What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yet you think anyone who disagrees with you loves trump.....you are one of those trained monkeys......
C'mon Harry, trained monkeys designation have been assigned to Trump cult members.
Show originality and intelligence and come up with a new designation to insult me.
You are an embarrassment to the Trump trained monkeys.
C'mon Harry, trained monkeys designation have been assigned to Trump cult members.
Show originality and intelligence and come up with a new designation to insult me.
You are an embarrassment to the Trump trained monkeys.
i got news for you chump.....you are an embarrassment to mankind.....but dont despair elmer...im sure the daintier men out there would look at you with awe...


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i got news for you chump.....you are an embarrassment to mankind.....but dont despair elmer...im sure the daintier men out there would look at you with awe...
C'mon. All you are doing is throwing my insults of you back at me. It shows what an uncreative, braindead Trump minion you are. As a Trump trained monkey you cannot think for yourself and have no original thoughts.
C'mon. All you are doing is throwing my insults of you back at me. It shows what an uncreative, braindead Trump minion you are. As a Trump trained monkey you cannot think for yourself and have no original thoughts.
elmer why couldnt you disprove what i said?.....why do you suck the die hard democrats collective cocks?.....you ran away from that one.....so the truth does hurt.....
elmer why couldnt you disprove what i said?.....why do you suck the die hard democrats collective cocks?.....you ran away from that one.....so the truth does hurt.....
What is with your fixation with cocks. It makes me very uncomfortable. It is not my thing.
What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden
Now you're comparing Reagan with Biden, You guys are so delusional and you make arguments like a 3rd grader.

Regan inherited a shitty economy from Carter, Biden inherited a great economy from Trump......you guys are just stupid.
What is with your fixation with cocks. It makes me very uncomfortable. It is not my thing.
you sure run from the shit you say elmer.....maybe you shouldnt say things about someone if you cant back it up....but then you are one of them die hard party people,so you just dont know any better.....all mouth and talk......
Nobody is allowing it. It's not his fault, that's b/c of covid and the demand and supply chain.
my point is for the Trump minions who blame Biden for inflation, not his fault, did not blame Reagan. Presidents can only do so much..
Nobody is allowing it. It's not his fault, that's b/c of covid and the demand and supply chain.
You need to take an economic class
Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon. [Friedman]
When the government prints too much money [out of control spending], inflation will be the result.
Every time
The thread title is incredibly stupid. The President has no control over inflation, but Trump Republicans don't know that. There is a lot they don't know.

64% of Americans think we are in a recession.

64% of Americans are wrong!

But they cannot be faulted. Most Americans are doing fine despite inflation, but because of the attention the media is giving to recession -- even providing experts who say we are in a recession or soon will be -- they think Americans as a whole are not doing fine.

That, of course, is not true. However, an impending recession makes for a great news story.

Soon, we may learn that the GDP dipped for the second quarter in a row. Some say that means we are in a recession.

Well, they are wrong, too, so says Economic Professor Shanks.

The American economy is based primarily on three factors, employment, job growth, and, most of all, consumer spending.

We have been at or around 3.6% unemployment for most of the Biden administration. That is considered full employment. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with full employment.

ABC reports, "The nation's June jobs report showed that hiring has remained healthy, with employers adding 372,000 jobs last month." It is impossible to be heading for a recession with that kind of job growth, or any job growth, for that matter. Recession causes loss of jobs and growing unemployment.

Most important of all because the American economy is based on consumer spending, consumer spending is solid. See Personal Consumption Expenditures After a severe dip during Trump's Republican administration, consumer spending has been healthy. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with healthy consumer spending.

Strangely enough, when the networks try to scare you about an impending recession they never mention consumer spending. That is strange because the most important factor in our economy is consumer spending.
The thread title is incredibly stupid. The President has no control over inflation, but Trump Republicans don't know that.
Only the totally brainwashed people will respond in this way.
Again, inflation is a direct result of the government spending too much money.
Build back better would have totally sunk us.
But wait, it gets better.
Has anyone noticed that Europe has half the inflation of gas prices as we do? Yep, by Biden design.
From his campaign promises, to his first day in office, he set upon a mission to destroy the US oil producing ability:
  • Canceling Keystone - getting oil to the location of refinery is important.
  • Restrict oil and natural gas leasing in the north [Alaska]
  • Increase regulatory cost of energy production
  • Restricting oil production in offshore waters
  • Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Rejecting US Energy Independence as a goal [order 3398]
  • Increasing billions of extra dollars in increased taxes against oil producers
  • Billions and billion of dollars to increase green energy while taxing the hell out of oil producers.
  • No more Chaco Canyon drilling
  • "A lot of the smaller players in [the fossil fuel] industry are going to, probably, go bankrupt in short order—at least, we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change"
  • Increase 16.4 cent tax/barrel on crude oil
  • ... He needs to be kicked out of office
Giving away billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine.
We are still millions away from full employment. The world of lay flat lazy democrats.

The rest of the US population [only 30% has any faith in him - the people who will still vote for him if he kicked puppies everyday in front of the camera] know that you wacko left have no idea what kind of damage he is doing. It is really amazing and frightening that some of these 30% braindead people think that 9-18% inflation [depends on how you count inflation], low employment, dropping GDP, lack of consumer confidence...

Do the math
The thread title is incredibly stupid. The President has no control over inflation, but Trump Republicans don't know that. There is a lot they don't know.

64% of Americans think we are in a recession.

64% of Americans are wrong!

