian soldiers and more than 400 armored vehicles and tanks were lost in one week during the Russian offensive against Avdiivka.

Of course nobody should have blind faith in either side’s numerical claims of devastating losses to the other side …
"Nothing I watch ever made such claims, no idea what you are talking about."
Is that what you call nailing? If you were able to see a hyperbole in that comment weren't you supposed to see that those 6000 were as stupid and unrealistic to me as millions or whatever the hell billions might have been? Didn't I say you're all like out of this world? Twisted somehow that is. Didn't you get who the "new kid" was either?
freedom of press
Freedom of press? You've banned all the guys opposing you on YouTube or twitter. Scott Ritter, Jackson Hinkle, iEarlGray, Gonzallo Lira. You're living in a cesspool you stubbornly keep calling paradise. Maybe it was, kind of, in the nineties, when riches from the old USSR came rushing to you through our Yeltsins, Gaidars and Chubaises. It's over now when we've got Putin and you - Biden asleep at the helm.
Freedom of press? You've banned all the guys opposing you on YouTube or twitter.
....Youtube and Twitter are private companies and have their own freedoms to regulate content published on their platforms.

Having said that, tons of people on youtube create all kinds of content I don't agree with, so not clear what you mean by "all the guys that oppose you".

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