What NO one mentions regarding HC.....

Health care is the one industry where you go to get service and NO ONE can tell you what the cost will be !? What's up with that ?

When you get older and buy a car, you'll find that mechanics work the same way.

If you have a rich uncle who dies and leaves you a house, you'll learn about plumbers..... :eusa_whistle:
Many of the people who will lose coverage under a revised plan will lose it due to high costs of premiums. Doctors have huge educational debt these days. That along with malpractice insurance makes it not as profitable as it was. I suppose you could limit drug companies on advertising. I really think it is wrong to approach patients who don't have medical knowledge telling their doctors what medication to provide. Compared to what money flows through an insurance company. CEO salaries are not a big factor. We pay baseball players even more than that.
Compared to what money flows through an insurance company. CEO salaries are not a big factor. We pay baseball players even more than that.

This is so idiotic it beggars the imagination...

There is no meaningful link between HC CEO pay and "performance". Given the inelastic nature of demand for the underlying product, and the absence of "value add" in the process, paying CEOs on the basis of the top line is absolutely ridiculous.....

I would 100% agree.

But that has nothing to do with the assertion that CEO salaries are not a big factor.
There are 5 factors that NO politicians wants to talk about regarding the ridiculous cost of health care in this country, and why costs of premiums and co-pays keep on going skyward while millions of people go without insurance...bearing in mind that our health care system is NOT the best (the propaganda tries to make us think it is THE best) and that we lag far behind other countries in longevity and morbidity rates.

The first factor is the ridiculous cost of HC premiums, while CEOs of insurance companies' salaries hover at more than $1 MILLION per week, and throw money at politicians to keep Medicare for all a "fantasy".

The second factor is the equally ridiculous cost of a hospital stay for any individual who is also at risk on contracting diseases during that hospital stay. Some for profit hospitals import Italian marble for their lobbies, while ripping off both the insurance companies and clients.

The third factor is the robbery that most of us have to endure for medication. Big pharma has become the equivalent of legalized drug pushers, charging outrageous payments for needed medicines. In some cases, the return of profit on a single pill is beyond 5,000%. Bear in mind that R & D for some of these drugs is performed by the National Institute of Health that is already funded by taxpayers' dollars. A huge amount of money spent by big pharma is not for R & D...but for marketing (which also benefit TV stations and printed advertisement.)

The fourth boils down to (not for all) the amazing salaries that some doctors demand for their service, regardless of the oath they've taken to perform their services. If a doctor wants to become really wealthy, then the U.S. is their venue.....and we will never see any physician on food stamps like the millions of patients.

Finally the fifth factor (and I must admit that SOME politicians have addressed this point) is the high cost for doctors of liability insurance, which rain-making law firms want to keep from being outlawed because of the amazing profits realized by these law firms. We waste billions on these un-capped law suits that jack-up costs which eventually become the burden of the patients.

If we want to join the rest of the civilized world when it comes to HC, the above factors and issues must be addressed by brave politicians who should dedicate their lives to serve constituents and NOT just worrying about their re-election chances.

Yes Obamacare made these CEO richer and big pharma with big profits as yo far left drones cheered for it..

But then again what do you expect from those that voted for a wall street one percenter named Hilary!
Yes Obamacare made these CEO richer and big pharma with big profits as yo far left drones cheered for it..

But then again what do you expect from those that voted for a wall street one percenter named Hilary!

It'll take 30 years for you fuck heads to get over Obama and Hillary....Sty dumb and constipated.....This thread was NOT about those two.....LOL
Yes Obamacare made these CEO richer and big pharma with big profits as yo far left drones cheered for it..

But then again what do you expect from those that voted for a wall street one percenter named Hilary!

It'll take 30 years for you fuck heads to get over Obama and Hillary....Sty dumb and constipated.....This thread was NOT about those two.....LOL

See how the far left drones will deny reality?

Actually if you listened to the drones when Obama was in office you would have thought Bush had 4 terms..

Silly far left drone!
There are 5 factors that NO politicians wants to talk about regarding the ridiculous cost of health care in this country, and why costs of premiums and co-pays keep on going skyward while millions of people go without insurance...bearing in mind that our health care system is NOT the best (the propaganda tries to make us think it is THE best) and that we lag far behind other countries in longevity and morbidity rates.

The first factor is the ridiculous cost of HC premiums, while CEOs of insurance companies' salaries hover at more than $1 MILLION per week, and throw money at politicians to keep Medicare for all a "fantasy".

The second factor is the equally ridiculous cost of a hospital stay for any individual who is also at risk on contracting diseases during that hospital stay. Some for profit hospitals import Italian marble for their lobbies, while ripping off both the insurance companies and clients.

The third factor is the robbery that most of us have to endure for medication. Big pharma has become the equivalent of legalized drug pushers, charging outrageous payments for needed medicines. In some cases, the return of profit on a single pill is beyond 5,000%. Bear in mind that R & D for some of these drugs is performed by the National Institute of Health that is already funded by taxpayers' dollars. A huge amount of money spent by big pharma is not for R & D...but for marketing (which also benefit TV stations and printed advertisement.)

