What kind of ‘American’ hates Trump and why do they hate him?

"Frankly, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."

This is what your cult leader's VP said about your cult leader.....marinate on that for a moment......

He is basically saying what his own boss wanted ...he could think of nothing else MORE UN-AMERICAN than that....

After all of the goofy trolling and dumb shit you Trumpers do.....that fact will still remain......and just like you folks once praised Pence and later wanted to hang him.....because he wasn't willing to be as Un-American as you wanted....

There will be a day where you folks will pretend you never really were into Trump like that.....because even he wasn't really willing to be as Un-American as you wanted...
Pence is statement is a strawman. Who ever claimed “one person” should choose a President? No one.

All the protesters wanted was the Senate to vote to send electors back, so states could verify that no election laws were broken.

We know election laws were broken, as courts have found in the last year. So the protesters were right, and Pence was wrong.
Pence is statement is a strawman. Who ever claimed “one person” should choose a President? No one.

All the protesters wanted was the Senate to vote to send electors back, so states could verify that no election laws were broken.

We know election laws were broken, as courts have found in the last year. So the protesters were right, and Pence was wrong.
Lol that was what the “protesters” wanted huh? That’s so stupid lol. They never indicated that whatsoever. It was a mob who wanted to keep Trump in power no questions asked. Such whiny little bitches they were.
All the protesters wanted was the Senate to vote to send electors back, so states could verify that no election laws were broken.
The states already verified no laws were broken when they certified their votes.

The protestors wanted Trump appointed president by whatever means necessary
Interesting thread. IMHO Trump is the most hated and the most loved president of my lifetime. Personally I like the fact that he did accomplish a lot of good things for Americans, simply by focusing on putting the needs of us above the wants of other nations. To deny this is just foolish. Border was most secure in recent history, lowest unemployment rate in history, best economy in history, first time in 40 yrs no armed conflicts, energy independence, peace deals in the Middle East etc.. etc... Now why do so many people hate him? The fact that they were told he is a racist is probably a very big factor. That is debatable, but he was invited to the Clinton wedding, was a friend of Oprah's, given awards from Black leaders and had a POC for a long term love affair and (in general) was not considered Racist until he ran for POTUS. Also his abrasive, childish personality made it easy for people to dislike him. And then there is the "virtue signaling" aspect...(I'm a better person than you because I hate that big orange meany). That probably is partly why he is still hated by so many today. Of course the huge role that the MSM played in focusing on his faults and ignoring his victories give people plenty of "ammo" to smear him with. Again I will say...he was the first POTUS in 40 yrs to keep us out of any significant armed conflicts.....It may very well be that we all will long for the days of Trump.. we are one war away from that reality.
It's like there's a law that littering carries a $100 fine.

A person is accused of littering (which you deny), yet he paid the $100 fine.

Paying the penalty imposed for violating a law, is proof you violated the law. It's like pleading guilty.
Sure tard...no one pays away a charge to avoid the expense of defending themselves...Jeeze dude that happens every day....
You don't even realize you just described CAREER POLITICIAN Joe Biden perfectly.

You don't even realize that if Biden were in it for the money, he wouldn't have had a mortgage on his home when he left office in 2017.
But you're just fine with Hunter Biden being the front man for Biden Inc. selling political favors to hostile foreign nations and corporations.

Gawd but you're gullible and stupid. You just voted for the most corrupt President in American history, and you're barking like a trained seal about Joe Biden being corrupt. Just like Hillary Clinton, who has never been indicted for anything, was "Crooked Hillary".

Your problem with repeated that tired tactic is that you don't have 30 years of investigations falsely calling Biden a "liar" or a "criminal" to help sell that idea to Americans.

Now the Public Archives has had to chase Trump down to Mar-a-lago to retrieves boxes of Top Secret documents he stole from the White House, when he left. And yet you still chant "Lock her up" over Hillary's emails.
I ask every Trump hater I meet why do they hate Trump and what did he do that was so bad for America...not one has given me an answer that makes sense...mostly they just end up attacking me for asking....they don't know why they hate him...they were suckered by the mega corporate global money hungry media.....suckered to vote against their own best interests....and in favor of theirs....
First, he's a thief who has made his living exploiting every human weakness. He robbed from the elderly at his fake university. He cheated on all three wives. He bears false witness almost daily against others. He lies pathologically. In short, his character stands in direct opposition to what the Republican party used to claim they stood for.

