What makes people believe in primitive religions?

I've noticed that atheists on this forum (and all other forums) are pretty damn rude.

Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....

No more half christians. I know the Mormons really believe all those crazy Joseph Smith stories in 1800 happened. If you don't know the story, youtube dumb dumb dumb southpark and watch what they believe. But the fact is, they take those stories LITERALLY.

Jews believe Moses talked to god. The Muslims certainly believe their stories. Everyone except Christians really believe

In U.S., 3 in 10 Say They Take the Bible Literally

3 out of 10 christians take the bible literally. It won't be long before those 7 wake up.

Just as hard as Jesus' 11 deciples spread that lie, there are a lot more of us than 11. So you guys don't think we'll have an impact? Now that we have the internet? It's only a matter of time. Like the 999 religions that came before Christianity, it too will die out. People might become "spiritual" and I'm sure for at least 500 years we will still have the catholics, mormons, baptists, muslims. It'll take time and religion will probably never go away completely but one day an atheist will be president. I'm sure one already was but they didn't admit it. :eusa_shhh:
...why do people continue to cling to a religion when science discovers that its major tenets are nonsense?

The Book of Mormon tells the story about two migrations of Semitic people from the Middle East to the America's. It talks about horses, cows, camels, wheeled chariots, and hundreds of things that simply did not exist in the America's before Columbus. Joseph Smith claimed that the "Indians" were the descendants of these migrants.

All bullshit. We know for a scientific fact that it is all bullshit.

But LDS keeps on keepin' on.

The so-called, "Black Muslims" were founded on the basis of a totally nonsensical fabrication about "Elijah Muhammad" encountering God on earth, in the person of a W.D. Fard.

Bullshit. All bullshit.

And yet there are still thriving pockets of this nonsense religion.

It's one thing to say that Jesus walked on water or that he rose from the dead, and we have eyewitness reports from people who saw it. You can be skeptical, but you can't prove that it didn't happen.

Not so with the other examples mentioned above. We CAN prove that those religions are based on bullshit, and yet people continue to believe.
Sure, some people can make a cult out of the Bible, or the Bill of Rights, or the "man in the moon";
but the moon is still real, the natural laws in the Constitution are still applicable, and the true message in the Bible is still universal.
The false versions don't change that fact, but make the correct usages more pronounced in comparison.

If you judged and rejected "math" or "science" by all the people who ABUSED it to sell "garbage theories,"
we wouldn't have Einstein's using science for great developments, or people proving Fermat's theorem.

How come god talked to adam and eve, mosus, noah & jesus but he hides from us now? Why do we have to believe our brainwashed parents and a corrupt church or burn in hell. Sounds like any other cult to me. Only difference between chrstianity and cult are the number of members.

As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.
Figuratively: This represents the "first stage" in humanity where people were "self-aware"; historically it represents the start of the Adamic Lineage where Mosaic laws were later given to Moses in writing, for Jesus to fulfill in spirit in the New Testament. (A similar process for secular Gentiles started with the Greek ethics recognized as natural laws, Buddha's teachings established for the people, and even the Constitution putting natural laws in writing for posterity.)

We don't have to be religious or Christian to appreciate the GENERAL principle and pattern, and see how this is repeated in history,
with establishing laws up front, followed by a long process of fulfilling them in spirit as we develop and mature.

"God talked to" Buddha when he let go of all other religious rules and conditions, and just let the Spirit of Truth come to him. When the Founding Fathers prayed in unison before penning the words of our Constitution, they also had our country's future in mind, and prayed to God for divine guidance. (You can SEE the difference in the laws written in this spirit, vs. the legislation we have now, skewed for political expedience and corporate interests focused on short term gains and not future generations.)

Wisdom comes to us when we let go of our own interests and will, and trust in greater truth that includes that without us having to force it,
and that is the same as the Voice of God. Jesus is the same as the Voice of Justice, the calling to Conscience to act in accordance with Law.

Anyone with Conscience can hear the Voice of God/Jesus as Truth/Justice.
We can't hear this above our own "conflicting interests" that hinder the process with "noise."

