What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The law of supply and demand assumes that everyone has roughly the same wealth. It's essentially a bidding system.

Those people that have a greater need or desire for a product are willing to pay more. Those with a lesser need or just a whimsical desire pay less.

It's then up to the supplier to decided a price. If it's too high he loses sales from the consumer that aren't willing to pay that much. If the price is set too low, he loses the extra profit from those willing to pay more. The supplier must find the golden price that maximizes profit.

However, if there is a huge wealth gap, people with a whimsical desire, but who are extremely wealthy, will pay ridiculous prices. Sometimes they want to pay more just knowing that other people can't afford to pay the same.

This results in an incentive for the supplier to produce less, but charge astronomical prices.

If a supplier can sell a single gross of widgets for a million dollars, rather than a million grosses for a dollar, he'll do it. It's easier & cheaper in every way to produce that single gross and make a million dollars.

So as the wealth gap increases supply decreases and inflation goes up.

Why should Saudi Arabia increase it's oil production when it's just as profitable & easier to lower production and raise prices.

It's called 'price gouging' - it's as old as commerce itself.

Sorry you didn't learn about it in your ECON101 class, but economists tend to promote a point of view that's most beneficial to the wealthy.
/——-/ Todds never took Econ101. He did take Socialism101 and his favorite class, The Only Thing Wrong With Communism is the Prople Running It 101.
The ultimate trained monkey response. Harry said.
"you are just a trained monkey for the democrats elmer....."
I insulted Trump and all the trained monkeys. You have no creativity so you said "you are, what am I. Stupid Trump trained monkey response.
Trained Monkey rules (You know them)
Everything Donald Trump does is good.
Everything Donald Trump's opponents do is bad.

That was way to easy Harry.
yea that proved shit didnt elmer....the problem is you aint showing anything of me supporting trump,which is what you said......because you cant.....so yea YOU are just another trained democratic party monkey.........show me a post supporting trump elmer not me criticizing you for being a loyal party person....
Dumbass, do you know the difference between observational statistic and statistically significant statistic.
Of course you don't. You are a dumbass.
All I have to know is how much prices have gone up, and that is more than doubled.
When the rent where I was living 6 months ago was $600/mo, and it's now $1200/mo, that's a 100% increase. So, have the university propaganda goons calling themselves professors, gotten your head so twisted around, that you can't encompass that ?
Hope you recover.
Well the last two times it happened was u Der republican presidents. Reagan and Bush.
No, the last 2 times the Mexican border was opened up (wide) was with Catch & Release Obama and Biden. Better start watching Newsmax. You reek of brainwashing.
A major cause of inflation was the break out of pent up demand from COVID. The global and domestic infrastructure could not handle the increased demand.
Container rental went from $3000 a crossing to $30,000 a crossing. The ports became clogged. Domestic transportation faces the same issues increasing transportation costs. Raw materials sky rocketed in price as demand surged. The increased oil prices with the Ukraine war being a major driver.
How a tax cut would be applied is up to each business. Some may lower prices but if competition does not force it, they will not. A publicly traded corporation can have more advantage with margin growth than top line growth. A windfall profit tax will guarantee a reduction in the deficit.
The ecommerce market has lowered prices and decreased margins substantially. The retail prices are visible to all. Data bases provide information and the main players try to match the lowest price. It has been a race to the bottom.

1. Dry up extra money supply through interest rates.
All agree that Fed raising interest rates will slow inflation. It is not a perfect science. Higher interest rates can bring on a recession

2. Stabilize or lower prices for consumer goods as best you can.
I see the increase of costs for transportation and raw material a greater driver than wages. The consolidation of corporations over the past 10 years has reduced competition in many product categories.

3. Stop upwards pressure on compensation for work.
In today's world of automation, individual compensation does not have the same affect on retail prices as it used to. If you want to lower compensation, go outside the US. Is that what we want to do? Many businesses cannot attract the employees they need. We are a service business. We are raising wages to attract the best. Many industries are having to increase wages to attract workers. Too many people used the COVID relief checks and unemployment as a reason not to work.

No doubt, this is a very complex problem with no easy answer. Anyone who says they have an easy answer are lying.

Your Nos. 2 and 3 are problematic. For one, prices are not really that consistent even across the same suppliers. If I go to three different locations of Food Lion in my area, the normal price on some goods my be 3 different prices between the locations. Not sure why. Sure if Cokes are on sale 3 for $10 it will be the same at all three places, but I have noticed that deviled ham has three different prices at the 3 different stores.

More importantly, this labor thing is becoming a sticky problem to handle. In the tech world, this has become much more pronounced. Bringing in someone new at $X dollars per year while paying someone who has been with you for years 80% of $X is causing high turn over. It isn't that they suddenly ran out looking for more money. It is because it pisses people off when a company they have put years into values some newby a lot more than they value you. Most people settle into their jobs and aren't going to change just for a little more money. However, if you make your workers feel unappreciated, they sure as day will start looking for a lifeboat.
Oil prices spiked because Biden rescinded Trump's energy EOs. America has the world's largest reserves of recoverable petroleum and Biden is blocking it in favor of pie-in-the-sky 'green' energy that does not yet exist.
They know it, but they don't give a dam. It's all about whatever agenda they decided to enforce without the majority consent, and if it burns this place down then they will sit back and laugh because they hate the so called religious traditional patriotic American people, and they hate the traditional American system that was created over time....