The fourth boils down to (not for all) the amazing salaries that some doctors demand for their service, regardless of the oath they've taken to perform their services. If a doctor wants to become really wealthy, then the U.S. is their venue.....and we will never see any physician on food stamps like the millions of patients.

Finally the fifth factor (and I must admit that SOME politicians have addressed this point) is the high cost for doctors of liability insurance, which rain-making law firms want to keep from being outlawed because of the amazing profits realized by these law firms. We waste billions on these un-capped law suits that jack-up costs which eventually become the burden of the patients.

If we want to join the rest of the civilized world when it comes to HC, the above factors and issues must be addressed by brave politicians who should dedicate their lives to serve constituents and NOT just worrying about their re-election chances.
Republicans love to claim interstate completion for insurance is the answer

I'd love to see the states bid for the lowest cost of medical procedures.
There are 5 factors that NO politicians wants to talk about regarding the ridiculous cost of health care in this country, and why costs of premiums and co-pays keep on going skyward while millions of people go without insurance...bearing in mind that our health care system is NOT the best (the propaganda tries to make us think it is THE best) and that we lag far behind other countries in longevity and morbidity rates.

The first factor is the ridiculous cost of HC premiums, while CEOs of insurance companies' salaries hover at more than $1 MILLION per week, and throw money at politicians to keep Medicare for all a "fantasy".

The second factor is the equally ridiculous cost of a hospital stay for any individual who is also at risk on contracting diseases during that hospital stay. Some for profit hospitals import Italian marble for their lobbies, while ripping off both the insurance companies and clients.

The third factor is the robbery that most of us have to endure for medication. Big pharma has become the equivalent of legalized drug pushers, charging outrageous payments for needed medicines. In some cases, the return of profit on a single pill is beyond 5,000%. Bear in mind that R & D for some of these drugs is performed by the National Institute of Health that is already funded by taxpayers' dollars. A huge amount of money spent by big pharma is not for R & D...but for marketing (which also benefit TV stations and printed advertisement.)

The fourth boils down to (not for all) the amazing salaries that some doctors demand for their service, regardless of the oath they've taken to perform their services. If a doctor wants to become really wealthy, then the U.S. is their venue.....and we will never see any physician on food stamps like the millions of patients.

Finally the fifth factor (and I must admit that SOME politicians have addressed this point) is the high cost for doctors of liability insurance, which rain-making law firms want to keep from being outlawed because of the amazing profits realized by these law firms. We waste billions on these un-capped law suits that jack-up costs which eventually become the burden of the patients.

If we want to join the rest of the civilized world when it comes to HC, the above factors and issues must be addressed by brave politicians who should dedicate their lives to serve constituents and NOT just worrying about their re-election chances.
1- You purchase a plan based on what you need at a price you feel is fair. Well, not so much since obiecare now you have to buy what the government tells you you need. The CEO's salary has nothing to do with that transaction.

2- When I'm looking for a hospital I always look for the one with dirt floors and rusty equipment. That way I know I'm not over paying.

3- Going to need some clarification on this one. Your rant went sideways and I can't tell what your complaint is. You sound like the rent is too damn high guy from New York.

4- Last I checked the reason people become doctors is to make sure they aren't on food stamps. That's why the demand is there for those that can make it through the program. What are you going to do cap doctor salaries? So these smart people can go do something else and leave you with less qualified doctors that don't mind living on food stamps? That should work out well.

5- Finally one I agree with.
I've quit going to a few doctors that seemed to prescribe whatever my insurance plan would pay for. Not sure how big of a problem that is but it certainly can't help control costs. I'd also go back to when prescription drugs weren't advertised. For years now I hear nagging from the wife about my need to get a Shingles shot every time a commercial for the vaccine comes on TV.
What are you going to do cap doctor salaries? So these smart people can go do something else and leave you with less qualified doctors that don't mind living on food stamps? That should work out well.

In Britain, for example, doctors are "capped: at about $200-$300 per year.....Not bad, I'd think........
In the U.S., the lowest paid doctors make a bout that much, with the upper echelon in the $2-3 MILLION..

Yeah, most people would rather work ar WalMart as greeters than be doctors in the US
Republicans love to claim interstate completion for insurance is the answer

The ACA does NOT prevent or outlaw interstate competition....
That is one of the moronic right wing politicians straw-man arguments.
What are you going to do cap doctor salaries? So these smart people can go do something else and leave you with less qualified doctors that don't mind living on food stamps? That should work out well.

In Britain, for example, doctors are "capped: at about $200-$300 per year.....Not bad, I'd think........
In the U.S., the lowest paid doctors make a bout that much, with the upper echelon in the $2-3 MILLION..

Yeah, most people would rather work ar WalMart as greeters than be doctors in the US

Do you read what you write?

Obviously not!

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