What Kind of Country Would we be if Every Job in the United States Were Unionized?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
What Kind of Country Would we be if Every Job in the United States Were Unionized?

Answer, the broke USSA.

Liberals speak a good talk about workers rights and livable wages, however, if you were to abandon the free market and pay workers above their market worth then economic disaster would come to the United States. You will never eliminate the bottom 20%. Nevertheless, Karl Marx viewed unions as the vehicle to socialism/communism, which is why the modern democratic party are socialists. If unionization is good for a few companies then they would be good for all companies right? Wrong.
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Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

Yep, unionization has always been a last ditch reaction to exploitative bullshit.
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

So just minimum wage jobs like Retail, Fast Food, and such? Because everyone knows that government unionized workers have experienced a plethora greedy management practices, and thus, needed to unionize to keep the man off their backs. :rolleyes:
I think it's interesting that the unions are being blamed for what's largely been political corruption and incompetence and most importantly the devaluing of the American dollar as a result.
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

"Card Check" is any process by which an employees' right to a federally supervised private ballot election is taken away. This can occur by union organizers coming to a business and asking workers to sign a card in public, or by having mail-in cards; the union, your co-workers and your employee will still know how you voted.

Why do they have to know how you voted, so they can go upside yo head if you didn't vote their way...

Are unions really violent?
According to the National Institute for Labor Relations, there have been over 9000 recorded incidences of union violence, but have recorded only 1,963 arrests and 258 convictions.

What is Card Check?


"You don't vote are way, I'll go upside your head"
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Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

So just minimum wage jobs like Retail, Fast Food, and such? Because everyone knows that government unionized workers have experienced a plethora greedy management practices, and thus, needed to unionize to keep the man off their backs. :rolleyes:

Actually, your stupidity contains some truth. Government unions have limitations and restrictions that private sector unions don't have. BTW, have you ever worked for Uncle Sam? I have...
Shouldn't you be on Glenn Beck's fan club website...? Or writing him love letters...?
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

So just minimum wage jobs like Retail, Fast Food, and such? Because everyone knows that government unionized workers have experienced a plethora greedy management practices, and thus, needed to unionize to keep the man off their backs. :rolleyes:

Actually, your stupidity contains some truth. Government unions have limitations and restrictions that private sector unions don't have. BTW, have you ever worked for Uncle Sam? I have...
Sine when is fake indian a government job? How much did that pay?
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

"Card Check" is any process by which an employees' right to a federally supervised private ballot election is taken away. This can occur by union organizers coming to a business and asking workers to sign a card in public, or by having mail-in cards; the union, your co-workers and your employee will still know how you voted.

Why do they have to know how you voted, so they can go upside yo head if you didn't vote their way...

Are unions really violent?
According to the National Institute for Labor Relations, there have been over 9000 recorded incidences of union violence, but have recorded only 1,963 arrests and 258 convictions.

What is Card Check?


"You don't vote are way, I'll go upside your head"

LakiHola, Read the facts about your precious union, wench...:D
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Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

So just minimum wage jobs like Retail, Fast Food, and such? Because everyone knows that government unionized workers have experienced a plethora greedy management practices, and thus, needed to unionize to keep the man off their backs. :rolleyes:

Those of you who blame unions for everything are dipsticks. All the unions do is try to get the most they can for their workers, plain and simple. It is the companies that they work for who have the final say as to what they get and don't get. Employers don't have to and do not always give in to union demands when contracts are negotiated. Even in professional sports, the unions don't get everything they want.
Right-Wing Media Are Wrong About Worker Contributions For Unions' Political Spending

Right-wing media falsely claimed that workers at organized work places are compelled to pay dues that go toward union political activities and that so-called "right-to-work" legislation in Michigan would give workers a choice about paying for these activities. In fact, workers at unionized work places already can choose whether to pay for political activities of their union.

In Fact, Workers At Organized Work Places Are Not Required To Be Full Union Members.

NLRB: Workers That Don't Want Full Union Membership "Pay Only That Share Of Dues Used Directly For Representation" Of Union Contract They Work Under. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) explains that workers do not have to be full union members, but instead must only pay for the union representation they receive by working at a union shop, regardless of their membership status:

DETAILS: Right-Wing Media Are Wrong About Worker Contributions For Unions' Political Spending | Research | Media Matters for America
What Kind of Country Would we be if Every Job in the United States Were Unionized?

Answer, the broke USSA.

Liberals speak a good talk about workers rights and livable wages, however, if you were to abandon the free market and pay workers above their market worth then economic disaster would come to the United States. You will never eliminate the bottom 20%. Nevertheless, Karl Marx viewed unions as the vehicle to socialism/communism, which is why the modern democratic party are socialists. If unionization is good for a few companies then they would be good for all companies right? Wrong.
I'll give you one hint comrade.
Pubic, you're full of shit. Every job does not need to be unionized. Unionization is the result of unfair and overly greedy management practices, i.e. bullies. Many companies treat their employees with the respect they deserve; consequently, their employees have no need or desire to unionize.

Tell me what was the impetus for public worker unions? What unfair overly greedy management practices were committed by the bullies in government?

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