I'm sure you seek and speak the Spirit of Truth with everything you address, [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION].
I don't question your integrity at all, but read it in your words that this "voice of truth" speaks through you, though you don't call it "God."
So that is the same thing, connecting with that inner Wisdom and Love of Truth
we all have by Conscience as Human Beings.

In this way, the spirit of truth and love "speaks" to us all the time
WHEN WE INTERACT with each other in THAT spirit:
Of unconditional love of truth, justice, peace for humanity.

"God" speaks through us when we address each other with this perfect love.

When we block love with FEAR, then that is when God is hidden from us.
By our own FEAR, unforgiveness, and unwillingness to let go, receive and share.

When we forgive and let go -- as Buddha did when he came to rest under the tree until truth came to him, or when Jesus prayed in the Garden to completely humble himself on his knees to accept God's will he was getting ready for -- then we can receive more and more Wisdom and Understanding which is the same as "God talking to us."

sealybobo, we are all going through this preparation and process, and we will all receive, and all reach a common understanding at the end.

Keep asking, keep knocking, and the right doors will open to reveal the answers you seek.
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People use religion, political parties, even sports like soccer and baseball
to form their own groups around a common language and identity.

All the different 'tribes' are like states in a union that are supposed to unite under one law over all of them, but they still keep their local authority and structure.

When Judgment comes, each person answers for their own words and principles they preached, taught and judged others by; so pick your "tribe" carefully and make sure you accept responsibility for that group and affiliation. You can share in the credit for the good accomplished by that group, but also for any CORRECTIONS needed.

I especially would like to see this applied to political parties, to hold members and leaders responsible for their own policies and not "depending" on the assumption that your rules/programs/costs can be imposed on public members outside your "private group" (much less opponents who belong to a different group and have equal rights to fund their own programs, not yours!)

People need to identify and align with members of the same cultural beliefs and values.

After that, we can organize society by these groups, agree what is the common law or umbrella that all are under and agree to, and separate what isn't in common to belong to the local jurisdictions. And separate the private policies and beliefs from the public laws.

It's a matter of organizing by group and structure, so we can maximize resources
and quit wasting them on unnecessary conflicts between groups competing when we coudl be cooperating between independent States, parties or religions instead of fighting.

...why do people continue to cling to a religion when science discovers that its major tenets are nonsense?

The Book of Mormon tells the story about two migrations of Semitic people from the Middle East to the America's. It talks about horses, cows, camels, wheeled chariots, and hundreds of things that simply did not exist in the America's before Columbus. Joseph Smith claimed that the "Indians" were the descendants of these migrants.

All bullshit. We know for a scientific fact that it is all bullshit.

But LDS keeps on keepin' on.

The so-called, "Black Muslims" were founded on the basis of a totally nonsensical fabrication about "Elijah Muhammad" encountering God on earth, in the person of a W.D. Fard.

Bullshit. All bullshit.

And yet there are still thriving pockets of this nonsense religion.

It's one thing to say that Jesus walked on water or that he rose from the dead, and we have eyewitness reports from people who saw it. You can be skeptical, but you can't prove that it didn't happen.

Not so with the other examples mentioned above. We CAN prove that those religions are based on bullshit, and yet people continue to believe.

Make each pay for their own policies, and only impose their laws on their own members and nobody else. The ones with sustainable systems based on voluntary participation will attract members; the ones that depend on imposing on others for support will run out of people to impose on if they leave the group to get away from the abuse and oppression.
Sure, some people can make a cult out of the Bible, or the Bill of Rights, or the "man in the moon";
but the moon is still real, the natural laws in the Constitution are still applicable, and the true message in the Bible is still universal.
The false versions don't change that fact, but make the correct usages more pronounced in comparison.

If you judged and rejected "math" or "science" by all the people who ABUSED it to sell "garbage theories,"
we wouldn't have Einstein's using science for great developments, or people proving Fermat's theorem.

