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What Muslims Really Believe


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This should be enlightening...
What Muslims Really Believe
An illuminating look at the key research on this subject.
December 31, 2015
John Perazzo


Eric Holder once called the United States “a nation of cowards,” when he claimed that Americans are largely afraid to have an honest discussion about race. He was partially correct: Leftists like Holder are fearful of discussing race in any manner that depicts African Americans as something other than the perpetual, pathetic victims of white bloodlust and simpleminded bigotry. The meek responses that Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, and Hillary Clinton recently bleated out when confronted by some of the aggressive racists in the Black Lives Matter movement, were classic illustrations of this cowardice.

Equally pitiful has been the Left's propensity for turning two blind eyes to the very obvious problems posed by Islam and the value system inherent in its scriptures. For the most part, leftists are content to simply depict anyone who's willing to have a substantive conversation about those problems, as a dimwit, a Nazi, or both. Thus, when Donald Trump recently suggested that it would be advisable to temporarily stop Muslim immigration into the U.S. until the government is able to get its woefully deficient vetting process in order, he was instantly ridiculed and excoriated by a conga line of glib, self-congratulating know-nothings. Hillary Clinton, for instance, called Trump's remarks “reprehensible, prejudiced and divisive.” Dawud Walid of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations characterized Trump's proposal as “fascist.” Martin O'Malley called Trump “a fascist demagogue.” CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen saw, in Trump, “the traits of a proto-fascist.” And White House spokesman Josh Earnest informed us that Trump's remarks “disqualif[y] him from serving as president.”


Consider just a few of these vital facts, and contemplate whether you think they should at least be factored into the formulation of American immigration and refugee policy:

  • 39% of people in Afghanistan believe that suicide bombings are “often or sometimes” justified, as do 25% of Egyptians, 26% of Bangladeshis, and 62% of Palestinians.

  • Fewer than half of Pakistanis and Malaysians have a negative view of al Qaeda. Barely half of Nigerians and Tunisians have negative opinions about the Taliban. And a mere 16% of Pakistanis hold Hamas in low regard.

  • In a 2011 survey of Muslims in seven Middle Eastern countries, nowhere did any more than 28% of respondents accept the notion that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by Arabs.

  • In most of these same Middle Eastern countries, significant majorities of Muslims view Westerners generally as being “selfish,” “violent,” “greedy,” “immoral,” “arrogant,” and “fanatical.”

  • In Indonesia, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Pakistan, the proportion of Muslims who hold Jews in low regard is nearly 100%.

  • In every sub-Saharan African nation where the Pew Research Center has conducted polls in recent years, a majority of Muslims believe that women should not be permitted to decide for themselves whether or not to wear a veil. The same is true of Muslims in Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq.

  • Overwhelming majorities of Muslims throughout South and Southeast Asia, as well as in the Middle East, believe that wives should “always” obey their husbands. And in almost all of these same countries, solid majorities oppose the idea that daughters and sons should be entitled to equal inheritance rights.

  • In Islamic strongholds like Malaysia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Morocco, and the Palestinian Territories, more than 80% of survey respondents believe that their respective governments should be based on strict Sharia Law. And among those who favor Sharia, anywhere from 29% to 61% wish to impose it not only on fellow Muslims, but on all citizens regardless of their faith.

  • Among Sharia supporters throughout South Asia and the Middle East: (a) a majority believe in employing the types of severe corporal punishment mandated by Islamic Law—e.g., whipping criminals or amputating the hands of thieves; (b) between 80 and 90 percent of Afghanis, Pakistanis, and Egyptians favor the death penalty for apostates (those who leave Islam); and (c) more than 80% of Jordanians and Egyptians believe that stoning is the appropriate punishment for adultery.

  • It is common for majorities of Muslims in South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa to believe that honor killings are sometimes justified as punishment for pre- or extra-marital sex.

  • More than 70% of Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, the Palestinian Territories, and Jordan believe that religious leaders should have much, or at least some, influence in politics.

