What made United States great ?

To really understand it, go to the national archives online and bring up the written papers of our founding fathers and read and study them all. Don’t cherry pick them. Read each ones papers. This will give you the reason for the Constitution and Bill of Rights as written. Then you will get a true sense of what made America so great.
It's "great" because we say it is.

Just as Danes will say Denmark is 'great', Mauritanians will say Mauritania is 'great' and Sri Lankans will say Sri Lanka a is 'great'. I'll skip the rest of the list.

A better question might be what kind of panicked collective insecurity makes us hubristic.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
The Failure of the Founders of The US Constitution

In a Republic, as the people delegate their sovereign authority to their representatives the less they retain awareness of the decisions made on their behalf and the less they feel empowered; therefore, the closer these powers remain to the people, while harmony exists among the diverse societies, the more the people stay informed, involved and retain their mind-set of being empowered. Conversely, when conflict cannot be resolved locally, it is advanced to higher echelons of government, where calmer minds prevail, pending a solution. The founders recognized the inevitability of population growth and an increase in the numbers of diverse societies. The Constitution's intentional distribution of power from the people to local authority then to the States and lastly the Federal Government permits the citizenry to more closely monitor the activities of government and the restrictions it might impose on them. The Founders believed, the inherent role of central government to protect the security and freedoms of society should not alter with the changing needs of society and that the States or local authorities would resolve most of the civil conflicts.

I believe we can agree the Founders designed the Constitution including the Bill of Rights on basic principles of good government which has been previously discussed. Also built into the Constitution are many checks and balances to limit power allocated to the central authority, without endangering the autonomy of the states; and the Separation of Powers between the branches.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
Not so, Einstein. God figures prominently in the DoI.


I take this to mean, "what made America great? Mining."
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement. A physical presence as in body or direct wording to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, and once read is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.

Circular argument.

What if there's no such thing as "God" or the anthropomorphic dichotomy, and you just made them up?
There goes that theory.
In God we trust. What made America fail? Removing God from government.
It was never in the federal government..
To really understand it, go to the national archives online and bring up the written papers of our founding fathers and read and study them all. Don’t cherry pick them. Read each ones papers. This will give you the reason for the Constitution and Bill of Rights as written. Then you will get a true sense of what made America so great.

Don't think i'll ever read 'em all in my lifetime , but your point is well taken

Our main failure was that we didn't heed the warnings of our Founding Fathers.................

They warned us over and over again about the dangers of giving the Central Government too much power......It is exactly why they limited the scope of Gov't to Enumerated Powers................

They did this after studying the rise and fall of other powers in deciding to make this country a Republic............

Since we gave these excessive powers............our Gov't has become ENORMOUS in size and scope.............and these leaders have used it for self gain.............and they have used it to abuse the powers prescribed under the Constitution........To take from one to give to another in claiming it is for the General Welfare................

Instead of LOCAL gov'ts deciding what is best for themselves at a local level...........

And here lies the demise of our Republic................and History of those before us making the same mistakes.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement. A physical presence as in body or direct wording to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, and once read is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.

Circular argument.

What if there's no such thing as "God" or the anthropomorphic dichotomy, and you just made them up?
There goes that theory.
. The action and results of the belief and faith gives you the answer, yet you choose to ignore the results because you refuse to acknowledge the results because of your rebelliousness in life.
Our main failure was that we didn't heed the warnings of our Founding Fathers.................

They warned us over and over again about the dangers of giving the Central Government too much power......It is exactly why they limited the scope of Gov't to Enumerated Powers................

They did this after studying the rise and fall of other powers in deciding to make this country a Republic............

Since we gave these excessive powers............our Gov't has become ENORMOUS in size and scope.............and these leaders have used it for self gain.............and they have used it to abuse the powers prescribed under the Constitution........To take from one to give to another in claiming it is for the General Welfare................

Instead of LOCAL gov'ts deciding what is best for themselves at a local level...........

And here lies the demise of our Republic................and History of those before us making the same mistakes.
That all started during and after the Civil War....When states rights fought a war and the war won...
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement. A physical presence as in body or direct wording to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, and once read is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.

Circular argument.

What if there's no such thing as "God" or the anthropomorphic dichotomy, and you just made them up?
There goes that theory.
. The action and results of the belief and faith gives you the answer, yet you choose to ignore the results because you refuse to acknowledge the results because of your rebelliousness in life.

I hung up on a spammer this morning, and the day ain't over yet!

Our main failure was that we didn't heed the warnings of our Founding Fathers.................

They warned us over and over again about the dangers of giving the Central Government too much power......It is exactly why they limited the scope of Gov't to Enumerated Powers................

They did this after studying the rise and fall of other powers in deciding to make this country a Republic............

Since we gave these excessive powers............our Gov't has become ENORMOUS in size and scope.............and these leaders have used it for self gain.............and they have used it to abuse the powers prescribed under the Constitution........To take from one to give to another in claiming it is for the General Welfare................

Instead of LOCAL gov'ts deciding what is best for themselves at a local level...........

And here lies the demise of our Republic................and History of those before us making the same mistakes.
That all started during and after the Civil War....When states rights fought a war and the war won...
Yes............and it went postal during the 20th Century.
Our main failure was that we didn't heed the warnings of our Founding Fathers.................

They warned us over and over again about the dangers of giving the Central Government too much power......It is exactly why they limited the scope of Gov't to Enumerated Powers................

They did this after studying the rise and fall of other powers in deciding to make this country a Republic............

Since we gave these excessive powers............our Gov't has become ENORMOUS in size and scope.............and these leaders have used it for self gain.............and they have used it to abuse the powers prescribed under the Constitution........To take from one to give to another in claiming it is for the General Welfare................

Instead of LOCAL gov'ts deciding what is best for themselves at a local level...........

And here lies the demise of our Republic................and History of those before us making the same mistakes.

Alright, there's a 10ther debate i can sign onto ~S~

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