What kind of ‘American’ hates Trump and why do they hate him?

We are talking about president Trump not real-estate mogul Trump...you guys turn your eyes from the corruption by senator and vice president Biden to attack Trump the real-estate guy...it doesn't make any sense plus almost every charge you made has never been proven.....
Wow. That's some seriously delusional willful blindness right there.

Holy smokes!
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
Democrats hate him.

Because they're a dangerously deranged cult, and they've been told to feel this way.
I ask every Trump hater I meet why do they hate Trump and what did he do that was so bad for America...not one has given me an answer that makes sense...mostly they just end up attacking me for asking....they don't know why they hate him...they were suckered by the mega corporate global money hungry media.....suckered to vote against their own best interests....and in favor of theirs....
Pretty much the thread.
Actually Trump is a total rule breaker. For example he brought nepotism to the white house.

For law and order, no president has broken as many laws, from the presidential records act, to supporting sedition and insurrection.

As for citizenry, he said there were good people on the NAZI side.

For patriotism, he asked Russia for help to defeat Hillary.

As to love for America, you confuse that with a love for Trump, and his undermining of all the American institution we hold dear.
With all of this I don't hold hate for trump; I pity him. He was a spoiled child, never needed to work and was never told "no". He suffers from a number of Personality Disorders, and maybe a few other mental issues.
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
He's a narcissist who cares only for himself and nothing for the country. He'd rather tear down our democracy than admit losing an election.
Democrats hate him.
Because they're a dangerously deranged cult, and they've been told to feel this way.
Democrats know Trump will win in 2024. They're desperate and are trying anything and everything in their attempts to damage Trump politically.
I hardly think you Brits are in any position to tell us what we should believe about our own leaders, so bugger off.
Trump can always talk about his dick size or sexual conquests or toilets. Does that work for the leader of the free world?
Here's a challenge. Finish the sentence ...."I personally hate Trump because.....". Many will state all of his lies, all of his con-man history, all of his perceived racism, his gaudy furniture and trifling with his trophy wife. Heres's the second challenge "I personally hate Biden because..." Many will state that the job they had was lost due to one of his 30 executive orders on his first day. Many will say because I loved a soldier that was killed. Many will say because I can no longer afford to feed my family or pay for the heat. Many will say because I live near the border and it's much worse now....... Just some food for thought.
Trump can always talk about his dick size or sexual conquests or toilets. Does that work for the leader of the free world?

Trump never talked about his dick size, that was you pinheads. As well as the size of his hands, feet, and ass.

I think you idiots were obsessed with him or something.
Explain please....don't just hit and run...
Everybody In the world but Rupert Murdock scumbag pundits, internet conspiracy nuts, and the GOP brainwashed base agrees he is a total scumbag con man full of crap disgrace. Change the goddamn channel and read something.
Everybody In the world but Rupert Murdock scumbag pundits, internet conspiracy nuts, and the GOP brainwashed base agrees he is a total scumbag con man full of crap disgrace. Change the goddamn channel and read something.
Read what you posted...is anything in that paragraph proof that Trump is what the greedy mega rich seditious anti patriotic scumbags say he is...how is it that the greedy mega rich has conned you sooooooo easily?....are you gullible brainwashed stupid or all three?....

At this point dummy....If you can't see that we were better off under Trump its because you don't want to see it...

Shed the TDS hate and wake up....
Read what you posted...is anything in that paragraph proof that Trump is what the greedy mega rich seditious anti patriotic scumbags say he is...how is it that the greedy mega rich has conned you sooooooo easily?....are you gullible brainwashed stupid or all three?....

At this point dummy....If you can't see that we were better off under Trump its because you don't want to see it...

Shed the TDS hate and wake up....
I will agree he is the world's greatest con man swine. You like rapists? Wake up and smell the coffee. Another huge giveaway to the rich and a bunch of garbage propaganda for the rubes
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
I don't hate anyone. I despise what Trump represents. As far as I'm concerned he's totally un-American his ideas are based on emotions not common sense. He loves to manipulate people into believing he actually cares about them and he actually is working on their behalf, none of which is true. Besides being a total narcissist, he's a very devious psychopath. And it's not fit to be living free anymore, he should be incarcerated for all the damage he's done to our nation. Hatred is not an American value. Neither is ignorance. He promotes both.

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