  • In many Islamic countries, very small minorities of the population view polygamy as morally unacceptable. For example, only 8% of Egyptians, 6% of Jordanians, 5% of Nigerians, 11% of Malians, 8% of Senegalese, and 18% of Iraqis object to the practice.

  • Among Muslims throughout Asia, Africa, and Southern and Eastern Europe, the percentage of Muslims who say that homosexuality is morally acceptable rarely exceeds 3%.


Do such considerations even merit a conversation? Or should we simply be content to console ourselves with soothing bromides about the unquestioned importance of “diversity”—until the values and traditions that have long bound our society together are entirely dissolved by the multiculturalist delusions and fairy tales of the Left?

What Muslims Really Believe

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You mean the author, right...

I'M not reading all that, why don't you put it in your own words and explain it to me, if you can...:dunno:

Islamic Terrorism is directly correlated to Western invasion and occupation of the Middle East, it didn't exist before various imperial powers invaded and established undemocratic and unpopular dictatorships.

The study in the article I provided documents EVERY case of suicide terrorism and finds it's not just limited to Islam, but to a number of occupied countries including Ireland, and Sri Lanka, and so forth.

And the "phenomenon" always goes away once the occupation is gone, whether it is Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Palestine (all having had periods of increased and reduced suicide terrorism).

You mean the author, right...

I'M not reading all that, why don't you put it in your own words and explain it to me, if you can...:dunno:

Islamic Terrorism is directly correlated to Western invasion and occupation of the Middle East, it didn't exist before various imperial powers invaded and established undemocratic and unpopular dictatorships.

The study in the article I provided documents EVERY case of suicide terrorism and finds it's not just limited to Islam, but to a number of occupied countries including Ireland, and Sri Lanka, and so forth.

And the "phenomenon" always goes away once the occupation is gone, whether it is Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Palestine (all having had periods of increased and reduced suicide terrorism).
BULL SHIT! Read the koran...
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You mean the author, right...

I'M not reading all that, why don't you put it in your own words and explain it to me, if you can...:dunno:

Islamic Terrorism is directly correlated to Western invasion and occupation of the Middle East, it didn't exist before various imperial powers invaded and established undemocratic and unpopular dictatorships.

The study in the article I provided documents EVERY case of suicide terrorism and finds it's not just limited to Islam, but to a number of occupied countries including Ireland, and Sri Lanka, and so forth.

And the "phenomenon" always goes away once the occupation is gone, whether it is Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Palestine (all having had periods of increased and reduced suicide terrorism).

Islamic terrorism started long before there was an Israel. Sunni and Shia Muslims have been killing each other since the death of Mohammed.

Centuries ago, Islam ruled a large part of the world and Muslims had spread out of the Middle East and moved across Europe, conquering all in their path. At Islam’s pinnacle, the Ottoman Empire stretched from Egypt to the Black Sea and from the Persian Gulf to Hungary.

So what happened to the glorious Islamic empire? Today, Islam blames the Crusades, the Jews, Western culture, and Christians for its fall from power. In truth, the most destructive enemy that Islam has ever had was Islam itself.

As the world modernized around them, the Islamic leaders refused to move forward with the rest of the world. Firmly believing in Islamic superiority, the pompous ruling class of religious leaders planted the seeds of hatred towards the West as far back as the 1700s. The ruling Islamic religious leaders believed western inventions were evil things created by evil and inferior people.

Any attempt to modernize the empire was put down by the ruling Islamic body called the ulema which wanted to hold onto its power and maintain Islam in its pure state. This meant no non-Muslim influence of any kind.

It should be no surprise that the western advancements in warfare eventually overwhelmed the archaic ways of Islam. The Islamic dream of ruling the world, was over.

At the end of World War I, France and England carved up what was left of the once great Islamic Empire. All that remained was Turkey. It was the Islamic Turks who slaughtered over 1.5 million Armenian Christians. The Turks blamed the Armenian Christians for assisting in Islam’s fall from power. Islam has a long history of blaming others for its failures.