They hate themselves, and anything good because of what they feel has been destroyed in their own world's/lives whether it be from childhood onward.. They feel destroyed either while in this place or from wherever it was that they may have come from...... There is no fault in the set up as far as the American system's go, otherwise in which has empowered million's upon million's over the centuries. They just have a chip on their shoulder's for whatever reason's, and they are trying to get it off no matter what it takes. They are always looking without, and never within.

They are living miserable live's it seems, and they want everyone to be miserable with them or equal in their misery with them. They feel as if the system has let them down, and they've fallen out of favor within it, so they fight to carve out a place within the system for themselves, but they want that place to expand into territory still sacred to many American cultures for whom wish not to engage in the world's for which they want to create or engage in as a new type of thing or things.

Nothing wrong with being creative and a problem solver in life, but what we are seeing is huge problem's being created by some of these groups.

Somehow these antagonistic, and hurtful spiteful group's got power via the federal government, otherwise in which they currently control and occupy in a large way, and we are seeing the results of that in an even bigger way now. Note this is never about skin color or race, so don't take it that way people. You'd be wrong if you did, but it's mostly about activism, and ideologies or radical thinking's in which wants to become a real thing amongst the crowds, and it seeks to control the crowd's.

No telling where the place is heading, just hold on for the ride until it's over I guess.
Your Nos. 2 and 3 are problematic. For one, prices are not really that consistent even across the same suppliers. If I go to three different locations of Food Lion in my area, the normal price on some goods my be 3 different prices between the locations. Not sure why. Sure if Cokes are on sale 3 for $10 it will be the same at all three places, but I have noticed that deviled ham has three different prices at the 3 different stores.

More importantly, this labor thing is becoming a sticky problem to handle. In the tech world, this has become much more pronounced. Bringing in someone new at $X dollars per year while paying someone who has been with you for years 80% of $X is causing high turn over. It isn't that they suddenly ran out looking for more money. It is because it pisses people off when a company they have put years into values some newby a lot more than they value you. Most people settle into their jobs and aren't going to change just for a little more money. However, if you make your workers feel unappreciated, they sure as day will start looking for a lifeboat.
Kudo's on the looking for the lifeboat analogy. Spot on in so many cases now. See it big time where I work. Desperation hiring is causing some serious problem's, because the newbie's are treated with kid gloves, so when it's time to knuckle down they falter. Then the long term employees end up bailing their butt's out. It's a vicious thing going on for sure.

Another problem is companies thinking that they can't restructure because of their responsibilities to investor's or shareholder's, so they are expected to remain big in order to hopefully capitalize on profits from being big, but it's proven to be a failed situation in more ways than one, because the liability becomes so huge within the lower ranks/foundation's, that eventually the whole thing is undermined.

Problem: These day's we have what is called predator management or manger's hired, in which attaches itself to a slumbering giant, and it manipulates the figures to show profit even when no profits are being produced or they are heading into the red... Then right before the chit hits the fan, the golden parachutes begin to fly before the slumbering giant realizes it's been killed.

Done seen this many a time's in modern time's corporations now. It's best to remain smaller as a company, and more quality and solid than to go major corporation is my opinion of it all.

American's need to stop selling out, and start becoming solid independently strong company holder's in their state's again. Corruption or predatory practices won't be as prevalent or make the state's vulnerable to default because it sold it's soul to the devil in a 75% relinquishing value of their asset's within their state's.

The same with this COUNTRY, where as it needs to stop immediately enriching individual's, otherwise by them being allowed to relinquish our value as an independent nation to other nation's that seek to control us through that process if we become to vulnerable to them.
Right, Harry. I gave Trump a pass on the economy tanking because the main cause was COVID.
You and the other Trump trained monkeys would blame Biden for a tanked economy even if caused by COVID.
Trained Monkey rules (You know them)
Everything Donald Trump does is good.
Everything Donald Trump's opponents do is bad.
The FaixiFlu didn't cause jack shit.....The actions of despotic politicians on a power trip caused all the bullshit.
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College was more affordable before post reagan conservatives started defunding state universities.
The law of supply and demand assumes that everyone has roughly the same wealth. It's essentially a bidding system.
No it doesn't

Those people that have a greater need or desire for a product are willing to pay more. Those with a lesser need or just a whimsical desire pay less.
Wrong again. Everyone pays the same price.

It's then up to the supplier to decided a price. If it's too high he loses sales from the consumer that aren't willing to pay that much. If the price is set too low, he loses the extra profit from those willing to pay more. The supplier must find the golden price that maximizes profit.