Trump's thorough corruption should alone be enough to be repulsed by the fat fuck.

Next, Trump lied about having a replacement for Obamacare. I tried to warn the tard herd repeatedly that Trump was lying. I asked them to show me Trump's plan, and they couldn't. Because he never had one. So now, thanks to Trump, Obamacare is immortal. Untouchable. We are stuck with it forever, or at least until it is replaced by UHC. He has made UHC inevitable.

And then there is Trump's habit of projecting all of his flaws and weaknesses onto others. Calling others liars and crooked and stupid when he is the master of all those failings.

When Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, and the rubes bleeved him, I was simply gobsmacked. The credulity of the rube herd constantly amazes me.

Trump's willingness to lie right to the faces of his followers is a sure indication that he holds them in utter contempt. He sees them as a cash machine that keeps on giving.

And then there are Trump's tariffs. Protectionism has always been a liberal policy. During the 2016 campaign I kept telling the rubes that New York Democrat and limousine liberal Donald Trump was going to lead them ever leftward. That was more than prescient as evidenced by their rousing support of Trump's idiotic tariffs.

But most of all, I hate Trump for being the biggest spender of other people's money in the history of the United States. Again, I tried to warn the tard herd he would outspend Obama and they instead chose to swallow his piss that he would pay off the debt. I mean, just how stupid do you have to be to actually bleev this grifter was going to balance the budget and pay off the debt? That is down there in the single-digit IQ territory.

Your claim that Never Trumpers don't know why they hate Trump is pure horseshit. We have very good reasons for doing so. You just can't handle the truth about Trump.

That's why Trump trashes the media, by the way. Because they keep calling him on his bullshit while you gobble it up with gusto.
First, he's a thief who has made his living exploiting every human weakness. He robbed from the elderly at his fake university. He cheated on all three wives. He bears false witness almost daily against others. He lies pathologically. In short, his character stands in direct opposition to what the Republican party used to claim they stood for.

Trump's thorough corruption should alone be enough to be repulsed by the fat fuck.

Next, Trump lied about having a replacement for Obamacare. I tried to warn the tard herd repeatedly that Trump was lying. I asked them to show me Trump's plan, and they couldn't. Because he never had one. So now, thanks to Trump, Obamacare is immortal. Untouchable. We are stuck with it forever, or at least until it is replaced by UHC. He has made UHC inevitable.

And then there is Trump's habit of projecting all of his flaws and weaknesses onto others. Calling others liars and crooked and stupid when he is the master of all those failings.

When Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, and the rubes bleeved him, I was simply gobsmacked. The credulity of the rube herd constantly amazes me.

Trump's willingness to lie right to the faces of his followers is a sure indication that he holds them in utter contempt. He sees them as a cash machine that keeps on giving.

And then there are Trump's tariffs. Protectionism has always been a liberal policy. During the 2016 campaign I kept telling the rubes that New York Democrat and limousine liberal Donald Trump was going to lead them ever leftward. That was more than prescient as evidenced by their rousing support of Trump's idiotic tariffs.

But most of all, I hate Trump for being the biggest spender of other people's money in the history of the United States. Again, I tried to warn the tard herd he would outspend Obama and they instead chose to swallow his piss that he would pay off the debt. I mean, just how stupid do you have to be to actually bleev this grifter was going to balance the budget and pay off the debt? That is down there in the single-digit IQ territory.

Your claim that Never Trumpers don't know why they hate Trump is pure horseshit. We have very good reasons for doing so. You just can't handle the truth about Trump.

That's why Trump trashes the media, by the way. Because they keep calling him on his bullshit while you gobble it up with gusto.
We are talking about president Trump not real-estate mogul Trump...you guys turn your eyes from the corruption by senator and vice president Biden to attack Trump the real-estate guy...it doesn't make any sense plus almost every charge you made has never been proven.....

5 U.S. Code § 3110 - Employment of relatives; restrictions

“public official” means an officer (including the President and a Member of Congress),

“relative” means, with respect to a public official, an individual who is related to the public official as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, or half sister.

A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.
Family members served temporarily as advisers received no salary. In order to be an employee, you must be paid.
There is no law that states a president's family cannot be on premises, attend meetings (unless classified) or offer advice.

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