What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't more affordable when Dems threw hundreds of billions in student loans at them?
Student loans from the government have helped 10's of millions of people achieve higher education and better paying jobs which have provided much more tax revenue over a lifetime.

Conservatives like #deathsantis view education as scary, so it becomes another thing to government mind control.
Student loans from the government have helped 10's of millions of people achieve higher education and better paying jobs which have provided much more tax revenue over a lifetime.

Conservatives like #deathsantis view education as scary, so it becomes another thing to government mind control.

Student loans from the government have helped 10's of millions of people achieve higher education and better paying jobs which have provided much more tax revenue over a lifetime.

And greatly inflated the price.
Student loans from the government have helped 10's of millions of people achieve higher education and better paying jobs which have provided much more tax revenue over a lifetime.

And greatly inflated the price.
Yeah, in part because conservative pols push to reduce tax support for state universities.
Flash is not a real American. No confederate should be allowed USA citizenship. They are like all terrorists who have tried to bring our country down.
And the idiots lost the civil war. They are like Trump. Confederates think it was a rigged war. LOSERS
I post that avatar to trigger stupid hate filled Moon Bats.

Thanks for playing.
We will see what Biden does.
Trained monkeys, like you, are so predictable. Reagan can do no wrong. Biden does everything wrong. IDIOT

Biden has done everything wrong and reagan did very few things that were right. You don't have a clue. You're just liberal rag hack who slings emotional goo because you've been exposed.
Biden has done everything wrong and reagan did very few things that were right. You don't have a clue. You're just liberal rag hack who slings emotional goo because you've been exposed.
What wrong about President Biden's unemployment numbers?

Well, then if your credentials are accurate, then you are an intelligent person. So maybe, I should take this to you from a different perspective---------------->

During a recession, manufacturers lower prices to induce you to buy their products instead of the competitions. The larger margin they have to lower them, the better for the consumer. As Democrats like to say with a few changes........the race to the bottom!

Inflation is not just about the price of products, it is also about what the public demands for compensation, is it not? If the public demand for compensation is lowered because they are being satisfied for their personal needs, it puts neutral pressure upon wage hikes which help cause inflation.

It takes a many prong approach to lower inflation---------->

1. Dry up extra money supply through interest rates.

2. Stabilize or lower prices for consumer goods as best you can.

3. Stop upwards pressure on compensation for work.

Now then, maybe by their fault, maybe by no fault of their own, let us see how Democrats have done, shall we!

A. Finally started raising interest rates, little late to the fix the problem, but better late than never.

B. Actively worked for raising costs of fuel for their green new deal. When it all fell apart, they have refused to change course except to beg The House of Saud for oil. No new drilling permits (or few) no new refineries accepted for gasoline or diesel, no summit with industry experts to fix the best they can, the problem.........which is causing around 65 to 70% of inflation.

C. Attempting to insure the doubling of minimum wage for work compensation, which then puts upward pressure on every wage above that. Instead of moving up the food chain in wages by getting a better job as you out grow your old place of employment, they instead add the fuel to inflation, by giving you more compensation for a job a teenager can do.

If your credentials are accurate, you understand exactly what I have just stated. The people who suffer most from this, are people on fixed income, the taxpayer who has to pay more, or borrow more in the name of the government to give fixed income people the raise in Social Security, and poor people that can't climb the ladder because jobs end up being tight during a recession, so they have to wait because nobody wants to take a chance on the unknown, and will only hire the known.

If you are as educated as you say you are, you know as well as I do, the odds are 85-15% this is coming. OK, OK, maybe 80-20, or at the very least, 75-25%! How you can justify this for these affected groups on a social engineering level is beyond me. To do so, is admitting you are saying-------->do as I say, because I (we) know better! Do you? Do you know what is best for the manifest, destiny, of all of these people? How? Why? Same question goes to Biden, his cabinet who is terrible I might add. Besides being in government all of their lives........including Biden.........why do THEY know better?

It is plainly obvious to everyone, it is only 1 of 2 scenarios------------->

They want to impose their will upon us no matter what Americans think, or

2. They know something we do not, and all they have to do is tell us what they know to make all of this plausible, and maybe we buy into it.

Green new deal does NOT apply, because it is contested on so many fronts by other experts, so all most of us can assume is that Joe and the Left is trying to stuff their utopia down Americans throats.

In closing, let me state that Joe has not caused all of this disaster, not even close. The same can not be said for the Democrats over the last 20 years, 15 at the very least. They have been against drilling, refineries, fracking, offshore testing for YEARS, and now the chickens are coming home to roost, helping cause massive inflation as soon as any supply in fossil fuels heads South. What we should be able to cover easily, at least for our own country, can't happen because of the green party wing of the Democrats.

So, maybe you will take solace in the fact I refuse to blame this totally on Biden, or maybe you will get pi**ed at me showing it really was all on the Democrats for the last 15 or 20 years. Either way, you can research it and see for yourself. Since the cause of inflation is almost 70% due to the rise in fossil fuels, the conclusion can not be any other way.

Do I think they planned it this way? Do I believe they wanted this to happen? Do I believe they wanted Americans to suffer? NO! But they made the call, they insisted, and now because of their misstep, the WILL pay the price!

A major cause of inflation was the break out of pent up demand from COVID. The global and domestic infrastructure could not handle the increased demand.
Container rental went from $3000 a crossing to $30,000 a crossing. The ports became clogged. Domestic transportation faces the same issues increasing transportation costs. Raw materials sky rocketed in price as demand surged. The increased oil prices with the Ukraine war being a major driver.
How a tax cut would be applied is up to each business. Some may lower prices but if competition does not force it, they will not. A publicly traded corporation can have more advantage with margin growth than top line growth. A windfall profit tax will guarantee a reduction in the deficit.
The ecommerce market has lowered prices and decreased margins substantially. The retail prices are visible to all. Data bases provide information and the main players try to match the lowest price. It has been a race to the bottom.

1. Dry up extra money supply through interest rates.
All agree that Fed raising interest rates will slow inflation. It is not a perfect science. Higher interest rates can bring on a recession

2. Stabilize or lower prices for consumer goods as best you can.
I see the increase of costs for transportation and raw material a greater driver than wages. The consolidation of corporations over the past 10 years has reduced competition in many product categories.

3. Stop upwards pressure on compensation for work.
In today's world of automation, individual compensation does not have the same affect on retail prices as it used to. If you want to lower compensation, go outside the US. Is that what we want to do? Many businesses cannot attract the employees they need. We are a service business. We are raising wages to attract the best. Many industries are having to increase wages to attract workers. Too many people used the COVID relief checks and unemployment as a reason not to work.

No doubt, this is a very complex problem with no easy answer. Anyone who says they have an easy answer are lying.
One thing about Ole Potatohead.

When he fucks up a country he doesn't do it half ass.

Ole Potatohead is doubling down down on his climate change bullshit, even if it destroys the economy. Obama was right for once in his life. Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up.

“Action on climate change and clean energy remains more urgent than ever,” the president said in a statement as he traveled in Saudi Arabia, without mentioning Manchin “So let me be clear: if the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment.”

Biden vows climate action despite economy after Joe Manchin stalls Build Back Better
Right, Harry. I gave Trump a pass on the economy tanking because the main cause was COVID.
You and the other Trump trained monkeys would blame Biden for a tanked economy even if caused by COVID.
Trained Monkey rules (You know them)
Everything Donald Trump does is good.
Everything Donald Trump's opponents do is bad.
elmer how come you cant back up the shit you say about people here?...

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