However, if there is a huge wealth gap, people with a whimsical desire, but who are extremely wealthy, will pay ridiculous prices. Sometimes they want to pay more just knowing that other people can't afford to pay the same.
Wrong, moron. Everyone pays the same price.

This results in an incentive for the supplier to produce less, but charge astronomical prices.
Everyone has an incentive to produce less and get more money. The only problem with that is that their revenu will be zero if they charge astronomical prices. However, that won't work other producers will take all the business if they just charge a slightly lower prices. Then other producers will take all the business if they chareg a price slight lower than that. And so on, and so one, and so one. this process will continue until the power where the supply curve crosses the demand curve

If a supplier can sell a single gross of widgets for a million dollars, rather than a million grosses for a dollar, he'll do it. It's easier & cheaper in every way to produce that single gross and make a million dollars.

So as the wealth gap increases supply decreases and inflation goes up.

Why should Saudi Arabia increase it's oil production when it's just as profitable & easier to lower production and raise prices.

It's called 'price gouging' - it's as old as commerce itself.

Sorry you didn't learn about it in your ECON101 class, but economists tend to promote a point of view that's most beneficial to the wealthy.

No conservative (right wing) academics support Trump. If you have an education you do not support Trump.
Wrong again.
The Trump tribe is already turning against DeSantis. The ONLY GOP possible candidate for 2024 who has a record of vetoing spending and creating a surplus. But the Trump tribe have gone into "cancel DeSantis" mode.
Again, you are attacking a Republican. You're a fraud. You sure as hell aint no conservative.
Trump handed Biden a coup and $8 trillion of additional debt, and over half a million Covid deaths through his negligence.
You're a well known Trump hater, so rational people just ignore whatever you have to say about Trump.
  • Thanks
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Otto is one o fthe biggest dumbasses in the forum

Where'd otto105 go? Ran away I guess. He's a total racist.

LOL, praising Biden because after he took gas from $2 to $5 a gallon, it's back down to like $4.50. Otto's just blowing the crap out of Democrats. He's be melting down if it were Trump. Democrats just live in worlds of hypocrisy and racism
You're a well known Trump hater, so rational people just ignore whatever you have to say about Trump.

The thing with g5000 is that he hates Trump so much, g5000 actually defends Trump by destroying the credibility of his TDS crowd by wearing his bias on his sleeve.

There's plenty to criticize Trump for. He's no libertarian. But g5000 by so ridiculously overdoing his hate, as you say, everyone who doesn't already have TDS ignores him because he's so ridiculous.

Like all Democrats, g5000 lives in a land of hyperbole and racism
Where'd otto105 go? Ran away I guess. He's a total racist.

LOL, praising Biden because after he took gas from $2 to $5 a gallon, it's back down to like $4.50. Otto's just blowing the crap out of Democrats. He's be melting down if it were Trump. Democrats just live in worlds of hypocrisy and racism
Where? It's still $5.67 here.
Kudo's on the looking for the lifeboat analogy. Spot on in so many cases now. See it big time where I work. Desperation hiring is causing some serious problem's, because the newbie's are treated with kid gloves, so when it's time to knuckle down they falter. Then the long term employees end up bailing their butt's out. It's a vicious thing going on for sure.

Another problem is companies thinking that they can't restructure because of their responsibilities to investor's or shareholder's, so they are expected to remain big in order to hopefully capitalize on profits from being big, but it's proven to be a failed situation in more ways than one, because the liability becomes so huge within the lower ranks/foundation's, that eventually the whole thing is undermined.

Problem: These day's we have what is called predator management or manger's hired, in which attaches itself to a slumbering giant, and it manipulates the figures to show profit even when no profits are being produced or they are heading into the red... Then right before the chit hits the fan, the golden parachutes begin to fly before the slumbering giant realizes it's been killed.

Done seen this many a time's in modern time's corporations now. It's best to remain smaller as a company, and more quality and solid than to go major corporation is my opinion of it all.

American's need to stop selling out, and start becoming solid independently strong company holder's in their state's again. Corruption or predatory practices won't be as prevalent or make the state's vulnerable to default because it sold it's soul to the devil in a 75% relinquishing value of their asset's within their state's.

The same with this COUNTRY, where as it needs to stop immediately enriching individual's, otherwise by them being allowed to relinquish our value as an independent nation to other nation's that seek to control us through that process if we become to vulnerable to them.

Tis part of the reason I have started looking at small cap stocks a lot more in my portfolio. One company I really like is crescent point out of Canada. They pay regular dividends which is a plus but also they are more the mindset of we are big enough and profitable enough. We will return profits to investors instead of trying to grow for the sake of growing. The only downside with them is that they have so much extra cash, they may end up taking the company private at some point just to not have to deal with the extras of being on the public exchanges.
Biden is a moron for sure...but presidents don't make or break economies by themselves. It's quite a group effort. And in the U.S. that group is comprised of corporate executives as much as politicians. Especially when corporate executives ARE politicians...and visa versa.

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