But they cannot be faulted. Most Americans are doing fine despite inflation, but because of the attention the media is giving to recession -- even providing experts who say we are in a recession or soon will be -- they think Americans as a whole are not doing fine.

That, of course, is not true. However, an impending recession makes for a great news story.

Soon, we may learn that the GDP dipped for the second quarter in a row. Some say that means we are in a recession.

Well, they are wrong, too, so says Economic Professor Shanks.

The American economy is based primarily on three factors, employment, job growth, and, most of all, consumer spending.

We have been at or around 3.6% unemployment for most of the Biden administration. That is considered full employment. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with full employment.

ABC reports, "The nation's June jobs report showed that hiring has remained healthy, with employers adding 372,000 jobs last month." It is impossible to be heading for a recession with that kind of job growth, or any job growth, for that matter. Recession causes loss of jobs and growing unemployment.

Most important of all because the American economy is based on consumer spending, consumer spending is solid. See Personal Consumption Expenditures After a severe dip during Trump's Republican administration, consumer spending has been healthy. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with healthy consumer spending.

Strangely enough, when the networks try to scare you about an impending recession they never mention consumer spending. That is strange because the most important factor in our economy is consumer spending.

Soon, we may learn that the GDP dipped for the second quarter in a row. Some say that means we are in a recession.

Only because that's been the standard definition, for a long time.

We have been at or around 3.6% unemployment for most of the Biden administration. That is considered full employment. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with full employment.

What is the usual unemployment rate when a recession starts?
Why can't GDP shrink with "full employment"?

Strangely enough, when the networks try to scare you about an impending recession they never mention consumer spending.

I wonder if consumer spending has been hurt by Biden's 9.1% inflation rate?
Or by the Fed's recent interest rate hikes? Or by Biden's ever more obvious incapacity?
The thread title is incredibly stupid. The President has no control over inflation, but Trump Republicans don't know that. There is a lot they don't know.

64% of Americans think we are in a recession.

64% of Americans are wrong!

But they cannot be faulted. Most Americans are doing fine despite inflation, but because of the attention the media is giving to recession -- even providing experts who say we are in a recession or soon will be -- they think Americans as a whole are not doing fine.

That, of course, is not true. However, an impending recession makes for a great news story.

Soon, we may learn that the GDP dipped for the second quarter in a row. Some say that means we are in a recession.

Well, they are wrong, too, so says Economic Professor Shanks.

The American economy is based primarily on three factors, employment, job growth, and, most of all, consumer spending.

We have been at or around 3.6% unemployment for most of the Biden administration. That is considered full employment. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with full employment.

ABC reports, "The nation's June jobs report showed that hiring has remained healthy, with employers adding 372,000 jobs last month." It is impossible to be heading for a recession with that kind of job growth, or any job growth, for that matter. Recession causes loss of jobs and growing unemployment.Trump

Most important of all because the American economy is based on consumer spending, consumer spending is solid. See Personal Consumption Expenditures After a severe dip during Trump's Republican administration, consumer spending has been healthy. It is impossible to be heading for a recession with healthy consumer spending.

Strangely enough, when the networks try to scare you about an impending recession they never mention consumer spending. That is strange because the most important factor in our economy is consumer spending.
my post was making that point. Trump minions blame Biden for 9% inflation but when Reagan had 9% inflation, it was not his fault. Inflation is caused by many factors.
Only the totally brainwashed people will respond in this way.
Again, inflation is a direct result of the government spending too much money.
Build back better would have totally sunk us.
But wait, it gets better.
Has anyone noticed that Europe has half the inflation of gas prices as we do? Yep, by Biden design.
From his campaign promises, to his first day in office, he set upon a mission to destroy the US oil producing ability:
  • Canceling Keystone - getting oil to the location of refinery is important.
  • Restrict oil and natural gas leasing in the north [Alaska]
  • Increase regulatory cost of energy production
  • Restricting oil production in offshore waters
  • Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Rejecting US Energy Independence as a goal [order 3398]
  • Increasing billions of extra dollars in increased taxes against oil producers
  • Billions and billion of dollars to increase green energy while taxing the hell out of oil producers.
  • No more Chaco Canyon drilling
  • "A lot of the smaller players in [the fossil fuel] industry are going to, probably, go bankrupt in short order—at least, we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change"
  • Increase 16.4 cent tax/barrel on crude oil
  • ... He needs to be kicked out of office
Giving away billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine.
We are still millions away from full employment. The world of lay flat lazy democrats.

The rest of the US population [only 30% has any faith in him - the people who will still vote for him if he kicked puppies everyday in front of the camera] know that you wacko left have no idea what kind of damage he is doing. It is really amazing and frightening that some of these 30% braindead people think that 9-18% inflation [depends on how you count inflation], low employment, dropping GDP, lack of consumer confidence...

Do the math
Absolutely.... It's amazing isn't it, but here we all are after Trump the alledged nut case (told to the country daily by the real nut cases, otherwise that Trump and we the people are the nut cases), warned us of the coming onslaught. Trump is a super intelligent human being that has lived rent free in these crazy people's head's for ever and a day now. It must be agonizing for them because he exposed their agenda's and they hate it.
Why can't GDP shrink with "full employment"?

I wonder if consumer spending has been hurt by Biden's 9.1% inflation rate?
Or by the Fed's recent interest rate hikes?
I did not equate full employment with the GDP.

All I know is that consumer spending is excellent. That is what drives our economy.

Your comment regarding Biden was unwarranted. Republicans keep trying to find fault regarding Biden, but they can't be specific. So, they generalize, and that is meaningless.

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