What kind of ‘American’ hates Trump and why do they hate him?

She didn’t take any “position”, and received no paycheck.
You're half right. She was appointed "advisor to the president of the united states.

Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump is an American businesswoman and the daughter of former President Donald Trump; she was a senior advisor in his administration
You break the law, you hurt the country. Even just by example. You can't be the chief executive and break the law, unless you're Trump and republicans protect you at all costs.
Did he break his oath to the people and aid and abet 2 million illegal aliens in his first year or something?
Trump is a chief antagonist DIVIDING America.
Did he cry of “systemic racism” and “equity” daily?
Did he hire people for their sexual preference, their skin color or genitalia?
You can’t take a government position without getting a paycheck.
Advisory committee members are largely unpaid and often find creative ways for the federal government to save money, said Meiburg, a former EPA deputy regional administrator and current member of the Environmental Protection Network.
What's the point? I don't recall a time in history when we dwelled so much on the former president and left the current president alone regardless of a number of bad decisions. Is it the plan for the next three years?
He tried to overturn the election and he will try again in 2024 with all these new scumbag Republican bureaucratic appointees who will do anything for him, the brain washed functional morons and greedy swine... The GOP is the only political party in the world who denies global warming election security you name it. An absolute big oil big money big pharma big health disgrace.... And the reason the United States is a giveaway to the rich mess after 40 years of this crap and 30 years of brainwash.
Did he break his oath to the people and aid and abet 2 million illegal aliens in his first year or something?

Did he cry of “systemic racism” and “equity” daily?
Did he hire people for their sexual preference, their skin color or genitalia?
He personified systemic racism and unfairness daily and yes he hired people for their penises and white skin color, dumb bunny. President Biden simply went back to the old style border with political asylum for people and the numbers are huge after four years of just stopping them Nazi fashion and horrible earthquakes hurricanes and of course the GOP war on drugs destroying their countries. The border is not open, they all will go to their court dates and most of them are staying with family and friends. You know nothing about it except hate garbage.
That’s the confusing part…In your leftist mind what does he “stand for”?
I ask because based on his actions every good real American I know thinks he “stands for” America, Americans and the American Way.
Here is why people hate what he stands for -- because what he stands for is juvenile trolling and idiocy for the sake of idiocy.....

Because when it comes to policies, the same policies Trump put in place were the SAME FUCKING POLICIES ROMNEY campaigned on, McCAIN campaigned on and the SAME FUCKING POLICIES that Bush implemented.....run of the mill deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, trying to take away healthcare from people, and austerity cuts........ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE I NAMED you morons now hate...so we know it ain't the policies you care about....

The #1 REASON you morons worship Trump is because you think he hates the same people you hate...period....

If anyone is more willing to say the quiet parts louder than the previous guys...you would start worshipping that person next....it ultimately becomes a race to the bottom to see who is willing to say more offensive shit than the last person -- under the guise of "owning the libs" -- that isn't governing....that is trolling...

The reason you hate the previous candidates is because they didn't troll everyone enough.... you were pissed at McCain because he wasn't willing call Obama a Kenyan muslim terrorist to his face....

You were pissed at Romney because he didn't attack Obama enough and call his daughter whores or his wife a man....or whatever goofy ass meme you saw on Brietbart's Facebook page...

Cruelty is the point with you folks... you feel so angry and so powerless, so depressed that your so-called way of life is slipping away from you -- that simply pissing off the other side is seen as enough.....which is pathetic
Cruelty is the point with you folks... you feel so angry and so powerless, so depressed that your so-called way of life is slipping away from you -- that simply pissing off the other side is seen as enough.....which is pathetic
it's why they piss and moan about a "stolen election", which audit after audit, recount after recount, has proven was legitimate.
it's why they piss and moan about a "stolen election", which audit after audit, recount after recount, has proven was legitimate.
And since they can't come out and admit that cruelty is the point -- you see them talking in platitudes about how Trump is the only man who defended America, Trump is the only man who knew what the founding fathers wanted, blah blah....they can't tell you how, just their feelings


it's like toddler talking about how awesome his daddy is.....but these are grown men....and most of them don't believe a word of what they say -- they just hope it pisses you off....
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
None of the above. He’s a moronic, pathetic, whiny little bitch.
it's like toddler talking about how awesome his daddy is.....but these are grown men....and most of them don't believe a word of what they say -- they just hope it pisses you off....

It's like rooting for Rodney Dangerfield (in the movie Back to School) when he pissed off his economics professor, telling him his construction model belonged in "fantasy land", and not the real world.
In other words Trump is a brainwashed functional moron ignoramus as well as a narcissist mobbed up Manhattan real estate Con Man who tried to steal the election and lies endlessly. Did nothing good for the country at all except in the eyes of Rupert Murdoch scumbag pundit s and internet nutjobs... Wake up and smell the coffee dingbat...

You're still drunk. Go back to bed and sleep it off, ya drunk fuck.
In other words Trump is a brainwashed functional moron ignoramus as well as a narcissist mobbed up Manhattan real estate Con Man who tried to steal the election and lies endlessly. Did nothing good for the country at all except in the eyes of Rupert Murdoch scumbag pundit s and internet nutjobs... Wake up and smell the coffee dingbat...
^^ notice how the TDS lunatics can’t refute the OP’s point. Nothing but attacks about how President Trump tried to “steal an election”.

You can’t actually articulate what policies of his hurt you so bad or how it hurt America. Can’t blame you though, his record was bringing jobs back to America, not starting any new wars…just like he promised.
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Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
He triggers leftists like no other. Hence he will always have my support.
In other words Trump is a brainwashed functional moron ignoramus as well as a narcissist mobbed up Manhattan real estate Con Man who tried to steal the election and lies endlessly. Did nothing good for the country at all except in the eyes of Rupert Murdoch scumbag pundit s and internet nutjobs... Wake up and smell the coffee dingbat...
I am smarter than francoHFW
^^ Mass Formation Psychosis in action folks.
"Frankly, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."

This is what your cult leader's VP said about your cult leader.....marinate on that for a moment......

He is basically saying what his own boss wanted ...he could think of nothing else MORE UN-AMERICAN than that....

After all of the goofy trolling and dumb shit you Trumpers do.....that fact will still remain......and just like you folks once praised Pence and later wanted to hang him.....because he wasn't willing to be as Un-American as you wanted....

There will be a day where you folks will pretend you never really were into Trump like that.....because even he wasn't really willing to be as Un-American as you wanted...

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