What makes American Right Wingers believes such ridiculous conspiracies?

The results aren't conclusive.

So don't start laughing at this one just yet!

One of yours, rdean!


Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Anti-Christ | LiveScience
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

Not sure s0n but time to swap out that gay avatar!!! Perhaps you didn't hear.......

The results aren't conclusive.

So don't start laughing at this one just yet!

One of yours, rdean!


Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Anti-Christ | LiveScience

One fourth, plus at least one more nutter here who actually wrote

The results aren't conclusive.


Except that its not. These wacko fantasies are exactly what we have come to expect from the loons on the right.
How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:

In general, are republican voters less educated? - Yahoo Answers

Are Republican voters less educated?
Are Republican voters are less educated than their Democratic brethren?

STAT #1) Based on the QUANTITY of post secondary degrees in red states vs. blue states (2004 election,) the liberal blue states have MORE post secondary degrees:
Democratic Blue states: 705,495 (20 states, population 143 million)
Republican Red states: 694,047 (31 states, population 159 million)
Despite a huge population advantage, blue states have more degrees. D.C is included in the blue states because it has an electoral vote.

STAT #2) Based on the states that voted for Bush in the 2004 election, the number of people with post secondary degrees per capita.
Out of a 100 people, how many people will have a post secondary degree in:
Democratic Blue States: 1.28
Republican Red States: 1.05
Even within a tiny cross section of only 100 people, the blue states clearly have many more degrees per capita.

STAT #3) US News rankings of the the nation's top 15 colleges and universities in the country. (and possible future leaders of America?)
Number of top 15 schools in:
Blue States: 13
Red States: 2
This stat speaks for itself. The top school in the red states is #8 Duke. #1 Harvard, #2 Princeton, #3 Yale, #4 MIT, #4 Stanford, etc are all in blue states. At any school one goes to in my area, Harvard, MIT, Boston College, Tufts, UMass... there are maybe one or two republican professors, and every other professor in any subject area is liberal.

Obviously, the Neo Cons can argue percentages and, yes, this data speaks to absolutes, i.e everyone in a red state votes red and vice versa. It's more of a generalization, but I think it's humorous that there was such a noticeable difference.

1)National Center for Educational Statistics (National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a part of the U.S. Department of Education)
2)US Census Bureau (Census Bureau Homepage)
3)US News College Rankings(colleges.usnews.rankingsandrevi…
4)The desire not to leave my daughter a country run by the ignorant. Daddy loves you, Lily. Here's hoping for a step forwards, not back.
How many republicans think Bush was behind 9/11? VERY FEW
How many conspiracy theorists believe Bush was behind 9/11? ALL OF THEM

Sorry, if any party is wearing tin foil hats, its the democrats. The democrats aren't just the party for the poor uneducated people in our country, they are the party for wack jobs too! Your voting base is a mob of bumbling fucktards. :lol:

Like I said, it's ridiculous to think Bush was behind 9/11, but he only has himself to blame. Check out this video.

it was ridiculous to think the japs could bomb pearl too.

how did that one work for you.

On the contrary there is a mountain of evidence bush is involved.
Well, they do fit nicely together .
Last edited by a moderator:
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?

[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] doesn't belive OBL is dead...
Obama not being born here.

That Obama planned the deaths of those in Benghazi.

That scientists are making up climate change to scam money from the government.

That it was Mitt Romney who deserves credit for taking out Bin Laden.

That Democrats could have stopped the Bush Tax Cuts.

There are so many and each one is more strange, bizarre and over the top than the next. I still have a hard time believing they think the world is only a few thousand years old. Part of the divide of the right wingers and the rest of country is race, but the rest is this divorce from reality. All you have to do is look at their foreign policies, their economic policies, their domestic policies. Do they get away with this by the main stream press because their positions can't be taken seriously, so news reporters don't report it because they feel it is they who will be laughed at?
[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] doesn't belive OBL is dead...
him a whole pant load of tin hats..

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