What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

I don't like this guy, I sensed pro Ukrainian tunes in his stories before but I don't hear those tunes now. Why is that?

Bias confirmation. You seek out what you want to hear.

Sensationalist youtube channels like these are dime a dozen and they specialize in selling exactly that. If Russian nerratives nets them more eyeballs then thats the contigent they'll cater to.

These are not serious sources (pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia) and you shouldn't waste your time on this fluff.
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Yes, the greatest on earth after all. It's a wonder though how you're able to make do with only two for each. Oh, wait, you said several. Well, several must be just enough to pamper your needs, What good would be of those two if you fat mothefuckers eat junk in unimaginable volumes day in day out. If input is voluminous and ugly you can rightfully expect the output of the same magnitude, right? Clever!

If only you understood just how incoherent, ignorant and petty your thought process comes off as.
I know of one coherently justifying those who pilloried Ukies in their maidans and he blabbers of democracy 24/7. Even I, who seemingly hates them all, felt sorry for the poor creatures.

Not sure what this word salad means. Maybe post it in original pre-translated form.
AntonToo I forgot who your parents were or are, may them be healthy and sane. Ukrainians or what, and where exactly you are from originally.

How can you forget somethig you never knew?

My parents are now enjoying their golden years in Florida, thanking god everyday that they were smart enough to leave Russia when they did.
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How can you forget somethig you never knew?

My parents are now enjoying their golden years in Florida, thanking god everyday that they were smart enough to leave Russia when they did.
Let me rephrase that. Are they hohols or not? Can you answer at least one question straight up, for God's sake?
Let me rephrase that. Are they hohols or not? Can you answer at least one question straight up, for God's sake?

...So you ask round about questions and are complaining you are not getting direct answers you are actually looking for in response. :icon_rolleyes:

My father is originally from Ukrane but attained higher education in northern Russia where he met my Russian mother and settled.

Now maybe you can tell me something about your family, are they all Orcs like you?
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Not sure what this word salad means. Maybe post it in original pre-translated form.
First hyperbole, now this. Don't you remember Top Paine, your coherent friend and his reaction on Ukies tied to posts and publicly flogged on Ukrainian squares or you don't know what pillory means? Annnd, I'm inclined to suspect that you have no sense of humor, at all.
Now maybe you can tell me something about your family, are they all Orcs like you?
If you mean parents, they died when Hohols were still Ukrainians and luckily in a way didn't see them turned wacko.
We're all Russians, who else?
Why not Tiger !
Think big . Act even bigger .

These Trolls are a huge menace in what are seriously difficult and dangerous times . The last thing you need are Trolls getting in the way .

As Davros says , " EXTERMINATE" .
Remember the joke?
Hohol got hit in the head and survived. Three bullets went through but left the brain intact.
Doesn't that apply to democrats either?
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Bias confirmation. You seek out what you want to hear.

Sensationalist youtube channels like these are dime a dozen and they specialize in selling exactly that. If Russian nerratives nets them more eyeballs then thats the contigent they'll cater to.

These are not serious sources (pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia) and you shouldn't waste your time on this fluff.
Okay, you're hard to please. Here's another scumbag you can't blame for any sympathy towards Russia. He doesn't seem to be enthusiastic about how things are in Ukraine either. You said you were fluent Russian speaker. There you are:
I never said the U.S. is “the greatest country on earth” and American political opinions are certainly divided at present. But in the end Americans would never trade their lives for the lives of miserable and poor Russians … and for very good reasons.

P.S. to AlexanderPK :

For the vast majority of Americans who have — too expensive — private medical insurance, or for those poor who qualify for Medicaid, as for seniors with Medicare or Medicare Advantage plans … a broken leg is no fun but treated essentially without further charge. Even heart surgery is available and is far more often done and probably with far better results in the U.S. than in Russia. My father, an ordinary working man, had triple bypass heart surgery some thirty years ago and lived until he was 93.

Yes, many Americans are too fat. Yes we have a lot of guns. But we live much longer and fuller lives than Russians, we don’t drink ourselves to death like Russians, we have far better homes and cars and highways. Our local governments are far more responsive to local demands, especially in suburbs and small towns. In general we have much higher technology, entrepreneurship, freedom to open businesses.

By the way we — all of us — also have indoor toilets and hot showers! We usually have several in each home, have air conditioning in hot climates and heat in winter. We are blessed with many natural advantages, and have due to our free traditions a free and diverse choice of media / press and a wide-open and even sometimes crazy internet. Our traditions of Constitutional and representative democracy guarantee us all that.

Sometimes I even think we don’t quite deserve our natural treasures and good luck. Many of our people act so immaturely … if we are not careful we may end up with a miserable government like yours, and soon after with an economy as unproductive as Russia’s.
Came upon this gibberish
performed by your WH press secretary and remembered you and your similarly, what's the word, ah yeah, circumlocutional posts. Can you or anyone else decipher what she is about here? The only vibe that I got is how wonderful life is when you're in the US, right?
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will expand the grounds for the use of coercive measures and weapons by national guards. This refers to physical influence, special means, dogs, water cannons, firearms, weapons and military equipment.
It was only under the "dictator" Yanukovych, that it was possible to jump on Maidan and beat up policemen from the "Berkut" group, but with freedom and democracy you can no longer protest.
Answer: A "Woke" nation that embraces pedophilia, transgenderism, LGBTQ, and corruption, in general. It's why the Dems and RINOs support it so heavily.
The Verkhovna Rada has supported in the first reading a draft law on the use of English in Ukraine, which obliges some civil servants, as well as emergency workers and a number of other spheres to speak English.

You see, Ukraine now has a second official language.
Why to know English:
-Heads of local state administrations and their deputies;
-Military officers serving under contract (the list is established by the CMU);
-Middle and senior police officers of the National Police, heads of other law enforcement agencies and civil protection services?

Friends, this is colonization. Official, impudent, no longer hidden even for the sake of appearances, taking place on live TV in front of the eyes of the native population, colonization of Ukraine by America and Great Britain. Just like it was once in India. How do you think Indians know English?
Referendums are the highest form of democracy, which is why they are not held in Ukraine.
In 32 years of independence, referendums have been held in Ukraine only twice. The first was in 1991, when citizens were fraudulently persuaded to vote for independence, and the second was in 2000 on reforming the system of state governance by amending the Constitution.
Citizens were asked four questions, to which they answered in the affirmative by a large margin. The Verkhovna Rada, however, wiped its fat ass on the opinion of Ukrainians and refused to approve the results of the referendum. That's my point about freedom and democracy in Ukraine.

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