What methods for reducing mass shootings and murders, have actually worked?

Liberals have shown that the gun laws they have implemented so far, don't work. In fact, murderers and terrorists have sought out the liberals' "gun free zones" as good places to kill people, since none of their victims can shoot back. And the cities with the strictest gun laws, which disarm only the people who obey laws, are almost always the cities with the highest crime rates.

There are only two methods that have successfully reduced (never eliminated) the mass shootings:

1.) Allow all law-abiding adults to carry guns if they want to. Though most still won't bother, a few will, and the criminal contemplating his next mass shooting will know that there's probably a few people in the crowd who have a gun and know how to use it. So they'll never be able to rack up the huge body count they want. And some of them will decide not to even try. Those who do, will find themselves disabled or even dead after their first few shots.

2.) Ban all guns from all citizens, including the law-abiding. And build up a huge police force with extraordinary powers to go door to door, searching every house whether the owner likes it or not, confiscating every gun you find, to make sure ALL guns are gone. That way no criminals can get them either. And keep doing searches and seizures until the end of time, in case someone brings a gun in or even makes one. This will result in a massive police state.

Do you think liberals favor Method #1? Or Method #2?

(hint: they still keep proposing more laws that restrict the law-abiding, instead of freeing them. And they constantly praise the results in countries like Australia, Japan, England etc, where guns are almost completely banned from law-abiding citizens.)

Guns in England are not banned. They have just a lot better gun control. They are very restrictive of handguns but Shotguns and Rifles are common.

This post is just one of thoes RW red pill or blue pill crap....

Don't think out of the box

Well the first argument about suicides is pretty much crap... Using a gun in suicide is over twice as effective as any other method. It also requires the least skill and planning.

His second argument about the source of illegal guns is a complete joke. There is no break down when the gun first went into the blackmarket...He doesn't even have a synopsis about it..

I am fucked if I am watching anymore of the biased asshole painting an obscure picture...

The fact remains more gun laws will do nothing, will not save another single soul. By the way, his first point is true putting all gun deaths together is lying. The government cannot fix things, they do not have the ethics, morality and credibility to do so.
The government is the enemy of its citizens...

So the democratically elected government is an enemy of the Citizens... You mean the Government voted by the people in an enemy of the people.

The fact is UK has better Gun Control and has gun homicide which 59 times smaller that of the US and suicide by gun 44 time less...

Get serious, those are the numbers of failure...

I have said a simple solution is that gun owners have to get mandatory insurance...

That's nothing more than legalized extortion just like Obamacare...
For your information it's the criminals that need to be controlled, not ordinary law-abiding citizens. That's what more gun laws will do, empower the Criminals...
Guns in England are not banned. They have just a lot better gun control. They are very restrictive of handguns but Shotguns and Rifles are common.

This post is just one of thoes RW red pill or blue pill crap....

Don't think out of the box

Well the first argument about suicides is pretty much crap... Using a gun in suicide is over twice as effective as any other method. It also requires the least skill and planning.

His second argument about the source of illegal guns is a complete joke. There is no break down when the gun first went into the blackmarket...He doesn't even have a synopsis about it..

I am fucked if I am watching anymore of the biased asshole painting an obscure picture...

The fact remains more gun laws will do nothing, will not save another single soul. By the way, his first point is true putting all gun deaths together is lying. The government cannot fix things, they do not have the ethics, morality and credibility to do so.
The government is the enemy of its citizens...

So the democratically elected government is an enemy of the Citizens... You mean the Government voted by the people in an enemy of the people.

The fact is UK has better Gun Control and has gun homicide which 59 times smaller that of the US and suicide by gun 44 time less...

Get serious, those are the numbers of failure...

I have said a simple solution is that gun owners have to get mandatory insurance...

That's nothing more than legalized extortion just like Obamacare...
For your information it's the criminals that need to be controlled, not ordinary law-abiding citizens. That's what more gun laws will do, empower the Criminals...

Do you think UK has no Criminals?

Why don't they have guns?

Well the first argument about suicides is pretty much crap... Using a gun in suicide is over twice as effective as any other method. It also requires the least skill and planning.

His second argument about the source of illegal guns is a complete joke. There is no break down when the gun first went into the blackmarket...He doesn't even have a synopsis about it..

I am fucked if I am watching anymore of the biased asshole painting an obscure picture...

The fact remains more gun laws will do nothing, will not save another single soul. By the way, his first point is true putting all gun deaths together is lying. The government cannot fix things, they do not have the ethics, morality and credibility to do so.
The government is the enemy of its citizens...

So the democratically elected government is an enemy of the Citizens... You mean the Government voted by the people in an enemy of the people.

The fact is UK has better Gun Control and has gun homicide which 59 times smaller that of the US and suicide by gun 44 time less...

Get serious, those are the numbers of failure...

I have said a simple solution is that gun owners have to get mandatory insurance...

That's nothing more than legalized extortion just like Obamacare...
For your information it's the criminals that need to be controlled, not ordinary law-abiding citizens. That's what more gun laws will do, empower the Criminals...

Do you think UK has no Criminals?

Why don't they have guns?

Well the first argument about suicides is pretty much crap... Using a gun in suicide is over twice as effective as any other method. It also requires the least skill and planning.

His second argument about the source of illegal guns is a complete joke. There is no break down when the gun first went into the blackmarket...He doesn't even have a synopsis about it..

I am fucked if I am watching anymore of the biased asshole painting an obscure picture...
The fact remains more gun laws will do nothing, will not save another single soul. By the way, his first point is true putting all gun deaths together is lying. The government cannot fix things, they do not have the ethics, morality and credibility to do so.
The government is the enemy of its citizens...

So the democratically elected government is an enemy of the Citizens... You mean the Government voted by the people in an enemy of the people.

The fact is UK has better Gun Control and has gun homicide which 59 times smaller that of the US and suicide by gun 44 time less...

Get serious, those are the numbers of failure...

I have said a simple solution is that gun owners have to get mandatory insurance...
That's nothing more than legalized extortion just like Obamacare...
For your information it's the criminals that need to be controlled, not ordinary law-abiding citizens. That's what more gun laws will do, empower the Criminals...

Do you think UK has no Criminals?

Why don't they have guns?

That is not an answer... A guy ranting on for 25 minutes... Are you going to answer the question or look at your gun porn...
The fact remains more gun laws will do nothing, will not save another single soul. By the way, his first point is true putting all gun deaths together is lying. The government cannot fix things, they do not have the ethics, morality and credibility to do so.
The government is the enemy of its citizens...

So the democratically elected government is an enemy of the Citizens... You mean the Government voted by the people in an enemy of the people.

The fact is UK has better Gun Control and has gun homicide which 59 times smaller that of the US and suicide by gun 44 time less...

Get serious, those are the numbers of failure...

I have said a simple solution is that gun owners have to get mandatory insurance...
That's nothing more than legalized extortion just like Obamacare...
For your information it's the criminals that need to be controlled, not ordinary law-abiding citizens. That's what more gun laws will do, empower the Criminals...

Do you think UK has no Criminals?

Why don't they have guns?

That is not an answer... A guy ranting on for 25 minutes... Are you going to answer the question or look at your gun porn...

It is the answer, we are not Europe not even similar to Europe. If you watched it all the way through you would see what works over there if you can call it that. Culturally it will never work here.
How about we just make it harder for the people (young men under 30)doing the mass killings to get guns?

Raise the age limit for a person buying a gun.

Been done before and no one freaked out.

And there is no age mentioned in the 2nd amendment.

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