How come god talked to adam and eve, mosus, noah & jesus but he hides from us now? Why do we have to believe our brainwashed parents and a corrupt church or burn in hell. Sounds like any other cult to me. Only difference between chrstianity and cult are the number of members.

As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.
Figuratively: This represents the "first stage" in humanity where people were "self-aware"; historically it represents the start of the Adamic Lineage where Mosaic laws were later given to Moses in writing, for Jesus to fulfill in spirit in the New Testament. (A similar process for secular Gentiles started with the Greek ethics recognized as natural laws, Buddha's teachings established for the people, and even the Constitution putting natural laws in writing for posterity.)

We don't have to be religious or Christian to appreciate the GENERAL principle and pattern, and see how this is repeated in history,
with establishing laws up front, followed by a long process of fulfilling them in spirit as we develop and mature.

"God talked to" Buddha when he let go of all other religious rules and conditions, and just let the Spirit of Truth come to him. When the Founding Fathers prayed in unison before penning the words of our Constitution, they also had our country's future in mind, and prayed to God for divine guidance. (You can SEE the difference in the laws written in this spirit, vs. the legislation we have now, skewed for political expedience and corporate interests focused on short term gains and not future generations.)

Wisdom comes to us when we let go of our own interests and will, and trust in greater truth that includes that without us having to force it,
and that is the same as the Voice of God. Jesus is the same as the Voice of Justice, the calling to Conscience to act in accordance with Law.

Anyone with Conscience can hear the Voice of God/Jesus as Truth/Justice.
We can't hear this above our own "conflicting interests" that hinder the process with "noise."

I'm sure you seek and speak the Spirit of Truth with everything you address, [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION].
I don't question your integrity at all, but read it in your words that this "voice of truth" speaks through you, though you don't call it "God."
So that is the same thing, connecting with that inner Wisdom and Love of Truth
we all have by Conscience as Human Beings.

In this way, the spirit of truth and love "speaks" to us all the time
WHEN WE INTERACT with each other in THAT spirit:
Of unconditional love of truth, justice, peace for humanity.

"God" speaks through us when we address each other with this perfect love.

When we block love with FEAR, then that is when God is hidden from us.
By our own FEAR, unforgiveness, and unwillingness to let go, receive and share.

When we forgive and let go -- as Buddha did when he came to rest under the tree until truth came to him, or when Jesus prayed in the Garden to completely humble himself on his knees to accept God's will he was getting ready for -- then we can receive more and more Wisdom and Understanding which is the same as "God talking to us."

sealybobo, we are all going through this preparation and process, and we will all receive, and all reach a common understanding at the end.

Keep asking, keep knocking, and the right doors will open to reveal the answers you seek.

No sorry sister but you don't get to dismiss the fact that so much about christianity is wrong including the beginning premise of a human sacrafice. How sadistic. YOU think about it. That god sent his son to be sacraficed for our blablabla.

And how conveinent no matter how corrupt/foul/bullshit that comes from CHRISTIANS, you can just blame that on man and not blame god. Or not ask yourself why for thousands of years he has allowed afganistanian women to live like sheep property of their husbands. They too pray in fact they do it 5 times a day after washing their feet.

I'll give you this. The Jesus story is the best of all the bullshit stories. But it's still just a story/fable/fairy tale. The only difference is a fairy tale happened a long long time ago in a far off place. Your stories just happened to have happened 2000-7000 years ago. Of course back before we had history books or before we documented historical events. Since we have, god has gone missing. And not one miracles that has said to have ever happened has ever been scientifically proven to have happened.

But last night I watched a black preacher and some woman who seemed possessed and he cast her demons out. OMG how dumb are the masses? REALLY dumb as far as I can tell.
Sure, some people can make a cult out of the Bible, or the Bill of Rights, or the "man in the moon";
but the moon is still real, the natural laws in the Constitution are still applicable, and the true message in the Bible is still universal.
The false versions don't change that fact, but make the correct usages more pronounced in comparison.

If you judged and rejected "math" or "science" by all the people who ABUSED it to sell "garbage theories,"
we wouldn't have Einstein's using science for great developments, or people proving Fermat's theorem.

