What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they falter they go stupid.. Just look at all the videos on line when they lose it .. We are dealing with the same thing here.

Wow, that's true. ElmerMudd just keeps getting more and more junior high with every round of insults. He's such a racist, calling people monkeys. Sad

your right!

Wow, two words and you spelled one wrong, LOL. That is a great pick!
and just because someone has the gaul and audacity to disagree with you does not make them a trumper you dumb ass.....
They use the name Trump just like they use the race card when it is thrown Willy nilly... Stupidity knows no bounds with these knuckleheads. You would think that they'd be smart enough to change up, but Trump lives in their head's daily, by the hour, and by the minute.. lol
They use the name Trump just like they use the race card when it is thrown Willy nilly... Stupidity knows no bounds with these knuckleheads. You would think that they'd be smart enough to change up, but Trump lives in their head's daily, by the hour, and by the minute.. lol
elmer makes his party look bad....he doesnt help any thats for sure....
Countering with Biden was a dubious move. Trump will win that one. People are willing to put up with mean tweets for being able to afford both food and gas. So you're enjoying the taste of old man cock, are you?
The only Republican nominee Biden could beat in 2024 is Trump. Your posts show what a disgusting human you are. Forget Trump. Your words show who you are and were before Trump ran for President, disgusting. Trump has rounded up the most disgusting in our society as his key support group. White Supremacists, NAZIs, confederates, those who want to over throw the US government. And just plain immoral POS, like you.
They use the name Trump just like they use the race card when it is thrown Willy nilly... Stupidity knows no bounds with these knuckleheads. You would think that they'd be smart enough to change up, but Trump lives in their head's daily, by the hour, and by the minute.. lol
The name Trump is used, not Republican or conservative because he is the problem,. Trump and his trained monkeys have hijacked the Republican party. The majority of true conservatives do not support Trump. They follow a political philosophy not an immoral man.
The only Republican nominee Biden could beat in 2024 is Trump. Your posts show what a disgusting human you are. Forget Trump. Your words show who you are and were before Trump ran for President, disgusting. Trump has rounded up the most disgusting in our society as his key support group. White Supremacists, NAZIs, confederates, those who want to over throw the US government. And just plain immoral POS, like you.

And angry boi little Elmer lashes out in a total racist hissy fit. You go, tiger, you go!
And angry boi little Elmer lashes out in a total racist hissy fit. You go, tiger, you go!
You define a racist as one who does not like white supremacists, NAZIs or immoral disgusting humans like you? Not a normal humans definition of a racist but by your definition, I am a racist.
You define a racist as one who does not like white supremacists, NAZIs or immoral disgusting humans like you? Not a normal humans definition of a racist but by your definition, I am a racist.

Just more shit you made up no one said, thought or meant. But you are a racist. You hate whites and you're worse than that to blacks who you believe are on earth to serve your racist white ass. You "inform" them of that if they try to leave your racist party. There's a good reason you're a Democrat, that party of racism. Fuck, you were the party of SLAVERY. Not to mention all the blacks Democrats lynched and all the black yards you burned crosses. When it comes to racist, you're the real thing
Monkeys have nothing to do with blacks. Trained monkeys have everything to do with you and the other Trump trained monkeys.

Yeah, whatever. You just keep throwing around the term monkey, racist. Obviously you are a racist. Why else would you possibly be a Democrat, the party of slavery? Not to mention Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation. Democrats are and always were the party of racism. Today blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation learn that your belief in slavery is still very much alive and well
The only Republican nominee Biden could beat in 2024 is Trump. Your posts show what a disgusting human you are. Forget Trump. Your words show who you are and were before Trump ran for President, disgusting. Trump has rounded up the most disgusting in our society as his key support group. White Supremacists, NAZIs, confederates, those who want to over throw the US government. And just plain immoral POS, like you.

The left might want to take a look into the mirror. Nah their reflections wouldn't show... lol
yet you suck the democrats cock....why is that elmer?...
The trained monkeys think all the anti-Trumpers have to be Democrats. If the anti-Trumper is not a Democrat, they say yes you are, and use their canned anti-Democrat spill. The trained monkeys are too stupid to come up with something new.
The trained monkeys think all the anti-Trumpers have to be Democrats. If the anti-Trumper is not a Democrat, they say yes you are, and use their canned anti-Democrat spill. The trained monkeys are too stupid to come up with something new.
and yet you think anyone who disagrees with you loves trump.....you are one of those trained monkeys......

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