What next Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court took sides against young, pregnant women trying to control their family sizes

Here's a hot take from one of your fellow lefties. The standard lefty racism is proudly on display:

After each Justice promised to support Roe v Wade at their confirmation, it now appears the TRUMP court is willing to overturn it

Newly emboldened by a Conservative Court to do their bidding, what is next for Republican Legislatures?

1. Gay Rights- Gay Marriage will be an easy target as the courts leave it up to the states. Gays in the Military, job protections and discrimination are up for grabs

2. Transexuals- doomed

3. Environmental Protections- Look for an erosion of the EPA to tell states what to do

4. School Prayer- The court will allow any Christian prayer in schools

5. Civil Rights Law- Outside of lynching, look for anything goes

6. Worker protection/safety- Look for an end of OSHA and Collective Bargaining protection
Oh no!!, those poor transsexuals. Get a life. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
After each Justice promised to support Roe v Wade at their confirmation, it now appears the TRUMP court is willing to overturn it

Newly emboldened by a Conservative Court to do their bidding, what is next for Republican Legislatures?

1. Gay Rights- Gay Marriage will be an easy target as the courts leave it up to the states. Gays in the Military, job protections and discrimination are up for grabs

2. Transexuals- doomed

3. Environmental Protections- Look for an erosion of the EPA to tell states what to do

4. School Prayer- The court will allow any Christian prayer in schools

5. Civil Rights Law- Outside of lynching, look for anything goes

6. Worker protection/safety- Look for an end of OSHA and Collective Bargaining protection
It's not the first time a Justice grew and matured while on the Court or voted in unexpected ways. You do know that, right?
Not a SCOTUS issue though.
Let all the cowardly Rino's and Dino's be pushed out from behind the SCOTUS' robes. Long, long overdue.

I disagree.
Everything becomes a SCOTUS issue if appealed far enough.
The SCOTUS is not just authorized by the federal constitution, but is also the arbiter of all state constitutions and municipal legislation as well.
Everything eventually can become a SCOTUS issue.
That is because it is the top of the judiciary.
It is only legislative that has separation based on jurisdictions.
Not the judiciary.
It's not the first time a Justice grew and matured while on the Court or voted in unexpected ways. You do know that, right?

One of the most important aspects of courts is continuity of precedents.
No court is supposed to ignore precedent and implement their own personal beliefs.
The Supreme doesn't take sides, they rule on laws, how they are written and how they pertain to the Constitution.

Far more important is precedent of Common law, going back to even before the US existed.
The SCOTUS is supposed to not just rule based on what legislators have written.
Legislators can and often have been wrong in what they wrote.
For example, slavery.
A lot of people have the mistaken belief that law is entirely based on just what legislators have written, and judges are constrained just to interpret that.
That is not true.
The reality is law is based on inherent human rights, not legislation, and rights are INFINITE.
If legislators have missed or not gotten to yet, that does NOT prevent a judge from still addressing the protection of those individual rights.
Legislators can never address all the infinite individual rights, so judges will always be important due to the need for their personal discretion.
The Supreme doesn't take sides, they rule on laws, how they are written and how they pertain to the Constitution.

The Supreme Court is taking sides against working Americans

They are preparing to attack healthcare, worker rights, the environment, non-Christian’s
After each Justice promised to support Roe v Wade at their confirmation, it now appears the TRUMP court is willing to overturn it

Newly emboldened by a Conservative Court to do their bidding, what is next for Republican Legislatures?

1. Gay Rights- Gay Marriage will be an easy target as the courts leave it up to the states. Gays in the Military, job protections and discrimination are up for grabs

2. Transexuals- doomed

3. Environmental Protections- Look for an erosion of the EPA to tell states what to do

4. School Prayer- The court will allow any Christian prayer in schools

5. Civil Rights Law- Outside of lynching, look for anything goes

6. Worker protection/safety- Look for an end of OSHA and Collective Bargaining protection
One of the most important aspects of courts is continuity of precedents.
No court is supposed to ignore precedent and implement their own personal beliefs.

The Roberts Court is starting a new era of Justice
An era of political partisanship.

They used to mediate partisan rule, now they have embraced it

Get ready for wild swings based on who has stacked the court the best. Precedence no longer matters

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