What makes people believe in primitive religions?

Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

Atheists don't know the truth any more than than anyone else.
I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Weren't you the black guy who didn't like being compared to gays? Did you get my message? Because blacks like you make me sick. You forget what your people went through? Now you gonna join the white's in discriminating against gays? How dare you. Unfucking believable.

Remember what that Sterling guy who owns the Clippers said about Magic? What if he would have said that same thing about gays? If you don't defend the gays, then you forgot what MLK said. An injustice to anyone is an injustice to everyone.

Liberals like me rode the buses with you guys in the Freedom Riders. Had they known you'd turn into assholes just like the KKK'ers who beat you in the 60's, maybe we wouldn't have helped you gain your freedom. Why when you are going to turn around and discriminate against someone for something they have no control over, just like you have no control over how dark you are. I have always felt bad for blacks in America. A white Mexican or European or Australian or Canadian Greeks, Russians or even Arab can come to America and within one generation his kids will have it better than blacks who have been here for hundreds of years. Its hard to assimilate when you look so different.

Don't worry about the differences between your struggle and theirs. Remember the things you have in common. You can't hide who you are and gays shouldn't have to hide who they are. Does your bible say it's wrong? So what? Burn that book. It was made up by men 2000 years ago. Do you not think homophobic uneducated men wrote the bible? They did. Made the whole thing up. 11 guys saw this? And you believe? Men wrote the bible you schmuck.

P.S. It is you who is rude, to gay people. Stop it. :eusa_hand:
Because God is Holy and righteous, He cannot look at man without judging sin.

Read Acts 5:4-11. Two people lied to God. Somehow the church came up with a saying that says, "You lie, you die" according to Acts 5:4-11. I have a sociological study that the average American lies 200 times a day. In God's presence, how many people do you think would be alive today?

Acts 5 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

If you want God in your life, are you prepared for the consequences which means changing and being fatally judged or would you like plan B where Jesus dies for your sin, you transfer your sin to Jesus to be judged on Jesus and you live eternally?

Just so I'm understanding. You are quoting versus written by people who didn't know to wash after wiping financed by a gay guy?

A simple "yes" is sufficient.


I think a lot of people will be disappointed in heaven because their works will be tried in the fire by God and their works will burn up.

I think a lot of people will be disappointed because they didn't store up treasure in heaven.

I will be disappointed because I didn't do enough.

I think most people will have a rude awakening when they meet God.

I don't know what you are talking about and I really don't care.


What a chrishtard. :cuckoo::eusa_pray::badgrin::lame2::ahole-1::asshole::blues::fu::fu:
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

Atheists don't know the truth any more than than anyone else.

Agreed but we know a lie when we hear one. :eusa_pray::evil::eusa_liar:
because we believed in god(s) as far back as when we were apes, that means god must be real.

So, apes are responsible for our concept of God. How many apes still believe in the God of their ancient ape fathers? Have the zoos done any recent studies? Maybe the ape's modern disregard for the God their fathers believed in, is the reason they have stopped evolving into college professors..........

You know what I mean stupid. The humanoids that invented religion were basically 2 steps out of the cave. Why would we trust anything they believed especially when there is no proof? A rational sane not stupid person wouldn't. But you and boss can keep believing an ancient lie if you want.

How do you think you would do against one of these cave men on a math or science test? Scratch that. You are stupid. Point is, most of us would crush our ignorant uneducated ancient ancestors because they were barely more than monkey's when they made up god. They just learned how to make fire and spears. They were very afraid because every night a lion or bear would take one of the people in their tribes. To make everyone feel better, the leader said it was ok because that person is with the sun god now and where he is you are never hungry, never scared and never sick.

He basically told a fairy tale. And you still believe it. Oh yea, Christianity has a lot more details in their book so it's a little more than that, but basically they aren't telling you anything any other cult says. Stupid fool. :eusa_whistle:

Homo Sapiens Sapiens is at least 50,000 years old. The oldest religion we know of is around 5,000 years old. It is no doubt not the first, just the most ancient we still have records of. Why do you find religions and those who believe in them so frightening?

The level of palpable fear you all exhibit is kind of weird.

What gives?
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

Atheists don't know the truth any more than than anyone else.

Agreed but we know a lie when we hear one. :eusa_pray::evil::eusa_liar:

Unless you're a Republican. All they know are lies. It's not like it hasn't been proven again and again and.....................
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

Oh Hell Rdean.,.....Wrong is wrong. Write down your theory of everything and let us critique it to death.

I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?
Depends on the religion, and the individual/group in question.

