What kind of person lies about standing at the twin towers, strictly for attention?

Maybe he meant as he stood in front of the TV, cough. Biden Says He Stood at Ground Zero the Day After 9/11

No surprise here, Joe knows no low..........Let's see.

Lies about the deaths of his own family to seek attention, many times and in all instances.

Lies about his accomplishments, constantly.

Lies about his education.

Guilty of gross plagiarism

Lies about his involvement with his son and foreign entities.

Says he'll cure cancer,

End covid too.

And end fossil fuels.
Biden is a sociopath....but then again so is Trump. Obama was (still is) a virulent narcissist...Bush was actually a half way decent person despite being a simpleton. Good God man....what the hell is wrong with our POTUS selection process?
Maybe he meant as he stood in front of the TV, cough. Biden Says He Stood at Ground Zero the Day After 9/11

No surprise here, Joe knows no low..........Let's see.

Lies about the deaths of his own family to seek attention, many times and in all instances.

Lies about his accomplishments, constantly.

Lies about his education.

Guilty of gross plagiarism

Lies about his involvement with his son and foreign entities.

Says he'll cure cancer,

End covid too.

And end fossil fuels.
The man is so far gone he doesn't where he is or maybe even who he is half the time. His likely deep state handlers pretty much have him on permanent vacation now with only occasion breaks to do some presidential function for appearances only. Yes he has had a very long history of falsifying things he says and that has gotten worse as his seemingly dementia has progressed. He has a very thin record of accomplishments, at least any that a normal person would be proud of.

Snopes protects him and other Democrats more often than not by rating things as 'mixture' or 'unproven' but I guess this was too big of a whopper for them to find a way to sugar coat it. :)
The man is so far gone he doesn't where he is or maybe even who he is half the time. His likely deep state handlers pretty much have him on permanent vacation now with only occasion breaks to do some presidential function for appearances only. Yes he has had a very long history of falsifying things he says and that has gotten worse as his seemingly dementia has progressed. He has a very thin record of accomplishments, at least any that a normal person would be proud of.

Snopes protects him and other Democrats more often than not by rating things as 'mixture' or 'unproven' but I guess this was too big of a whopper for them to find a way to sugar coat it. :)
He probably believes it.
He probably believes it.
Maybe. Who knows. It's frustrating and at times frightening when you can't trust anything the administration tells you about anything but it's very hard to judge a man with what appears to be advanced dementia. He has no excuse for when he was still mentally sound though.
Maybe. Who knows. It's frustrating and at times frightening when you can't trust anything the administration tells you about anything but it's very hard to judge a man with what appears to be advanced dementia. He has no excuse for when he was still mentally sound though.
I took care of my M-I-L....for six years before she passed.
The wife did not want to send her to a home. As Alzheimers progresses one of the marked symptoms is remembering life experiences that never happened. It's heartbreaking actually.
I took care of my M-I-L....for six years before she passed.
The wife did not want to send her to a home. As Alzheimers progresses one of the marked symptoms is remembering life experiences that never happened. It's heartbreaking actually.
Exactly. It happens to some people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs too. But people suffering dementia have much of their memory erased, especially short term, and what is left can get all tangled and confused or is created out of thin air and you're right. It is heartbreaking for their loved ones who have to deal with it. And then there are those intermittent flashes of healthy brain function but they rarely last more than just a few seconds or minutes at most. Those are also painful for the loved ones when hope rises a bit but then is dashed again.

I'll cut the mentally challenged some slack in their behavior and Uncle Joe is definitely mentally challenged. I will never excuse the deep state operatives who use him as they do for their purposes. In my opinion it constitutes elder abuse.
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Exactly. It happens to some people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs too. But people suffering dementia have much of their memory erased, especially short term, and what is left can get all tangled and confused or is created out of thin air and you're right. It is heartbreaking for their loved ones who have to deal with it. And then there are those intermittent flashes of healthy brain function but they rarely last more than just a few seconds or minutes at most. Those are also painful for the loved ones when hope rises a bit but then is dashed again.

I'll cut the mentally challenged some slack in their behavior and Uncle Joe is definitely mentally challenged. I will never excuse the deep state operatives who use him as they do for their purposes. In my opinion it constitutes elder abuse.
Yep... He actually never wanted to run... he was basically forced into it.


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