How come god talked to adam and eve, mosus, noah & jesus but he hides from us now? Why do we have to believe our brainwashed parents and a corrupt church or burn in hell. Sounds like any other cult to me. Only difference between chrstianity and cult are the number of members.

As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.
Figuratively: This represents the "first stage" in humanity where people were "self-aware"; historically it represents the start of the Adamic Lineage where Mosaic laws were later given to Moses in writing, for Jesus to fulfill in spirit in the New Testament. (A similar process for secular Gentiles started with the Greek ethics recognized as natural laws, Buddha's teachings established for the people, and even the Constitution putting natural laws in writing for posterity.)

We don't have to be religious or Christian to appreciate the GENERAL principle and pattern, and see how this is repeated in history,
with establishing laws up front, followed by a long process of fulfilling them in spirit as we develop and mature.

"God talked to" Buddha when he let go of all other religious rules and conditions, and just let the Spirit of Truth come to him. When the Founding Fathers prayed in unison before penning the words of our Constitution, they also had our country's future in mind, and prayed to God for divine guidance. (You can SEE the difference in the laws written in this spirit, vs. the legislation we have now, skewed for political expedience and corporate interests focused on short term gains and not future generations.)

Wisdom comes to us when we let go of our own interests and will, and trust in greater truth that includes that without us having to force it,
and that is the same as the Voice of God. Jesus is the same as the Voice of Justice, the calling to Conscience to act in accordance with Law.

Anyone with Conscience can hear the Voice of God/Jesus as Truth/Justice.
We can't hear this above our own "conflicting interests" that hinder the process with "noise."

I'm sure you seek and speak the Spirit of Truth with everything you address, [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION].
I don't question your integrity at all, but read it in your words that this "voice of truth" speaks through you, though you don't call it "God."
So that is the same thing, connecting with that inner Wisdom and Love of Truth
we all have by Conscience as Human Beings.

In this way, the spirit of truth and love "speaks" to us all the time
WHEN WE INTERACT with each other in THAT spirit:
Of unconditional love of truth, justice, peace for humanity.

"God" speaks through us when we address each other with this perfect love.

When we block love with FEAR, then that is when God is hidden from us.
By our own FEAR, unforgiveness, and unwillingness to let go, receive and share.

When we forgive and let go -- as Buddha did when he came to rest under the tree until truth came to him, or when Jesus prayed in the Garden to completely humble himself on his knees to accept God's will he was getting ready for -- then we can receive more and more Wisdom and Understanding which is the same as "God talking to us."

sealybobo, we are all going through this preparation and process, and we will all receive, and all reach a common understanding at the end.

Keep asking, keep knocking, and the right doors will open to reveal the answers you seek.

I'm sorry, but if it takes this much debate and explanation and I still don't understand what the fuck you are trying to say then maybe you are just rambling incoherently?

Here is the fact. Christians follow a story that says god knocked up a virgin, but she was some arab guys wife??? Anyways, god put jesus in her "yea right I'm sure it was some other arab neighbor but that's another conversation" and he was god and god sent him to be sacrificed and he performed miracles and...

If this stuff didn't literally happen, you are following a lie. Stop calling it Jesus or Christianity if you don't really believe.

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
The funny ones are those who believe government can do a better job running their lives, how sick is that?
As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.

So what you are telling us is for thousands of years the church has been selling the Adam & Eve story as being real but in reality it is just a made up story of how man began to teach people morality? So the whole god talking to adam through a snake is made up? You can spin it all you want if its not true the whole religion started with a lie/story/made up by man.

Check mate.
Most Christians here aren't "real" Christians. They are some kind of mean spirited, right wingnut, Christian hybrid. They believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed". When you point out the Christians suffering caused by the US invasion of Iraq, they either don't believe it or don't care or both. They believe in corporations over people. Worst of all, they believe Jesus would agree with them about the poor and about corporations.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....