Many Buddhists are atheists, so they don't hold a belief in existence of a god, though that is just one religion that doesn't require a belief in a god to hold true to the religion.

Then you have spiritualist atheists, who don't hold a belief in a 'god' but believe in nature spirits and the like.

If you are talking about atheists that aren't spiritual and don't have religious faith, I can't be 100% precise about that group because I hold some spiritual beliefs/feelings, even if I don't hold a belief in a god or a religion.

In the mainstream of atheism, organized religion is viewed as silly and their followers equally so. Distinctions are made by some i.e. Richard Dawkins views Islam as far worse than Christianity, Hitchens went further to equate a belief in a god with belief in a totalitarian figure like Kim Jong Il.
Just so I'm understanding. You are quoting versus written by people who didn't know to wash after wiping financed by a gay guy?

A simple "yes" is sufficient.


I think a lot of people will be disappointed in heaven because their works will be tried in the fire by God and their works will burn up.

I think a lot of people will be disappointed because they didn't store up treasure in heaven.

I will be disappointed because I didn't do enough.

I think most people will have a rude awakening when they meet God.

I don't know what you are talking about and I really don't care.


What a chrishtard. :cuckoo::eusa_pray::badgrin::lame2::ahole-1::asshole::blues::fu::fu:

gosh....Christians make you sick, blacks make you sick.....you're a real charmer, aren't you.....
I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....
i wont even try to defend religion or the idea of faith to the atheists here

suffice to know they are the minority; always have been, always will be

destined to suffer while wallowing in their own smugness
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

When young (and still stupid heh) I gave more credibility and legitimacy to a religion based on its age. Growing up I regarded Catholicism as more reliable than the Protestant versions for example, though ultimately believed Judaism more than them being Jewish. Once I began studying religions other than my own though I came to realize both mine and the Christian faiths were relatively new and much older religions existed like the Greek-Roman deities and older still Hinduism.

I think first and foremost, people believe everything their parents tell them as with Santa Claus. As they get older and get more general knowledge they come to realize a lot of things were lies. Motive aside, eventually we notice how pretty much everything was a lie, or is a lie. But these lies aren't necessarily negative or malicious. They paint a picture that good and evil exist as does ultimate responsibility (don't be evil or else...) And to the mind of a child, having things simplified isn't such a bad idea.

For adults then, those who truly believe in gods absent any proof of them must have the minds of children. Either by avoiding advanced education, or having some clinical retardation. Though most only say they believe for any number of reasons, usually self-serving.
So, apes are responsible for our concept of God. How many apes still believe in the God of their ancient ape fathers? Have the zoos done any recent studies? Maybe the ape's modern disregard for the God their fathers believed in, is the reason they have stopped evolving into college professors..........

You know what I mean stupid. The humanoids that invented religion were basically 2 steps out of the cave. Why would we trust anything they believed especially when there is no proof? A rational sane not stupid person wouldn't. But you and boss can keep believing an ancient lie if you want.

How do you think you would do against one of these cave men on a math or science test? Scratch that. You are stupid. Point is, most of us would crush our ignorant uneducated ancient ancestors because they were barely more than monkey's when they made up god. They just learned how to make fire and spears. They were very afraid because every night a lion or bear would take one of the people in their tribes. To make everyone feel better, the leader said it was ok because that person is with the sun god now and where he is you are never hungry, never scared and never sick.

He basically told a fairy tale. And you still believe it. Oh yea, Christianity has a lot more details in their book so it's a little more than that, but basically they aren't telling you anything any other cult says. Stupid fool. :eusa_whistle:

Homo Sapiens Sapiens is at least 50,000 years old. The oldest religion we know of is around 5,000 years old. It is no doubt not the first, just the most ancient we still have records of. Why do you find religions and those who believe in them so frightening?

The level of palpable fear you all exhibit is kind of weird.

What gives?

Really? It is us who fear you? :eusa_liar: Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Imagine you live in a society where everyone but 10% of the citizens believes in aliens and they start wars over them and they control/keep the masses down with this lie and they hold back research that goes against their illogical/irrational/insane stories and they deny global warming when it is obviously occuring and is clearly man made because their bible says their lord is coming back soon. Pollution isn't killing this planet, butt sex is. :cuckoo:

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.”

Believers claim the victim and imply that non-theists gang up on them, or rally against them. No, atheists just look at believers the same way they might look at someone who claims the Earth is flat, or that the Earth is the centre of the universe: delusional.

