What makes American Right Wingers believes such ridiculous conspiracies?



Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?
32% of Democrats, think that George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11, the so-called "truther" belief.

Nearly 30% of NJ GOP Voters Believe Obama Could Be the AntiChrist | HULIQ


Even though I personally believe Bush had no knowledge of the attack beyond what Clinton left him, it's this video that fuels speculation that he knew. I think Bush is an idiot and just makes up shit. But when he records something like this, it fuels ridiculous speculation:

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Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

Who the hell said Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi? What is wrong with you?
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

Who the hell said Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi? What is wrong with you?

Yea, who?

Sources suggest the Benghazi attack was a bungled abduction attempt - Tampa Bay Libertarian | Examiner.com

Admiral James Lyons suggests the Obama administration intentionally lessened the levels of security at the consulate compound in Benghazi in the weeks leading up to the attack. This plan should have worked to reduce the possibility of resistance as the Ansar al-Sharia terrorist organization captured Chris Stevens, the American Ambassador to Libya.

According to information obtained by Fox News, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both former U.S. Navy Seals, ignored orders to "stand down" and fought vigorously for hours in their attempt to defend the compound from the impending attack.

On October 25, Kris Zane published his second article on the incident “Obama Linked to Benghazi Attack
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It makes me laugh when Right Wingers go on about how smart Bush actually was. That he was "misunderestimated". Check out this video.

What is does prove is that if America elected such a buffoon, then they most certainly could elect Sarah Palin.
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How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:
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Another day...another absurd Deanie string!

This waste of board space is a perfect example of why you were the RUNAWAY winner of the "dumbest liberal poster" string.
How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:

Like I said, it's ridiculous to think Bush was behind 9/11, but he only has himself to blame. Check out this video.

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How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:

Like I said, it's ridiculous to think Bush was behind 9/11, but he only has himself to blame. Check out this video.

it was ridiculous to think the japs could bomb pearl too.

how did that one work for you.

On the contrary there is a mountain of evidence bush is involved.
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KooKoomojo is proof positive that one need not be Dem or Repub to be a flamin' CT ... just freakin' loony.
How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:

Like I said, it's ridiculous to think Bush was behind 9/11, but he only has himself to blame. Check out this video.

it was ridiculous to think the japs could bomb pearl too.

how did that one work for you.

On the contrary there is a mountain of evidence bush is involved.

No there is not. It's ridiculous. As stupid as Republicans wondering why Obama didn't help the people in New Orleans after Katrina.
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This thread OP is about as loony a collection of garbage as i've ever seen...just sayin.

How so? You can find right wingers on this very site who have said all of these things. I have to admit, my favorite is, "That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden." Don't you like that one too?

Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

Who the hell said Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi? What is wrong with you?

Yea, who?

Sources suggest the Benghazi attack was a bungled abduction attempt - Tampa Bay Libertarian | Examiner.com

Admiral James Lyons suggests the Obama administration intentionally lessened the levels of security at the consulate compound in Benghazi in the weeks leading up to the attack. This plan should have worked to reduce the possibility of resistance as the Ansar al-Sharia terrorist organization captured Chris Stevens, the American Ambassador to Libya.

According to information obtained by Fox News, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both former U.S. Navy Seals, ignored orders to "stand down" and fought vigorously for hours in their attempt to defend the compound from the impending attack.

On October 25, Kris Zane published his second article on the incident “Obama Linked to Benghazi Attack

Nowhere in your link does it suggest that anybody thought Obama planned the death of those in Benghazi. Seriously, I'll repeat myself. What is wrong with you?
Damn, I knew you were whacky, I just never knew how bad it was.

Obama not being born here.

Started by Hillary.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

I don't recall anyone saying he planned them.

On the other hand, Kerry does believe that the CIA planned the death of Kennedy.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

It must be so much fun inside your head.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

I must have missed the historic event of Republicans having a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

What about all the whackadoodle stuff you believe?
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

Who the hell said Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi? What is wrong with you?

He lives in an alternate reality inside his head. There are voices in there that tell him all sorts of things, just don't ask him for links.
Man dean you had to make it political. Your own side won't even follow you into this one.

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