More on "The Long Bloody History of Islamic Terrorism:"
The Long Bloody History of Islamic Terrorism - (Must read! history doesn't lie! It's us or them!)
The True Meaning of ISNA's Christmas Greeting
Exploiting the willful ignorance of Christian leaders.
January 5, 2016
Dr. Stephen M. Kirby


Dr. Stephen M. Kirby

On December 29, 2015, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) extended a Christmas greeting to “Our Christian Brothers and Sisters.” ISNA, it must be remembered, was, and still is considered an unindicted co-conspirator in the successfully prosecuted federal terrorism case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. ISNA is also Number One on the list of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “organizations and the organizations of our friends.”

The tone of the greeting was how much in common Muslims have with their Christian brothers and sisters. This should not be surprising because at the bottom of the greeting was: Dr. Sayyid M. Sayeed, ISNA Office of Interfaith and Community Alliances Director.

So, let’s examine some of the claims of commonality in this greeting.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

The Christmas greeting makes much of the fact that Mary appears to be equally revered by both Muslims and Christians. To show that Muslim reverence, ISNA points out there is an entire chapter of the Koran named after Mary (Chapter 19). But the greeting fails to mention that of the 98 verses in that chapter, only fourteen are actually devoted to Mary (Verses 16-29).

And Islam has an interesting, but different, approach to the virgin birth of Jesus. 21:91 and 66:12 of the Koran state that Mary became pregnant by the Angle Gabriel blowing into an opening of the garment she was wearing. Ibn Kathir explained:

Then the breath descended until it entered into her vagina and she conceived the child by the leave of Allah.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 6, p. 244 (also see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, pp. 704 and 1223)

The nature of Gabriel’s involvement in this would be an interesting topic for interfaith dialogue.

ISNA rejects certain interpretations and understandings of the Koran?

ISNA’s greeting included this eye-opening statement:

We reject those interpretations and that understanding of our scriptures that set us up against each other…

In the Koran Allah states that Islam is the only acceptable religion and is to be supreme over all other religions (e.g., 3:85, 9:33, 48:28, and 61:9). Allah commands Muslims to kill non-Muslims (9:5) and to specifically fight the Christians (9:29). Allah prohibits Muslims from being friends with Christians (5:51), he curses Christians (9:30), and states that Christians are among the worst of creatures and will go to Hell (98:6).

The Koran specifically states the Jesus was not the son of Allah (e.g., 4:171, 5:72, 9:30, and 19:35). The Koran also states that Jesus was not crucified, but it only appeared so (4:157-158). The authoritative Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir explained how this worked: One of Jesus’ followers volunteered to take Jesus’ place; so Allah made that follower look like Jesus, Allah took Jesus bodily to paradise, and that follower was crucified (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 3, p. 28).

According to Islamic Doctrine then, Jesus was not crucified, which means there was no Resurrection. Consequently, the Christian brothers and sisters receiving ISNA’s greeting believe in a religion that is based on a fraud. And Muslims who know their religion look at a crucifix or a painting of the Crucifixion and see an imposter hanging on the cross. No commonality between Muslims and Christians here.

Muslims believe that the Koran consists of the timeless, perfect, and unchangeable commands of Allah. Is ISNA now saying that, for the sake of getting along with Christians, they have decided to pick and choose which commands of Allah they will follow, and which ones they will ignore?

The Divine Command that “binds” Muslims and Christians

ISNA’s greeting stated:

We stand committed to the divine command that binds us to cooperate in promoting good and forbidding what is evil and harmful for God's creation (Quran 5:2).

So ISNA states there are “divine commands” that bind Muslims and Christians together in promoting good and forbidding evil, and this is based on 5:2 of the Koran. Here is how 5:2 starts off:

O you who believe! Violate not the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah…


The True Meaning of ISNA's Christmas Greeting
All the names that muslims call Jews, they are really describing themselves, they are the apes and pigs, allahbedamned ...

Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"

Examining the Muslim man’s “rights” over non-Muslim women.
January 27, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim


Three Christian girls in Pakistan, who rejected the advances of some wealthy Muslim young men, were recently mauled by them. One of the girls died.

