What no looting?

There's not much looting going on in Japan because there is immense social pressure to conform. When people tell you to conform here what is the response? "Fuck you! Don't tell me how to live!". :evil:

What you are applauding is the equivalent of social dog training.

u r stoopid

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

mini, look at your own comments, and there are you are standing next to WJ. Hypocrite. You clowns would not have pulled that off in Mississippi, I promise you. You waved your guns? You would have been put down like a mad dog right quick.

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

Ravi is smarter than Joyce when she's asleep.

May be, I don't know either.

Why am I not shocked that you would whore yourself so quickly to try and score a political point?

You're no better than either of them CG. I was there. Y'all keep running your ignorant shit about how it was and what they were really doing. It just exposes you more to those of us who saw the truth.

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

You were there?

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

You were there?

Yes, I was.

Don't be silly...William Joyce would die of thirst before he helped himself to some drinks moldering in a destroyed store...or nobly drink the cesspool flood water...evolution in action, baybee!

In all seriousness I would love to see our resident White Boy attempt to survive anything beyond a hangnail.

And there is still no evidence that the guy in the pic was looting...

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.
WJ defines himself as a White Boy...sorry it offends you. I think it is pretty amusing.

I've survived my share of hurricanes, and I never blamed my predicament on the mayor, the governor, or the president.

Sadly, you cannot say the same.
The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

You were there?

Yes, I was.

Do tell. Since you have first hand knowledge. Do you see the point i am making about what happened there in 24-48 hours as opposed to what you see going on in Japan?
mini was not there. He is quoting second and third rate stories. Ask him specifics.

You were there?

Yes, I was.

Do tell. Since you have first hand knowledge. Do you see the point i am making about what happened there in 24-48 hours as opposed to what you see going on in Japan?
You don't know what is happening or what will happen. You also don't know what happened in NO other than what the media fed you...

People would have to be massively retarded to not take a soda can or a beer can that was going to be thrown away anyway if they had no clean water.

Sorry, that is an insult to the retarded. Even the retarded have a survival instinct.
mini was not there. He is quoting second and third rate stories. Ask him specifics.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar.

Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me.

The biggest racist in this thread just called Joyce a "White Boy."

You are a piece of shit Ravi, no matter what color your skin is.

Damn, I wish you'd been there with us in NO. You would not have made it out alive.

Unless we carried you too.

Ravi is smarter than Joyce when she's asleep.

May be, I don't know either.

Why am I not shocked that you would whore yourself so quickly to try and score a political point?

You're no better than either of them CG. I was there. Y'all keep running your ignorant shit about how it was and what they were really doing. It just exposes you more to those of us who saw the truth.

I don't 'whore myself' for anything or anyone, little man. I speak as I find, offend or please.

And... when you can find a post of mine - just one - 'running' my 'ignorant shit' about NO, I'd love to see it. I have made absolutely no fucking comments about NO. None. Nadda. Zip. Not one. Got that? So, no, it does not expose me as anything - it exposes you as a fucking moron who can't tell the difference between posters.


You were there?

Yes, I was.

Do tell. Since you have first hand knowledge. Do you see the point i am making about what happened there in 24-48 hours as opposed to what you see going on in Japan?

Night and Day.

And the answer is obvious. It hjas to do with the respective cultures in New Orleans and Japan. One is chaotic and opportunistic, and one is honorable and respectful.

Ravi would have you believe NO was just a few people upset about the weather. Bullshit. They were fucking animals, and they were partying. They were literally giddy at the opportunity to steal anything and everything they could carry.

The picture she is crying about was a guy who had showed up too late to the party to get the big screen tvs (how stupid are those fuckers). He had a good attitude, and people were laughing and applauding him as he waded through the Quarter.
mini was not there. He is quoting second and third rate stories. Ask him specifics.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar. Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me. :rofl:

Typical bat crazy nonsense by such like mini and others.
mini was not there. He is quoting second and third rate stories. Ask him specifics.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar. Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me. :rofl:

Typical bat crazy nonsense by such like mini and others.

What would you like to know, Jake?

Ask me something specific.

Ravi...you familiar with Waveland?

They didn't act like wild animals there.

Wonder why?
mini is lying through those buck teeth. He is damning the majority for the actions of the few in gangs.
Prolly...I once ran across a guy on a message board that insisted he was here during Andrew, but a few pointed questions proved him a liar. Then he threatened to meet me somewhere with a couple of his buddies so they could beat the shit out of me. :rofl:

Typical bat crazy nonsense by such like mini and others.

What would you like to know, Jake?

Ask me something specific.

Ravi...you familiar with Waveland?

They didn't act like wild animals there.

Wonder why?

The whole St Louis Bay area got hammered into the mud, munchkin. No comparison whatsoever to New Orleans. There was nothing left to take or fight over.
We are talking about your lies, bucky.

Don't try to change the subject.
What no looting?

I am watching the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan, something that has effected the entire country. Reports are coming in that the shops are closed and that people are on the roads looking for food and water.

I am amazed at the how the Japanese are responding... in comparison to how the people involved in the katrina flood responded.

They are not looting businesses or turning into whining animals.

Amazing comparison don't you think?

I had a similar thought this morning watching the coverage.Not one report,not one piece of video.I didn't expect it though to be honest but the thought did occur to me as I was watching thinking about how the Japanese are conducting them selves.:clap2:

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