The bar theists set for perceived atheist hostility appears to be anyone simply voicing a dissenting opinion or mentioning an inclination towards non-belief. Claiming ‘persecution’ is simply a deflection for theists who are unwilling or unable to deal with open criticism.

“Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions.” – Blaise Pascal

I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.

Why there is no god
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

When young (and still stupid heh) I gave more credibility and legitimacy to a religion based on its age. Growing up I regarded Catholicism as more reliable than the Protestant versions for example, though ultimately believed Judaism more than them being Jewish. Once I began studying religions other than my own though I came to realize both mine and the Christian faiths were relatively new and much older religions existed like the Greek-Roman deities and older still Hinduism.

I think first and foremost, people believe everything their parents tell them as with Santa Claus. As they get older and get more general knowledge they come to realize a lot of things were lies. Motive aside, eventually we notice how pretty much everything was a lie, or is a lie. But these lies aren't necessarily negative or malicious. They paint a picture that good and evil exist as does ultimate responsibility (don't be evil or else...) And to the mind of a child, having things simplified isn't such a bad idea.

For adults then, those who truly believe in gods absent any proof of them must have the minds of children. Either by avoiding advanced education, or having some clinical retardation. Though most only say they believe for any number of reasons, usually self-serving.

Remember how hard it was taking tests in school because of the pressure? Think about the pressure of letting yourself even contemplate the evidence and realization that there probably is no god. You've been told your whole life you'll go to hell if you don't believe. The only thing that happens if you doubt santa is he won't come. So kids dare take that leap, but how many people would still believe in Santa as adults if they were told not believing would send them to SATAN?

I myself believed in a god not too long ago. I always said I was christian but never really thought about if the stories were real. I didn't take the bible literally but followed christ. Then when I decided all religions were bullshit I still thought there was a god. I just had a personal relationship with him. I didn't need the churches that were obviously corrupt and telling impossible stories. If it weren't for Chrstianities corruption/hypocricy. If it weren't for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Jahovas and Mormons I'd probably still be calling myself a christian. Thanks for waking me up guys.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

Why there is no god
I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....

Notice you didn't dispute anything I said. How could you ? You know it to be true.

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i wont even try to defend religion or the idea of faith to the atheists here

suffice to know they are the minority; always have been, always will be

destined to suffer while wallowing in their own smugness

How do you swallow a story that is unbelievable? Please evolve.

Oh, and the number of atheists/agnostics is on the rise big time. Just ask all the end of the world religious nuts here. They call themselves christians. They say because everyone is turning away from god the end of days are coming. It's a sure sign. So if you are religious and disagree with your own side on that, argue with them. I agree with religious people that christianity is going away. Slowly but it is going away.

Certainly not in Afganistan. Did you ever see the movie Osama? It's about a girl who's father was killed in the Russian/Afgan war and the Taliban (Religious) would not let women go out unescorted so widows and orphans starve or the little girls get sold to the old clerics and all those women/slaves pray to god 5 times a day. Where is god for those women? Where was he for their parents and grandparents and ancestors for thousands of years? How come Jesus doesn't go tell them the truth? Seems Allah beat Jesus to the punch, and Allah is a much more strict god, but he is a god none the less.

To all you religious people out there, I wish you were all born in Afganistan. You would fit in great over there. They follow the bible strictly.

P.S. Can't you see hell is the story they made up to scare you into believing? Maybe if you pray on that though. It took me awhile for it to sink in too. First step is to let your mind consider it and disregard the idea that it is blasphamy to even think it. And remember, a real god would not punish intelligence. Maybe their is a god but he aint chrstians muslim or jew.
I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....

Because you don't like the truth? Think about what he's saying. The GOP/so called party of Christ is anti feed the poor and anti heal the sick.

Lets just say that your economic/political principles don't mesh with what you say your religious beliefs are.

And lets be honest, why do Christians think they can be complete assholes and still go to heaven? Because all it takes to go to heaven is belief Jesus christ is your lord and savior and really did die on the cross for you, rose from the dead, came from a virgin birth, blabla.

And rdean is right. How many of you really believe those things literally? So most of you aren't even really christians. You are half christians. But you have been told that's all it takes to to to heaven. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:
Atheists don't know the truth any more than than anyone else.

Agreed but we know a lie when we hear one. :eusa_pray::evil::eusa_liar:

Unless you're a Republican. All they know are lies. It's not like it hasn't been proven again and again and.....................

Why do you think I don't argue politics with them too much anymore? If they are the kinds of people who will believe an unbelievable story about an imaginary person in the sky then how can you convince them about global warming when their church says its not happening or it's happening because of butt sex not pollution?

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