What next Supreme Court?

The Roberts Court is starting a new era of Justice
An era of political partisanship.

They used to mediate partisan rule, now they have embraced it

Get ready for wild swings based on who has stacked the court the best. Precedence no longer matters

You're a crybaby loser!

The Supreme Court is taking sides against working Americans

They are preparing to attack healthcare, worker rights, the environment, non-Christian’s
Don't you mean lawyers are taking aim at all these things? Do you know how the courts work?
The Supreme Court is taking sides against working Americans

They are preparing to attack healthcare, worker rights, the environment, non-Christian’s
Oh my, you sound like the right wing with their funny stuff, you know, anti-Christian, stolen elections and blah, blah, blah. Both sides are more alike than they are different.

None of it will I lose sleep over, that is for sure.
The Supreme Court is not "the government".

But individual rights are supposed to be the only source of authority in a republic, so no layer had better violate those individual rights, or else they are an autocratic threat to the republic, and have to die.
The SCOTUS is supposed to rule what is the delegated authority of government, so then invalidates the entire government if it rules incorrectly.
No, it is the legal principle of ex post facto.
The precedent now is abortions are legal.
There is no legal basis for changing that.
A fetus has no standing.
Repealing Roe won't make abortion illegal, so that's not a barrier.
So, now that Republicans seem to have gotten their way to ban access to abortion…….Will they do the right thing?

1. Will they open up funding and access to Birth Control?

2. Will they help expectant mothers with access to prenatal healthcare, job protection anf maternal care?

3. Will they help support the care and upbringing of young children?
So, now that Republicans seem to have gotten their way to ban access to abortion…….Will they do the right thing?

1. Will they open up funding and access to Birth Control?

2. Will they help expectant mothers with access to prenatal healthcare, job protection anf maternal care?

3. Will they help support the care and upbringing of young children?

The DemoKKKrats never did any of that. The ones you didn't kill got herded into filthy, violent ghettos like Detroit, Chicago, LA, New York, and San Francisco to spend their lives ignorant, poor, addicted, and dependent on the regime for everything.
The DemoKKKrats never did any of that. The ones you didn't kill got herded into filthy, violent ghettos like Detroit, Chicago, LA, New York, and San Francisco to spend their lives ignorant, poor, addicted, and dependent on the regime for everything.
You Goofy
So, now that Republicans seem to have gotten their way to ban access to abortion…….Will they do the right thing?

1. Will they open up funding and access to Birth Control?

2. Will they help expectant mothers with access to prenatal healthcare, job protection anf maternal care?

3. Will they help support the care and upbringing of young children?
No one is banning anything. It will be left up to the states. There will be plenty of places to abort the baby. Remember, you have already admitted you have no fucking idea of what you are talking about.
I think the biggest result of this leak will be an incredible democratic turn out for the midterms, particularly among women. I strongly suggest you look through some of the numbers in this analysis (U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade) before celebrating this as a big win. The proportion of the US population who think Roe v Wade should remain and that women should be able to get a legal abortion on demand is a larger majority than either party holds anywhere. This could be the end of the GOP's post Trump resurgence.
I think the biggest result of this leak will be an incredible democratic turn out for the midterms, particularly among women. I strongly suggest you look through some of the numbers in this analysis (U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade) before celebrating this as a big win. The proportion of the US population who think Roe v Wade should remain and that women should be able to get a legal abortion on demand is a larger majority than either party holds anywhere. This could be the end of the GOP's post Trump resurgence.
Remember the Democrats manufacture turn out. They have been caught. Will they be dumb enough to try it again?
I think the biggest result of this leak will be an incredible democratic turn out for the midterms, particularly among women. I strongly suggest you look through some of the numbers in this analysis (U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade) before celebrating this as a big win. The proportion of the US population who think Roe v Wade should remain and that women should be able to get a legal abortion on demand is a larger majority than either party holds anywhere. This could be the end of the GOP's post Trump resurgence.
While Republicans made abortion an all out issue, Democrats assumed Roe v Wade was a done deal

I always assumed this Conservative court would nibble at the edges of Roe v Wade
But this court is looking at an all out ban

This will be a wake up call for all Democrats. If they don’t get out the vote in 2022, they might as well forget it

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