What next Supreme Court?

No one is banning anything. It will be left up to the states. There will be plenty of places to abort the baby. Remember, you have already admitted you have no fucking idea of what you are talking about.

I don't get that.
If there had not already been abortion bans, then Roe Vs Wade would never have been necessary.
Come on. That right was alway there hiding in the Penumbra Clauses.

The Penumbra argument is that if something is so important that the feds are banned from infringement by an amendment in the bill of rights, then it is likely states should also be prevented from infringing as well.
After each Justice promised to support Roe v Wade at their confirmation, it now appears the TRUMP court is willing to overturn it

Newly emboldened by a Conservative Court to do their bidding, what is next for Republican Legislatures?

1. Gay Rights- Gay Marriage will be an easy target as the courts leave it up to the states. Gays in the Military, job protections and discrimination are up for grabs

2. Transexuals- doomed

3. Environmental Protections- Look for an erosion of the EPA to tell states what to do

4. School Prayer- The court will allow any Christian prayer in schools

5. Civil Rights Law- Outside of lynching, look for anything goes

6. Worker protection/safety- Look for an end of OSHA and Collective Bargaining protection
I don't know............but it's guaranteed to piss the left off.

So all is well.

You are getting all shook up over states rights. You really have nothing.

There is no such thing as "states rights".
The closest is state jurisdiction, based on the 9th and 10th amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Only individuals have rights, and individuals are supposed to be completely free to do whatever they want, unless it infringes upon the rights of someone else.
Not really.
If something is that unclear, then likely the government should leave it alone.
If government changes its mind and makes abortion illegal, that clearly is authoritarian, not based on law.
State's will decide..........that is the issue here........California will still sell dead baby parts.........don't worry.
The Penumbra argument is that if something is so important that the feds are banned from infringement by an amendment in the bill of rights, then it is likely states should also be prevented from infringing as well.
No. Penumbra is a shadow. It is intended to suggest that it’s a shadow cast by some other right. It’s there even if it isn’t plainly visible.

There are no penumbra clauses.

"specific guarantees in the bill of rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance." Justice William O. Douglas (who once urged that trees deserve standing to sue).

Those emanations are spectacular. Like Fireworks.
If the states citizens want it. What part of that don't you get? Maybe PP will offer travel discounts.

What states or citizens want is irrelevant.
The majority has no legal authority to dictate over the rights of any one single individual.
Personal issues are NOT up for majority rule, and what could be more personal than if you give birth or not?
State's will decide..........that is the issue here........California will still sell dead baby parts.........don't worry.

States have no standing.
So they can not and should not be allowed to decide.
This is a personal issue that should be left to each individual to decide.
States have no standing.
So they can not and should not be allowed to decide.
This is a personal issue that should be left to each individual to decide.
Show me a baby in the womb about to be born killed by abortion raising objections about it..........and then we will talk.
No. Penumbra is a shadow. It is intended to suggest that it’s a shadow cast by some other right. It’s there even if it isn’t plainly visible.

There are no penumbra clauses.

"specific guarantees in the bill of rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance." Justice William O. Douglas (who once urged that trees deserve standing to sue).

Those emanations are spectacular. Like Fireworks.

Sure the Penumbra is a shadow.
That is the analogy.
The idea is to figure our what the founders believed individual rights were.
They never bothered to write it down because they assumed the states would or should do that later.
But the states failed and instead implemented illegal things like unfair discrimination and segregation.
And the best way to figure out what the founders believed were important individual rights, is to look at how they restricted the federal government.
Like the 2nd amendment.
Clearly if the feds were to be prevented from infringing on gun rights, then so should the states.
That is the Penumbra effect.
The restrictions on the feds in the Bill of Rights are effects cast by individual rights.
By trying to understand the restrictions on the feds in the Bill of Rights, it is possible to follow the shadow back to the actual individual rights the Founders wanted to protect.
That is my point.
A fetus has no rights or standing, so states have even less.
EVen at late term...............sure...........plenty of places wait later term and harvest the organs...............Planned Parenthood.

This is a State issue............In Alabama we ARE AGAINST IT..........California is a Lunatic Asylum anyways...........they would agree with you............WE DON'T
EVen at late term...............sure...........plenty of places wait later term and harvest the organs...............Planned Parenthood.

This is a State issue............In Alabama we ARE AGAINST IT..........California is a Lunatic Asylum anyways...........they would agree with you............WE DON'T

What the government or the people of any state are for or against, is irrelevant.
Giving birth is extremely person, private, and motivated by individual choice that no one else gets any say in, ever.
Anyone who does not get this is such a threat to individual rights that the have to be considered an immediate deadly threat.
The only time anyone else would have any standing is if so many people were having abortions, that the extinction of the whole human race was threatened.
There is no such thing as "states rights".
The closest is state jurisdiction, based on the 9th and 10th amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Only individuals have rights, and individuals are supposed to be completely free to do whatever they want, unless it infringes upon the rights of someone else.
State have things, like elections, that are totally within their power. If I call them rights get used to it.
Sure the Penumbra is a shadow.
That is the analogy.
The idea is to figure our what the founders believed individual rights were.
They never bothered to write it down because they assumed the states would or should do that later.
But the states failed and instead implemented illegal things like unfair discrimination and segregation.
And the best way to figure out what the founders believed were important individual rights, is to look at how they restricted the federal government.
Like the 2nd amendment.
Clearly if the feds were to be prevented from infringing on gun rights, then so should the states.
That is the Penumbra effect.
The restrictions on the feds in the Bill of Rights are effects cast by individual rights.
By trying to understand the restrictions on the feds in the Bill of Rights, it is possible to follow the shadow back to the actual individual rights the Founders wanted to protect.
So we don’t need the mumbo jumbo or the gibberish. Legal analysis of the kind that is needed is partly based on historical common law, historical context and the commands of the Constitution itself.

Penumbras and emanations are nonsensical incantations. As is giving trees standing to sue.
What the government or the people of any state are for or against, is irrelevant.
Giving birth is extremely person, private, and motivated by individual choice that no one else gets any say in, ever.
Anyone who does not get this is such a threat to individual rights that the have to be considered an immediate deadly threat.
The only time anyone else would have any standing is if so many people were having abortions, that the extinction of the whole human race was threatened.
The baby in the womb dying as a result doesn't agree with you...........when does live begin............and that is the issue...........Abortion is the new birth control and that is why 62 million plus abortions have happened since Roe Versus Wade.

Nice mountain of dead babies you are Virtue Signaling from............huh
What the government or the people of any state are for or against, is irrelevant.
Giving birth is extremely person, private, and motivated by individual choice that no one else gets any say in, ever.
Anyone who does not get this is such a threat to individual rights that the have to be considered an immediate deadly threat.
The only time anyone else would have any standing is if so many people were having abortions, that the extinction of the whole human race was threatened.
Nobody knows when life begins. We do know there are kids playing right now who were born while still at the legal abortion phase. So some of us error on the side of life, others like you who demand death to babies for purely narcissistic reasons.

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