What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

So very often I see conversations such as these:

The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
Your insurance isn't causing a national epidemic of violence.

Neither are my guns as they have never been used in an illegal manner
So very often I see conversations such as these:

The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
...and The country is getting more and more socialist. That brings out desperate fucked up people

Gun nuts are generally desperate fucked up people.
I do not think that coward is the correct word for either side of the discussion.

I own a couple guns, do not carry, open or concealed unless I am going to shoot them. Have no need nor desire to have a firearm on my person at all times. Not because I am afraid of guns nor people who carry them, I just do not see the point at this place in my life.

But by the same token, I know a lot of people that are armed just about everywhere they go, to them slipping on their gun is no different than putting on their belt or shoes. None of them do it out of fear, anymore than locking your door in your car is done out of fear.

There are reasonable times to be armed, but if anyone feels the need to be armed 24/7, and they are not a cop, military, or have a special reason to feel threatened, they are either nuts or a coward.
I don't know anyone who sleeps with their gun on them so in reality no one is armed 24/7

It seems one person on this forum said they have a gun in a slot on their headboard...so that is pretty darn 24/7

I hollowed out an old radio and it now sits on my headboard with my Glock inside of it. I can retrieve the firearm very quickly if needed.

But I don’t need to carry when i go to the grocery store. I’ve no hero fantasies.

It's not that you "don't need" to carry, you can't. Not without a permit, which you don't have. Most likely you're one of those prohibited people who has a criminal background, possibly a felon and a pothead.


Umm. I DO have my CCW permit, moron. You’ve made a fool of yourself again.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.

The possibility of one's getting shot in the face by a gun-owning homeowner is the only thing keeping the suburbs from becoming like downtown Beruit. Same with the rural areas.
Lol, no. Your average American is not out to shoot you. You are paranoid.
No one carries to protect themselves or their family from average people.
I know, they carry to feel like the Terminator and defend against imaginary dangers and paranoia.
I do not think that coward is the correct word for either side of the discussion.

I own a couple guns, do not carry, open or concealed unless I am going to shoot them. Have no need nor desire to have a firearm on my person at all times. Not because I am afraid of guns nor people who carry them, I just do not see the point at this place in my life.

But by the same token, I know a lot of people that are armed just about everywhere they go, to them slipping on their gun is no different than putting on their belt or shoes. None of them do it out of fear, anymore than locking your door in your car is done out of fear.

There are reasonable times to be armed, but if anyone feels the need to be armed 24/7, and they are not a cop, military, or have a special reason to feel threatened, they are either nuts or a coward.
I don't know anyone who sleeps with their gun on them so in reality no one is armed 24/7

It seems one person on this forum said they have a gun in a slot on their headboard...so that is pretty darn 24/7

A gun in easy reach is not being armed it's being able to be armed quickly

I think you missed a nit
God is in the details
You’re missing the point, whether anyone carry’s or not... firearm ownership is no one else’s business least of all the federal governments

I am not against gun ownership, but certain people should not have access to guns. That's just common sense.
That is why we need criminal control not gun-control… The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders… Get rid of the repeat offenders violent crime goals way down

Some people are just too stupid to be allowed to carry a gun

A Marion, Indiana, man was seriously injured after he accidentally shot himself in the groin with a gun he did not have a license to possess, authorities say.
Mark Anthony Jones, 46, was out for a walk early on Feb. 28 with an unholstered Hi-Point 9mm handgun in his waistband when the weapon began to slip from its position, according to a police report.
When Jones went to adjust the handgun, he accidentally discharged it, shooting himself in the genitals.
"The bullet entered just above his penis and exited his scrotum," said Marion Police Department’s deputy chief Stephen D. Dorsey

I've heard of spanking it, but that's just taking it too far.

Another gun nut who would have been better off with the Barney Fife rule. Only 1 bullet allowed, and it must stay in the shirt pocket.
Stupid people being weeded out is a good thing… Those things usually take care of themselves

He could have just as easily killed an innocent kid. You think kids need to be weeded too?
Shit happens, like I say blame the individual not the firearm
There are reasonable times to be armed, but if anyone feels the need to be armed 24/7, and they are not a cop, military, or have a special reason to feel threatened, they are either nuts or a coward.
I don't know anyone who sleeps with their gun on them so in reality no one is armed 24/7

It seems one person on this forum said they have a gun in a slot on their headboard...so that is pretty darn 24/7

A gun in easy reach is not being armed it's being able to be armed quickly

I think you missed a nit
God is in the details

so is the devil
So very often I see conversations such as these:

The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.

The possibility of one's getting shot in the face by a gun-owning homeowner is the only thing keeping the suburbs from becoming like downtown Beruit. Same with the rural areas.
Lol, no. Your average American is not out to shoot you. You are paranoid.
No one carries to protect themselves or their family from average people.
I know, they carry to feel like the Terminator and defend against imaginary dangers and paranoia.
Why do you insist on involving yourself in people’s personal lives? You don’t get any more personal than firearm ownership…
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
...and The country is getting more and more socialist. That brings out desperate fucked up people

Gun nuts are generally desperate fucked up people.
If I was standing next to you you would have no clue that I was carrying.
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
...and The country is getting more and more socialist. That brings out desperate fucked up people

Gun nuts are generally desperate fucked up people.
You mean violent people… Firearms have nothing to do with it
I don't know anyone who sleeps with their gun on them so in reality no one is armed 24/7

It seems one person on this forum said they have a gun in a slot on their headboard...so that is pretty darn 24/7

A gun in easy reach is not being armed it's being able to be armed quickly

I think you missed a nit
God is in the details

so is the devil
God created the devil
I know, they carry to feel like the Terminator and defend against imaginary dangers and paranoia.
If gun violence doesn't rise to a level where the average person is justified in having a firearm for self-defense, why do we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms?
It seems one person on this forum said they have a gun in a slot on their headboard...so that is pretty darn 24/7

A gun in easy reach is not being armed it's being able to be armed quickly

I think you missed a nit
God is in the details

so is the devil
God created the devil

so God created evil?
The thing is the paranoia. They live in the suburbs and think it's downtown Beirut.
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
Your insurance isn't causing a national epidemic of violence.

Neither are my guns as they have never been used in an illegal manner
But like your house burning down we can never tell when that may happen. Better just to get them off the street. Think of it as insurance.

Isn't the leftist narrative that white people are gunning down blacks just for being black anyway?
Or they know that if they ever need help the cops are too far away to respond in time that is if they respond at all.
That's a dumb excuse. What are the chances of getting into deadly trouble a gun can save you from in suburban America? Especially if you are untrained in it's use? I'd be willing to bet you are more likely to be struck by lighting or hit by a bus.

It only takes one time.

Better to be prepared than not.

There is little or no chance my house will burn down but that doesn't mean I let my insurance lapse.
Your insurance isn't causing a national epidemic of violence.

Neither are my guns as they have never been used in an illegal manner
But like your house burning down we can never tell when that may happen. Better just to get them off the street. Think of it as insurance.

My guns are not on the streets they are locked in a gun safe except for the one I carry

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