Notice you didn't dispute anything I said. How could you ? You know it to be true.

lol...no, I just don't bother arguing with insane people.....
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?
Yeah it's funny how folks like you will believe anything someone tells you.
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Think about what he's saying. The GOP/so called party of Christ is anti feed the poor and anti heal the sick.

I know that's what he said....that's why I think he's an idiot....I mean there's a fine line between being stupid enough to believe liberal memes and being smart enough to be able to read them......
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As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.

So what you are telling us is for thousands of years the church has been selling the Adam & Eve story as being real but in reality it is just a made up story of how man began to teach people morality? So the whole god talking to adam through a snake is made up? You can spin it all you want if its not true the whole religion started with a lie/story/made up by man.

Check mate.

If Adam and Eve aren't real, then neither is Em.
God never talked to Adam through a snake. Stop making crap up and attributing it to God. You said apes created God, and you call me stupid??
No need to spin anything.

Spinning would be that DNA was once in simple form and evolved into complex DNA.
That it mutated into different species along the way. And that the Neanderthal's DNA finally mutated into modern man. They spun that into the text books I was given as a student. Except not one word of that is true.

Darwin didn't have to deal in factual science, because he didn't know DNA existed.
Or that DNA tends to self correct mutations. Or that, mutating every 600 generations, does not a new species create. Or that no species, or organism no mater how simple, started out with simple DNA or eyes. Single celled amoebas started out complex.

For Darwin to be correct, DNA would have to mutate the exact same mutation over and over and over and over to become something different.
DNA would have to be precisely imprecise every single time to veer in another direction. The same correct mistake means you were created by an oxymoron. ( on second thought...)
We remain humans today because DNA doesn't do that.
You will never see a monkey giving birth to anything other than a monkey.

On the other hand, if you believe that mutating increased your complexity, then mutating can also decrease your complexity. You could end up in a movie with Ronald Reagan. :eusa_angel:
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Think about what he's saying. The GOP/so called party of Christ is anti feed the poor and anti heal the sick.

I know that's what he said....that's why I think he's an idiot....I mean there's a fine line between being stupid enough to believe liberal memes and being smart enough to be able to read them......

Did the GOP House or did they not cut foodstamps and welfare while giving corporations tax breaks?

Did the GOP or did they not fight Obamacare which gave healthcare or made healthcare more affordable for millions of Americans who before could not afford healthcare?

So the GOP are not for healing the sick or feeding the poor. You can't say they are. Their charities/churches are doing a horrible job at filling the void since those cuts by the way. They are too busy filling their pockets.
you see, this is why I consider liberals to be brainless.....

Notice you didn't dispute anything I said. How could you ? You know it to be true.

lol...no, I just don't bother arguing with insane people.....

Aren't you a christian?

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.”

Me and rdean must love arguing with insane people.
As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.

So what you are telling us is for thousands of years the church has been selling the Adam & Eve story as being real but in reality it is just a made up story of how man began to teach people morality? So the whole god talking to adam through a snake is made up? You can spin it all you want if its not true the whole religion started with a lie/story/made up by man.

Check mate.

If Adam and Eve aren't real, then neither is Em.
God never talked to Adam through a snake. Stop making crap up and attributing it to God.
No need to spin anything.

Spinning would be that DNA was once in simple form and evolved into complex DNA.
That it mutated into different species along the way. And that the Neanderthal's DNA finally mutated into modern man. Except not one word of that is true.

Darwin didn't have to deal in factual science, because he didn't know DNA existed.
Or that DNA tends to self correct mutations. Or that, mutating every 600 generations, does not a new species create. Or that no species, or organism no mater how simple, started out with simple DNA or eyes. Single celled amoebas started out complex.

For Darwin to be correct, DNA would have to mutate the exact same mutation over and over and over and over to become something different.
DNA would have to be precisely imprecise every single time to veer in another direction. The same perfect mistake means you were created by an oxymoron.
We remain humans today because DNA doesn't do that.
You will never see a monkey giving birth to anything other than a monkey.

