What Makes You Tick


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
I have asked this question a few times over the last 13 years but have yet to get an answer. I have tried to figure it out but can't see any reason some one would like getting screwed without a kiss. I'm beginning to think you don't know why you do the things you do.

Case 1. Does anyone remember in the late 60's early 70's? If you were in any big city not only your eyes and lungs burned but your skin and a thing called smog, a brown fog that blocked out the Sun hung over every city. Over half our water ways we couldn't swim or fish in. Some days we had warnings to stay in doors. We had acid rain that ate the paint off our cars. No Johnson's Great Society didn't fix the environment or anything else. Just another bill called exactly what it wasn't. It was a real problem So Regan cleaned it up. We can swim and fish where ever we want, no more acid rain and I don't think anyone under 30 has even seen smog. Old Joe says he will give $2 trillion to who ever he gives it too to cure pollution. This is stupid.

Case 2 The UN is funded over 50% by the US, that include WHO that allowed China to ship that virus to every part of the world. Trump stopped funding WHO as we should to anyone threatening our country. But Old Joe said he will give WHO the cash plus all the cash Trump has stopped. This is stupid.

Case 3 George Bush and Congress got us into Iraq. Though we should have never been there once there we owed those people protection by killing over one million. We had Harry 'This War Is Lost' Reid and John 'It Never Happened' Kerry. Both trying to make us lose another war we had already won. Then obama claimed victory pulling all US Troops out and we saw the aftermath of the arm chair general action. That was stupid.

Case 4. Bill Clinton sold 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets to China, He sold them our rocket secrets. Clinton even sold pardons to murdering drug king pens and anyone else for the right price. Not to be out done Hillary as Secretary of State ran a pay to play scam so bad she had to delete 33,000 e-mails from her illegal server and helped for profit Russia buy our uranium. But it's Trump colluding with Russia. That's stupid

Case 5. Obama sends enough cash to Iran to build 10 walls without so much as telling Congress. To some this isn't treason just no big deal but fight tooth and nail using the courts to take the chump change for the wall. That is stupid.

Case 6. California my home state where at 12 I could strap my .22 on my bike with 6 friends and peddle out to hunt or shoot. You could drive your car without pulling around a corner and being forced to pull over by 10 CHP cars and searched without probable cause. Striped of your Second and Fourth Amendments, Still not done the state opens it's border and allowing millions of undocumented democrats to come into the state setting up house on the sidewalks. Violent crime rockets in this disarmed zone. runs ramped California has become a shit hole deep in debt and mainlining junkies on every corner including while your kids walk to school. Worse than a shit hole. Every city under democrat control fight over who has the highest murder rates going over 30 times the national average. There is not a single city or state ran by democrats that isn't a crime and drug, high poverty, no job, and no hope shit hole.

With that in mind my question is what the Hell would make anyone vote democrat?


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I have asked this question a few times over the last 13 years but have yet to get an answer. I have tried to figure it out but can't see any reason some one would like getting screwed without a kiss. I'm beginning to think you don't know why you do the things you do.

Case 1. Does anyone remember in the late 60's early 70's? If you were in any big city not only your eyes and lungs burned but your skin and a thing called smog, a brown fog that blocked out the Sun hung over every city. Over half our water ways we couldn't swim or fish in. Some days we had warnings to stay in doors. We had acid rain that ate the paint off our cars. No Johnson's Great Society didn't fix the environment or anything else. Just another bill called exactly what it wasn't. It was a real problem So Regan cleaned it up. We can swim and fish where ever we want, no more acid rain and I don't think anyone under 30 has even seen smog. Old Joe says he will give $2 trillion to who ever he gives it too to cure pollution. This is stupid.

Case 2 The UN is funded over 50% by the US, that include WHO that allowed China to ship that virus to every part of the world. Trump stopped funding WHO as we should to anyone threatening our country. But Old Joe said he will give WHO the cash plus all the cash Trump has stopped. This is stupid.

Case 3 George Bush and Congress got us into Iraq. Though we should have never been there once there we owed those people protection by killing over one million. We had Harry 'This War Is Lost' Reid and John 'It Never Happened' Kerry. Both trying to make us lose another war we had already won. Then obama claimed victory pulling all US Troops out and we saw the aftermath of the arm chair general action. That was stupid.

Case 4. Bill Clinton sold 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets to China, He sold them our rocket secrets. Clinton even sold pardons to murdering drug king pens and anyone else for the right price. Not to be out done Hillary as Secretary of State ran a pay to play scam so bad she had to delete 33,000 e-mails from her illegal server and helped for profit Russia buy our uranium. But it's Trump colluding with Russia. That's stupid

Case 5. Obama sends enough cash to Iran to build 10 walls without so much as telling Congress. To some this isn't treason just no big deal but fight tooth and nail using the courts to take the chump change for the wall. That is stupid.

Case 6. California my home state where at 12 I could strap my .22 on my bike with 6 friends and peddle out to hunt or shoot. You could drive your car without pulling around a corner and being forced to pull over by 10 CHP cars and searched without probable cause. Striped of your Second and Fourth Amendments, Still not done the state opens it's border and allowing millions of undocumented democrats to come into the state setting up house on the sidewalks. Violent crime rockets in this disarmed zone. runs ramped California has become a shit hole deep in debt and mainlining junkies on every corner including while your kids walk to school. Worse than a shit hole. Every city under democrat control fight over who has the highest murder rates going over 30 times the national average. There is not a single city or state ran by democrats that isn't a crime and drug, high poverty, no job, and no hope shit hole.

With that in mind my question is what the Hell would make anyone vote democrat?
You see pretty clearly, not sure why you put this in Satire. Only remark: #5, Obumma didn't actually send 150 billion to Iran, he simply unfroze their own assets and let them have them.

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