What Liberals Still Don’t Understand About Fox News


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
lol, BAM!!!!!! Man some people should feel real small and embarrassed.... they swallow that on FOX news hook, line and stinker...this article is from pollutico of all places. They come out the DNC foxhole occasionally.



May 24, 2015

And it came to pass that the earth turned and another campaign season spun into view and the liberal commentariat rose from its siesta to begin its usual moping about the perverse political powers wielded by the Fox News Channel.

This time, the sentinel waking the commentariat to the alleged Fox menace is not a liberal but a self-described conservative,Bruce Bartlett. Bartlett, aprolificwriter on politics and economics who has worked for congressional Republicans (Ron Paul and Jack Kemp), Republican presidents, (Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) and conservative and libertarian policy shops,brokewith his party a decade ago when he leveled President George W. Bush as an opportunistic pork-barreller in his bookImpostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy. Bartlett recently added a media component to his critique in a paper titled:

“How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics,” which has heated the blood of liberals to the boiling point, including theAtlantic’sJames FallowsandJosh Marshall,Talking Points Memo, theHuffington Postand other outriders of liberalism.

Fox News isn’t just bad for America, which is the usual liberal complaint. It’s also bad for the Republican Party, the still-conservative Bartlett holds, because it has stunted the GOP’s growth with a news agenda that ships “misinformation” to the party’s far-right base.

This is the so-called Fox “echo chamber” effect you’ve read so much about inThinkProgress, theNew Republic,Slate,The Week, Nicholas Kristof’scolumnand theAtlantic (you want to see echo chambers. go to those ugly sites)

. According to chamber theorists, Fox “breeds extremism” within the Republican Party by (1) convincing viewers to reject other news feeds as biased and (2) to partake only of Fox content and like-minded conservative radio fodder. The echo chamber, so the theory goes, has deluded the party into thinking that support for its radical-right views is greater than it really is. This, in turn, has convinced the party to run radical candidates who aren’t aselectableas they seem to be. And all this extremism prevents the GOP’s presidential candidates from reaching centrist voters, who are essential for victory.

all of it here:
What Liberals Still Don t Understand About Fox News - Jack Shafer - POLITICO Magazine

Read more:What Liberals Still Don t Understand About Fox News - Jack Shafer - POLITICO Magazine
Looks good to me.

I keep saying we're too hard on fox.

If they were a news organization, it would be different but they're all about short skirts and lying to gullible. I gotta hand it to them - they do that really well.

Granted, I'm not dumb enough to fall in line and I sure as hell wouldn't watch a network who is very open about being truthful in only 18% of their stories but really, that sounds about right for Stoopid Stuff.

Stephanie - what is fux's position of kiddie rapists? Do they agree with you?
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Sounds about right. So what's your issue here Steph? I can't seem to spot anything you'd want to roll on.

Yeah I agree -- "I don't think that link means what you think it means".

This was brought up in a thread yesterday --- where posters seem to understand what its point is.
I guess when you posted "feel real small and embarrassed" you were seeing your own future?
That was actually interesting. Frank Rich usually gets it right. But 68, are all their viewers in Florida? The last presidential election proved just how much Fox is out of step with America.
lol, did it hit a nerve. :dance:

Why don't you get someone to proof read your threads for you before you post them? It must be embarrassing for you to have so many end up saying the exact opposite of what you think they say.
everyone DUCK. k
That was actually interesting. Frank Rich usually gets it right. But 68, are all their viewers in Florida? The last presidential election proved just how much Fox is out of step with America.

oh brother. the last two MIDTERMS elections show how out of step and not in reality you libs/progressives are. and just in case you need a reminder. a republican was President just six and half years ago, for TWO TERMS eight whole years. whoa
everyone DUCK. k
That was actually interesting. Frank Rich usually gets it right. But 68, are all their viewers in Florida? The last presidential election proved just how much Fox is out of step with America.

oh brother. the last two MIDTERMS elections show how out of step and not in reality you libs/progressives are. and just in case you need a reminder. a republican was President just six and half years ago, for TWO TERMS eight whole years. whoa

If you are satisfied with nothing more than those little midterms, then good for you, cause that's about all you can hope for for a long time.
everyone DUCK. k
That was actually interesting. Frank Rich usually gets it right. But 68, are all their viewers in Florida? The last presidential election proved just how much Fox is out of step with America.

oh brother. the last two MIDTERMS elections show how out of step and not in reality you libs/progressives are. and just in case you need a reminder. a republican was President just six and half years ago, for TWO TERMS eight whole years. whoa

Actually Sister, the last 37 MIDTERMS show the same pattern -- that the party in the White House almost always loses ground in every midterm. That's been true as long as we've had these two parties. We had 17 of them in a row before a single exception came up, and that exception (1934) was because the Depression had destroyed Republican credibility.
lol, did it hit a nerve. :dance:

Uh, Stoopid Stuff - You really should actually READ your own OP.

Its true RWs tend to vote against their own interests and, that in mid-term elections, Dems don't vote at all.

If the same happens with the general, we all deserve exactly what we get.

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lol, BAM!!!!!! Man some people should feel real small and embarrassed.... they swallow that on FOX news hook, line and stinker...this article is from pollutico of all places. They come out the DNC foxhole occasionally.



May 24, 2015

And it came to pass that the earth turned and another campaign season spun into view and the liberal commentariat rose from its siesta to begin its usual moping about the perverse political powers wielded by the Fox News Channel.

This time, the sentinel waking the commentariat to the alleged Fox menace is not a liberal but a self-described conservative,Bruce Bartlett. Bartlett, aprolificwriter on politics and economics who has worked for congressional Republicans (Ron Paul and Jack Kemp), Republican presidents, (Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) and conservative and libertarian policy shops,brokewith his party a decade ago when he leveled President George W. Bush as an opportunistic pork-barreller in his bookImpostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy. Bartlett recently added a media component to his critique in a paper titled:

“How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics,” which has heated the blood of liberals to the boiling point, including theAtlantic’sJames FallowsandJosh Marshall,Talking Points Memo, theHuffington Postand other outriders of liberalism.

Fox News isn’t just bad for America, which is the usual liberal complaint. It’s also bad for the Republican Party, the still-conservative Bartlett holds, because it has stunted the GOP’s growth with a news agenda that ships “misinformation” to the party’s far-right base.

This is the so-called Fox “echo chamber” effect you’ve read so much about inThinkProgress, theNew Republic,Slate,The Week, Nicholas Kristof’scolumnand theAtlantic (you want to see echo chambers. go to those ugly sites)

. According to chamber theorists, Fox “breeds extremism” within the Republican Party by (1) convincing viewers to reject other news feeds as biased and (2) to partake only of Fox content and like-minded conservative radio fodder. The echo chamber, so the theory goes, has deluded the party into thinking that support for its radical-right views is greater than it really is. This, in turn, has convinced the party to run radical candidates who aren’t aselectableas they seem to be. And all this extremism prevents the GOP’s presidential candidates from reaching centrist voters, who are essential for victory.

all of it here:
What Liberals Still Don t Understand About Fox News - Jack Shafer - POLITICO Magazine

Read more:What Liberals Still Don t Understand About Fox News - Jack Shafer - POLITICO Magazine

I think most people know and understand how Fox operates by convincing viewers other legitimate news sources have a "liberal bias."

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