What mohammed got from the christian bible.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Much of the Koran is based on the Old Testament and part of the New Testament. Most of the heinous acts we condemn the radical Muslims for Mohammed got from the Christian Bible. Those opposing the Koran is opposing the Christian bible and burning the Christian bible.

The sanction of disobedience to GOD, which amounted to rebellion against the sovereignty of the Ruler of the universe, was death. Gen. 2;17
The authorization to man to execute the penalty for murder. Gen 2;17.
Judah decreed the death penalty for Tamar for harlotry. Gen. 28;24.
For violating the first seven commandments the penalty was death.
Under the law the death penalty was prescribed for BLASPHEMY. Lev. 24;14,16,23.
Worship of any other GOD than Jehovah and IDOLATRY in any form. Lev. 20;2, Deut. 13;6,10,13-15, 17;2-7. WITCHCRAFT, SPIRITISM. Ex.22;16, Lev. 20;27. FALSE PROPHECY. Deut. 13;5, Lev.20;27.
SABBATH BREAKING. Num. 15;32-36. Ex. 31;14,35;2. MURDER. Num. 35;30,31. ADULTERY. Lev 20;10, Deut. 22;22. WOMAN marrying with false claim of being a VIRGIN. Deut. 22;21. INTERCOURSE with ENGAGED GIRL. Deut 22;23-27. INCEST. Lev 18;6-17, 29. 20;11,12,14. SODOMY. Lev.18;22,20;13. KIDNAPPING. Ex.21;16,Deut.24;7. STRIKING or REVILING A PARENT. Ex 21;15,17. In many instances the penalty named is “CUTTING OFF” usually executed by STONING. DISRESPECTING SPEECH AGAINST JEHOVAH. Num.15;30-31. Failure to be CIRCUMSIZED. Gen 17;14. WILLFUL NEGLECT OF PASSOVER. Num 9;13. NEGLECT OF ATONEMENT DAY. Lev. 23;29,30. INTERCOURSE WITH MENSTRUATING WOMAN. Lev.20;18.

STONING; Lev. 20;2,7.
CORPSE BEHEADED; 2 Sam. 20;21,22, 2 Ki.10;6-8.
BURNING AND HANGING; Lev.20;14,21;9, Deut.21;22,23.
THROWING ONE OFF A CLIFF; 2 Chron. 25;12. Luke 4;29.
An exception to the law dealing with a situation in which a woman tried to help her husband in a fight by grabbing hold of the privates of the other man. Her HAND was AMPUTATED. Deut. 25;11,12.
The Mishnah mentions four methods of inflicting the death penalty. STONING, BURNING, BEHEADING.

STONING. Under the law, a wrongdoer deserving CAPITAL PUNISHMENT usually was PELTED TO DEATH WITH STONES. Lev. 20;2. This was to clear out what was bad from their midst. All Israel would hear of the punishment, and fear of such wrongdoing would be instilled in their hearts. Deut 13;5,10,11, 22;22,23.
Deut;22;20-24.….evidence of VIRGINITY was not found in the girl… bring he girl out of her fathers house and the men must PELT HER WITH STONES and she must die. Honor killing?
In case there happened to e a VIRGIN girl engaged to a man and a man actually found her in the city and lay down with her…. Bring them both out and PELT THEM WITH STONES and they must die, the girl for the reason that SHE DID NOT SCREAM in the city…the man for the reason he humiliated the wife of his fellow man…
Deut. 13; …dreamer of dreams put to death…. STONE HIM WITH STONES and he must die…
Lev.20;10...a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife…the adulterer and the adulteress …put to death.
Lev. 20;13... When a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman…the should be put to death.
Lev. 21;9.…the daughter of a priest …committing PROSTITUTION… she is profaning her father… BURNED IN THE FIRE.
Lev; 24;13-16.…PELT HIM WITH STONES.
KILL UNBELIEVERS…..GOD commanded the Israelites to invade the land of Canaan and kill all the man, women and children and all the animals….Num 21;1-3, 34,35. Josh 6;20,21, 8;21-27, 10;26-40. 11;19-14.

Much of the Koran is based on the Old Testament and part of the New Testament. Most of the heinous acts we condemn the radical Muslims for Mohammed got from the Christian Bible. Those opposing the Koran is opposing the Christian bible and burning the Christian bible.


Why do you ignore that Christianity has gone through reformations and no longer practices those things you talk about, while Islam still does?
Missed those new testament parts,which ones where they?
You don't understand what being a Christian is about and why.
Missed those new testament parts,which ones where they?
You don't understand what being a Christian is about and why.

And I missed the Koran part. He does not even know what Koran is. But he is right that many of those who attack Islam are actually attacking many things in OT since many OT and even Talmudic consept have entered Islam through hadiths. But he probably does not know the difference. However these laws in OT are communal laws and not religious in nature. He does not know the difference.

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