London-born Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) and human rights activist, Wilson Chowdhry, who broke the story, reported that one of the men had said: "Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men."


Accounts like this -- including the claim that it is a Muslim man's right to rape Christians and other "infidels" -- are common in Pakistan. (Click here for numerous examples of Christian girls—and boys—some as young as 2-years-old, who were sexually abused and slaughtered by Muslims on account of being “infidels,” or see Crucified Again, pgs. 193-198).

Some years back, while raping a 9-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan—leaving her “in shock and in the throes of a physical and psychological trauma”—her Muslim rapist told her “not to worry because he had done the same service to other young Christian girls.” Discussing this Muslim man’s justification to his child rape victim, local sources said: “It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”

“Spoils of war” is correct. Here’s how the late Majid Khadduri, “internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic law and jurisprudence,” explained “spoils” in his War and Peace in the Law of Islam:

The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). … If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.

Even in Western nations, Muslims from Pakistan believe it is their right to rape and sexually abuse “infidel” women. In Britain in 2012, nine Muslim men—eight from Pakistan—were convicted of rape and sexual exploitation of children. And just as Christians and other “infidels” in Pakistan are told before they are raped, the men regularly “told their victims that it was all right for them to be passed around for sex with dozens of men ‘because it’s what we do in our country.’”

Today, as Muslims spread into the West, what they do to "infidel" women in their adopted European countries is increasingly similar to what they do to "infidel" women in their home countries—as thousands of women in Cologne and other cities recently found out.

Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"
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Judge Hopes Muslim Who Shouted "Kill the Jews" Isn't Prejudiced
March 6, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

I certainly hope so. Calls for genocide are bad enough. But prejudiced calls for genocide are even worse.

After getting stuck in London traffic, Rashal Miah got out of his Mercedes and started shouting that he would “kill all the Jews” at an Orthodox Jewish school-bus driver in front of a bus full of young children.

During Miah’s sentencing, Judge Murray Shanks in the UK called the driver’s behavior “horrible.”


Yahoodi is basically a slur among Muslims. It is used to insult other Muslims and non-Muslims the way they might call a man a dog. But no underlying prejudice. Genocide without prejudice is the Muslim way since we know that Islam is a religion of peace, love and tolerance that kills people without any hatred.

Judge Hopes Muslim Who Shouted "Kill the Jews" Isn't Prejudiced
American Jihad, when does YOUR holy war start? Or is it all about hiding behind a keyboard and hoping others do your dirty work if you incite them with enough mooslim-hating threads?
American Jihad, when does YOUR holy war start? Or is it all about hiding behind a keyboard and hoping others do your dirty work if you incite them with enough mooslim-hating threads?

You can do a lot with a keyboard, I invented a phrase specially. 'The word processor is mightier than the bomb'
I have been criticizing the Quran since 9/11 on various forums. I am currently disputing the divinity of the Quran with a number of Muslims on twitter.. If we keep handing them insights into the flaws in the Quran we may cure them of their fanatical beliefs. Not everyone has to go to a battlefield with a gun..
Islam is the most bigoted, intolerant, and hateful ideology on the planet. It's 1400 year history clearly shows its connection to war, slavery, rape, and murder. Women are practically just property in their culture. Most Islamists want a theocratic government based on the Koran. Yet liberals keep defending this ideology, and tell us if we don't like it, or the simpletons that practice it, we're "bigots" or "Nazis". Maybe you liberals should ask the next Muslim you meet how they feel about Jews. Or better yet introduce yourself as a Jew. Then maybe you'll get a better idea who the Nazis are in today's world.
American Jihad, when does YOUR holy war start? Or is it all about hiding behind a keyboard and hoping others do your dirty work if you incite them with enough mooslim-hating threads?

You can do a lot with a keyboard, I invented a phrase specially. 'The word processor is mightier than the bomb'
I have been criticizing the Quran since 9/11 on various forums. I am currently disputing the divinity of the Quran with a number of Muslims on twitter.. If we keep handing them insights into the flaws in the Quran we may cure them of their fanatical beliefs. Not everyone has to go to a battlefield with a gun..
So you're a pussy as well. Got it.
Fighting your battle on Twitter. :lmao:
Paris Muslim Terrorists Shouted, "Allahu Akbar" Before Each Massacre
March 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Muslim terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, says the media. The Muslim terrorists themselves however disagree. The Brussels attackers shouted, "Allahu Akbar".

