What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so you have nothing but me having the gaul and audacity to criticize you....lol.....show me saying something about supporting trump elmer....come on elmer or are you just another i cant back up anything i say about someone big mouth?....come on elmer prove me wrong....

Do you notice that TDS really hits the massively stupid, like ElmerMudd , especially hard? Babbling and calling people "monkeys," he's a brainless twat as well as a racist, LOL
I am a conservative you moron. You just don't know what "conservatism" is. It's not a name. It's not a party. It's a political ideology that insists on
The government living within it's means
Abiding by the constitution as written
Not borrowing trillions from the Fed and funding gender studies and planned parenthood.
Not authorizing unconstitutional crap like FISA 702, the Patriot Act and the NDAA

Things that Trump has a record of doing. Being a republican doesn't automatically make you a conservative. There are plenty of liberal republicans. You and Trump are both liberals.
You have never posted a single conservative thing in this forum as far as I'm aware.

You have never demonstrated that you support making government live within its means since you only attack Republicans for spending. When I see you attack some Democrats for it, perhaps I will believe it.
so you have nothing but me having the gaul and audacity to criticize you....lol.....show me saying something about supporting trump elmer....come on elmer or are you just another i cant back up anything i say about someone big mouth?....come on elmer prove me wrong....
Many people criticize me. I am close to perfect, but I have a few flaws.
You are very defensive about being a Trump trained monkey. Get in touch with your inner self. I know you better than you know you.
You are a Trump trained monkey. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, smells like a duck, it is a duck. Same applies to Trump trained monkeys
Let's pretend that was coherent, LOL. TDS is a debilitating disease, turns you into a babbling idiot as well as a racist
I am proud of TDS. TDS will bring down Trump and his cult. It is happening as we speak. It is taking longer than I thought, but it is happening. I love it!
Do you notice that TDS really hits the massively stupid, like ElmerMudd , especially hard? Babbling and calling people "monkeys," he's a brainless twat as well as a racist, LOL
Just because I find Trump's trained monkeys, disgusting, does not make me racist.
I would like to help you sorry SOBs.
Many people criticize me. I am close to perfect, but I have a few flaws.
You are very defensive about being a Trump trained monkey. Get in touch with your inner self. I know you better than you know you.
You are a Trump trained monkey. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, smells like a duck, it is a duck. Same applies to Trump trained monkeys
show me a post of mine backing up trump.....if you are so perfect you should be able to do that....come on elmer back your shit up......
Do you notice that TDS really hits the massively stupid, like ElmerMudd , especially hard? Babbling and calling people "monkeys," he's a brainless twat as well as a racist, LOL
When they falter they go stupid.. Just look at all the videos on line when they lose it .. We are dealing with the same thing here.
Pure cop out.
And proof you know dick about macroeconomics.

The POTUS in charge when the economy sucks is responsible for that economy.
Dem or Rep.

Biden AND Reagan are each responsible for their respective, high inflation numbers.

And Reagan did not fix the inflation.
Paul Volker did.
And Carter was the one who put him in charge of the Fed.

Not that I am crediting Carter with lowering inflation.
But giving Reagan credit for it is laughable.
Ask anyone on Wall Street - what saved America's economy when inflation ran away back then?
And most will probably say: 'Paul Volker'.
I want to correct myself.

First I typed that the POTUS must take responsibility for the economy on his watch.
And I agree with that.

But then I turned around and basically took away Reagan's responsibility (and credit) for turning around low inflation.

So I contradicted myself.
Within just one post...!!!
Not good.

Sooooo...Reagan should get credit for turning around the MASSIVE inflation on his watch.
Yes, it was Paul Volker who actually did it.
And Carter had appointed him.

But a) Reagan could have dumped Volker - but he didn't.
And b) Reagan deserves the credit for the inflation turn around.

Sorry Ronnie.
Many people criticize me. I am close to perfect, but I have a few flaws.
You are very defensive about being a Trump trained monkey. Get in touch with your inner self. I know you better than you know you.
You are a Trump trained monkey. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, smells like a duck, it is a duck. Same applies to Trump trained monkeys
Lol! You're a damn fool.
What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden
But the main point is...which POTUS's fixed it?

Reagan did (with Paul Volker at the Fed).

Will Joe Biden?
But Jerome Powell is NO Paul Volker.
Plus, the Fed board is filled with doves (free spenders).

We shall see.
But the main point is...which POTUS's fixed it?

Reagan did (with Paul Volker at the Fed).

Will Joe Biden?
But Jerome Powell is NO Paul Volker.
Plus, the Fed board is filled with doves (free spenders).

We shall see.

Plus, Reagan was freeing up the economy.
Lowering taxes, removing regulations, making it easier to produce.
Biden is doing the opposite.
If inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods, more goods is an important part of lowering inflation. We'll see how the Fed does at reducing the number of dollars.

I'm not super hopeful they'll be hawkish enough.
Many people criticize me. I am close to perfect, but I have a few flaws.
You are very defensive about being a Trump trained monkey. Get in touch with your inner self. I know you better than you know you.
You are a Trump trained monkey. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, smells like a duck, it is a duck. Same applies to Trump trained monkeys
US domestic oil production increased by 31 percent in Biden's first year.

US domestic oil production only increased by 21 percent in Trump's first year.

And they both started from the same amount of production.

Why does Trump hate America?
yet Trump keep gas prices low…clearly it’s not just oil production that’s the issue

why does xiden hate america?
yet Trump keep gas prices low…clearly it’s not just oil production that’s the issue

why does xiden hate america?
Because America has to much dirt on him and his son, so of course he hates American's which number in the million's now, and amongst those million's we see plenty that might want to hold him accountable finally.
I am proud of TDS. TDS will bring down Trump and his cult. It is happening as we speak. It is taking longer than I thought, but it is happening. I love it!

Countering with Biden was a dubious move. Trump will win that one. People are willing to put up with mean tweets for being able to afford both food and gas. So you're enjoying the taste of old man cock, are you?
Just because I find Trump's trained monkeys, disgusting, does not make me racist.
I would like to help you sorry SOBs.

No, but your trashing minorities and being silent or supporting other Democrats trashing minorities who try to leave the Democrat party plantation does. You're a flaming racist

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