On the other hand, if you believe that mutating increased your complexity, then mutating can also decrease your complexity. You could end up in a movie with Ronald Reagan. :eusa_angel:

I am not a scientist but I have seen/read/heard enough debates to know your argument is wrong. I don't know how we got so many different species or when/how/if they/we all came from the same original 1 animal. It may be life sprung up in several million different forms. Fact is, more species have gone extinct than live on the planet currently.

And if you watched the Cosmos, they explained how our eyes are proof we came from the water. Since the day we first crawled out of the water, our eyes have not evolved to be actually perfect for above water. Our eyes are still the same as they were when our species lived under water. And they explained how they don't think our eyes are going to improve any more. Sorry, best I can remember the details, but it is a fact we crawled out of the water and then we were little rodent like mammals and then we evolved into tree climbing apes and when the trees thinned out we were forced to walk and then one day our brains evolved.

But I'm not going to try to prove or explain that to you. If we can't even prove to you that humans are causing global warming and that is killing the planet, I'm not going to hold my breath on you guys coming around on evolution.
As for God talking to "Adam and Eve" this is symbolic, one of the STAGES of humanity.

So what you are telling us is for thousands of years the church has been selling the Adam & Eve story as being real but in reality it is just a made up story of how man began to teach people morality? So the whole god talking to adam through a snake is made up? You can spin it all you want if its not true the whole religion started with a lie/story/made up by man.

Check mate.

If Adam and Eve aren't real, then neither is Em.
God never talked to Adam through a snake. Stop making crap up and attributing it to God.
No need to spin anything.

Spinning would be that DNA was once in simple form and evolved into complex DNA.
That it mutated into different species along the way. And that the Neanderthal's DNA finally mutated into modern man. Except not one word of that is true.

Darwin didn't have to deal in factual science, because he didn't know DNA existed.
Or that DNA tends to self correct mutations. Or that, mutating every 600 generations, does not a new species create. Or that no species, or organism no mater how simple, started out with simple DNA or eyes. Single celled amoebas started out complex.

For Darwin to be correct, DNA would have to mutate the exact same mutation over and over and over and over to become something different.
DNA would have to be precisely imprecise every single time to veer in another direction. The same perfect mistake means you were created by an oxymoron.
We remain humans today because DNA doesn't do that.
You will never see a monkey giving birth to anything other than a monkey.

On the other hand, if you believe that mutating increased your complexity, then mutating can also decrease your complexity. You could end up in a movie with Ronald Reagan. :eusa_angel:

Were there ever talking snakes? Did people ever live to be 800 years old?
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

You are confusing yourself with apples and oranges.

There are various kinds of truth out there. The truth about what a moon is is complete different from the kind of truth about the gods. The way how the different kinds of truth can be approached by humans can vary. However, there's common way to reach a truth of any kind, which is to put faith on human witnessing. Humans rely heavily on witnessing to reach a truth, without being realized by themselves.
Years ago, when I was in the service, I had a roommate who was a Sikh from India. One year, he went home to visit and for his sister's wedding. When he came back, he told me he was in town and was walking by a Temple where some old men were sitting outside and smoking Temple Incense. He said it was daytime, but it was one of those days where you could see the moon. He said he pointed up at the moon and told those old guys that Americans had "walked" on the moon. He said they burst out in riotous laughter to the point of choking. So he asked them what was so funny. One of them said, "How can someone walk on a God?" and they burst out laughing all over again.

Now we know for sure the moon is a big ball of rock. Americans have been there more than once. Even Christians and Muslims and Jews know the moon isn't a "God", but it's a big rock. However, those old men still believe in spite of what anyone says. Do atheists see any difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews and those old men who believe God is a big floating rock?

When God is known better from the beginning of history, what do you block the known God with if you hate God? You invent your own religion to justify your denial of the true God.

Are you talking about the god of the man god goyim? :eusa_whistle:
Were there ever talking snakes? Did people ever live to be 800 years old?

The question is rather, if it is true then how can this truth reach you as a human? Besides, a story doesn't always mean to be 'literal'.
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