The horrifying mass murders in Paris were each preceded by shouts of Allahu Akbar or Allah is Greater Than Your Deity. This has been the traditional cry of Muslim mass murderers of non-Muslims since Mohammed's massacre of the Jews when he first shouted it.

Their attack began at 9:25 p.m. when a car in front of Abaaoud blocked his path. Five shots were fired from the Seat Leon, killing the driver of the car. According to some eyewitnesses, Abaaoud stopped the car in the middle of the road, turning on the blinking hazard lights. Shouting "Allahu akbar"... all three terrorists then got out of the vehicle and sprayed the terrace and windows of the Cambodge and Carillon cafes with their Kalashnikovs, killing 13 people...

By the time of the second explosion at the Stade de France, the Seat Leon was at a new location. At 9:32 p.m., Abaaoud's team got out of the vehicle, again shouted "Allahu akbar" and opened fire at revelers at the Casa Nostra and Bonne Biere cafes near the Place de la Republique, killing five...

Almost all of the 89 people killed inside the Bataclan lost their lives during the first 20 minutes of the attack. The gunmen first killed three people on the sidewalk outside the concert hall, then entered and moved to the floor area of the venue, peppering the concertgoers with automatic fire, while shouting "Allahu akbar."


Paris Muslim Terrorists Shouted, "Allahu Akbar" Before Each Massacre
Dr. Omar Ahmad and The Agony of the 'Decent Muslim'
A sober look at the true “misunderstanders of Islam.”
April 14, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald


Dr. Omar Farouk Sheikh Ahmad cannot bear to believe that Islam, normative Islam, could possibly prompt these acts, and he worries about the damage being done to the image of Islam from “the perception of ultimate accountability [of Muslims for these terrorist acts]. Long-standing prejudices towards Islam have been reawakened.” Good Muslims, true Muslims very much like Dr. Ahmad himself are, he knows, horrified by all this: “Decent Muslims everywhere agonise at their inability to rationally explain the above phenomena apart from attributing them to a variety of complex factors.”

What “complex factors” might these be? Dr. Ahmad knows that it cannot possibly be Islam itself that explains the violent behavior of Muslims. After all, he assures us, “the word ‘Islam’ itself signifies peace and its message is clear, consistent, universal and inclusive throughout time.” (He chooses not to acknowledge the correction, for whenever the doctor-ahmads of this world offer up their “peace,” we must never grow tired of insisting that the word “Islam” signifies “submission.”) “Muslims believe that Islam is a blessing to all of mankind. They cannot accept the representation of Islam as a belligerent faith which was spread “by the sword and which continues to do mischief.”


But there is no textual basis for the Islam Dr. Omar Ahmad and Barack Obama have allowed themselves to believe. All the Islamic texts are with the jihadis. He quotes not a single Qur’anic passage, not a single Hadith, in support of his assertions. And Islam’s 1350-year history of conquest fits the Jihad of the Sword, not Dr. Ahmad’s treacly “Jihad of the heart.” As much as we would like to participate, along with so many others, in Dr. Ahmad’s game of make-believe, in the long run, as Samuel Johnson once said in another connection, the mind can only repose on the stability of truth.

Dr. Omar Ahmad and The Agony of the 'Decent Muslim'
June 4, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Yes, it's about Islam. Abz, the Pakistani Muslim terrorist who took part in the London attack, was a committed and devout Muslim.


Ms Gasparri said: “He was trying to radicalise the children, he would go down to the park and talk to them about Islam. He also came to the houses and gave the kids money and sweets during Ramadan.”

"He told me he would do whatever is required in the name of Allah... I would be prepared to kill my mother."

Instead he killed some non-Muslims.

Pakistani London Terrorist Would Kill Own Mother for Allah

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