What NO one mentions regarding HC.....

Good thing we have the government to make sure you don't have a choice in what insurance you want to buy.

Sure like EVERYONE can adequately make a choice on health insurance....Yours is the typical moronic line that Tom Price is feeding you.
Sure you think monopolies keep prices low.
You're a Soros stooge.

BTW - funny how the "poor" in America own a smart phone and DVD player.
Sure you think monopolies keep prices low.
You're a Soros stooge.

Did you ever wonder WHY big pharma does not want for Medicare to negotiate the cost of medicines?

No private. for-profit monopolies do not keep prices low.....anti-trust laws have mostly gone out the window with right wing politicians.
Sure you think monopolies keep prices low.
You're a Soros stooge.

Did you ever wonder WHY big pharma does not want for Medicare to negotiate the cost of medicines?

No private. for-profit monopolies do not keep prices low.....anti-trust laws have mostly gone out the window with right wing politicians.

Only a moron would think liberal politicians don't support the same thing.
Sure you think monopolies keep prices low.
You're a Soros stooge.

Did you ever wonder WHY big pharma does not want for Medicare to negotiate the cost of medicines?

No private. for-profit monopolies do not keep prices low.....anti-trust laws have mostly gone out the window with right wing politicians.
Once again you shoot yourself in the foot. This time the kneecap.

FDA requirements for new drugs drive the development costs of new drugs to the point now where no one wants to spend 10 years to risk a hundred million dollars on the chance a drug gets through the maze only to have some rogue FDA person deny the drug.

Most drugs today are developed outside the US, leaving Americans with limited high cost options only.
Politicians wont talk about premiums?


Haven't Republicans been pointing out that premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof due to Obamacare?
Sure you think monopolies keep prices low.
You're a Soros stooge.

Did you ever wonder WHY big pharma does not want for Medicare to negotiate the cost of medicines?

No private. for-profit monopolies do not keep prices low.....anti-trust laws have mostly gone out the window with right wing politicians.
Obamacare is the biggest for-profit monopoly in America today.
You can't buy auto insurance after you have an accident. You can't buy home insurance after your house burned down or you got burglarized. You can't buy life insurance after you're dead or your doctor tells you you're dying. It's the same deal with HC insurance, you can't wait to buy HCI until you've got a major medical problem or accident, no insurance company can or will do that. Obamacare tried to force people who didn't want HCI to buy it or pay a penalty, and it didn't work. Instead of getting a bunch of healthy people to sign up, instead we got a bunch of poor people who got subsidized or those with pre-existing conditions who couldn't get insurance before the ACA came along. Which is why ObamaCare didn't work, all they've done is increase the entitlements to add more people.

And from what I understand, HC Insurance companies will still be forced to insure those with pre-existing conditions under TrumpCare, only this time there's no stick and no carrot either. People aren't going to buy HCI if they don't have to and they can get coverage if and when they ever need it. As long as those with pre-existing conditions must be covered and no one can be denied, the HC costs in this country will continue to skyrocket. And the only way I can see to pay for it is if ever income earner pays a significant part of their paycheck that is earmarked just for HC just like SSI is. Except this time that money cannot be used for anything else, no borrowing from the trust fund and leaving IOUs.
Politicians wont talk about premiums?


Haven't Republicans been pointing out that premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof due to Obamacare?

Hey fuck-head........Read the O/P and comprehend or ask someone to read it to you.....Sure politicians TALK abut high premiums which were going UP way before Obamacare......But just TALK is nonsense.........

What needs to be addressed is the WHY premiums keep going up and curtail the fucking uncontrolled greed.
When those on the bottom are getting $13,000+ of free healthcare premiums and no deductible, and those in the middle are actually working and paying for healthcare, but have deductibles so high that they can never use any, something needs to change.
Politicians wont talk about premiums?


Haven't Republicans been pointing out that premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof due to Obamacare?

Hey fuck-head........Read the O/P and comprehend or ask someone to read it to you.....Sure politicians TALK abut high premiums which were going UP way before Obamacare......But just TALK is nonsense.........

What needs to be addressed is the WHY premiums keep going up and curtail the fucking uncontrolled greed.
Everyone wants cellphones. So everyone from Bill Gates to the homeless guy at the shopping center has a cell phone.
Because the government stayed out of the free market of providing cell phones.
Politicians wont talk about premiums?


Haven't Republicans been pointing out that premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof due to Obamacare?

Hey fuck-head........Read the O/P and comprehend or ask someone to read it to you.....Sure politicians TALK abut high premiums which were going UP way before Obamacare......But just TALK is nonsense.........

What needs to be addressed is the WHY premiums keep going up and curtail the fucking uncontrolled greed.
Everyone wants cellphones. So everyone from Bill Gates to the homeless guy at the shopping center has a cell phone.
Because the government stayed out of the free market of providing cell phones.

Check out the original obamaphone lady
There are 5 factors that NO politicians wants to talk about regarding the ridiculous cost of health care in this country, and why costs of premiums and co-pays keep on going skyward while millions of people go without insurance...bearing in mind that our health care system is NOT the best (the propaganda tries to make us think it is THE best) and that we lag far behind other countries in longevity and morbidity rates.

The first factor is the ridiculous cost of HC premiums, while CEOs of insurance companies' salaries hover at more than $1 MILLION per week, and throw money at politicians to keep Medicare for all a "fantasy".

The second factor is the equally ridiculous cost of a hospital stay for any individual who is also at risk on contracting diseases during that hospital stay. Some for profit hospitals import Italian marble for their lobbies, while ripping off both the insurance companies and clients.

The third factor is the robbery that most of us have to endure for medication. Big pharma has become the equivalent of legalized drug pushers, charging outrageous payments for needed medicines. In some cases, the return of profit on a single pill is beyond 5,000%. Bear in mind that R & D for some of these drugs is performed by the National Institute of Health that is already funded by taxpayers' dollars. A huge amount of money spent by big pharma is not for R & D...but for marketing (which also benefit TV stations and printed advertisement.)

The fourth boils down to (not for all) the amazing salaries that some doctors demand for their service, regardless of the oath they've taken to perform their services. If a doctor wants to become really wealthy, then the U.S. is their venue.....and we will never see any physician on food stamps like the millions of patients.

Finally the fifth factor (and I must admit that SOME politicians have addressed this point) is the high cost for doctors of liability insurance, which rain-making law firms want to keep from being outlawed because of the amazing profits realized by these law firms. We waste billions on these un-capped law suits that jack-up costs which eventually become the burden of the patients.

If we want to join the rest of the civilized world when it comes to HC, the above factors and issues must be addressed by brave politicians who should dedicate their lives to serve constituents and NOT just worrying about their re-election chances.

A Doctor generally makes a small fraction of what a successful actor does. Yet you moan over what a person saving lives makes.

Next time you get sick gnat, call Leo DiCaprio,

Tell you what, limit the Hollywood slugs to no more than $100K per year, THEN we can talk about doctors.

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