What number is bigger 1.5 million killed or 8 killed???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I know this appears to be such a silly question.
But the MSM has been generating so much press about events that average over the past 31 years 8 people killed per year in 62 events.

YET an average of 1.5 million are killed every year in the same 31 years.

1,500,000 potential tax payers, idea generators, job creators a year have been killed.
8 ... just 8 per year in the past 31 years were killed.

Please tell me why then there is such angst. Such press coverage over an average of 8 when every day 4,100 future citizens are murdered.. some as this recent trial has described so grotesquely that these deaths are not being covered by the press... why?

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, "described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body." One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his "snipping" technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified "It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place." Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: "Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic."
Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

And as the Press and general public is wont to do believe the exaggerated grossly overblown RARE and EXCEPTIONAL gun events while EVERY DAY 4,000 babies are murdered..EVERY DAY!!!
So your point is that if we allow abortion we have to allow mass murder?

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

Th OP is trying to say that abortion is the same as murder....it is not and never has been
So your point is that if we allow abortion we have to allow mass murder?

I was appealing to more logical less emotional practical common sense people that are as smart as I am in knowing that the MSM and other idiots take events that happen in the last 31 years , 62 times and averaged 8 deaths per year blow it so out of proportion it becomes like a HITLER lie i.e.
In an effort to do this Obama has totally LIED the biggest LIE .. bigger then any that Hitler told..
The Big Lie :is a propaganda technique.
The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Big Lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an example of BIG LIE gross impudence that these rare, exceptional events REQUIRE drastic, dramatic (Obama's AF1 Sandy Hook parents) optics
to pass something that has such a little impact on reality WHILE you very ignorant, hysterical people totally are OK with 1.5 million deaths per year!

Thousands of years from now..people will wonder how come idiots like you being as stupid as you are couldn't understand..
EACH YEAR 1.5 million TAX payers are murdered! 1.5 million artists, scientists are murdered!
AND yet you idiots, Obama,etc. aLL bent out of shape over 8 deaths per year for the past 31 years!

Such a gross disproportion of attention when 1.5 million people are killed??? Marks a very indecent society!

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

Th OP is trying to say that abortion is the same as murder....it is not and never has been

Well why is an abortionist being tried for capital murder?? You kill a women and her unborn child you get TWO counts of homicide,how do you square that??

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

There is no spin....just your deflection going on.

The OP's point is about the amount of attention given to a relatively small number of deaths, as opposed to the deaths of the millions of deaths via abortions, as per the OP's owns words.

My analogy is spot on...same exact t hing over the amount of press a certain segment is giving 4 Americans vs. the amount of attention those same people have given to the 4000 dead via the Iraqi War.

Your BS stinks to high heavens.

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

There was never any lie when Obama and these others said the following. They made these statements prolong the Iraq conflict.

They said these words to encourage terrorists to kill Americans as the war was over in May 2003 but because Obama and others wanted the war to be prolonged why else would they want to encourage these deaths by making statements that were used to RECRUIT more terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " 40,800 Google results

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Again all these above statements surely didn't halt the war... they were helpful! They helped the terrorists when our current SOS calling our troops TERRORISTS!
And you and others think that didn't ENCOURAGE more recruits and prolonged the war???

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

There is no spin....just your deflection going on.

The OP's point is about the amount of attention given to a relatively small number of deaths, as opposed to the deaths of the millions of deaths via abortions, as per the OP's owns words.

My analogy is spot on...same exact t hing over the amount of press a certain segment is giving 4 Americans vs. the amount of attention those same people have given to the 4000 dead via the Iraqi War.

Your BS stinks to high heavens.

What deflection would that be??

Lets see at what point was Benghazi or Iraq mentioned?? that right it wasn't.

Talk about stink!!

To be honest ,I know thats a stretch for you,we are both off the mark some what based on the OP additional posts.

But nice try again.
I know this appears to be such a silly question.
But the MSM has been generating so much press about events that average over the past 31 years 8 people killed per year in 62 events.

YET an average of 1.5 million are killed every year in the same 31 years.

1,500,000 potential tax payers, idea generators, job creators a year have been killed.
8 ... just 8 per year in the past 31 years were killed.

Please tell me why then there is such angst. Such press coverage over an average of 8 when every day 4,100 future citizens are murdered.. some as this recent trial has described so grotesquely that these deaths are not being covered by the press... why?

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, "described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body." One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his "snipping" technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified "It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place." Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: "Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic."
Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

And as the Press and general public is wont to do believe the exaggerated grossly overblown RARE and EXCEPTIONAL gun events while EVERY DAY 4,000 babies are murdered..EVERY DAY!!!

There are several hurdles a developing human being must clear in America as they eventually gain full citizenship and the rights granted an adult. If you think a fetus at the moment of conception deserves full rights then you are mentally ill. If you think "god" has any part in the equation...you are mentally ill. You have NO right to impose your religious beliefs on anyone. Until such a time as you or anyone can PROVE that there is a god you should keep that theory to yourself when it comes to others lives. Women have total right to thier body at the moment of conception. That complete right gradually shifts to accomodate the unborn child as the fetus developes into a viable human being. Even up to and past the point that the unborn child could possibly become a living breathing baby if the unborn child is a threat to the life of the mother the balance of life still belongs to the mother. If you believe otherwise...you are mentally ill. This is America. We don't let religious zealots make the rules.
Can you kill something that isn't alive?

If your attempting to state that an unborn human isn't alive,your an idiot!

So are you and idiot?

Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.
If your attempting to state that an unborn human isn't alive,your an idiot!

So are you and idiot?

Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Rationality is the first thing that has to go to be a liberal.
Obviously the smaller number needs investigation. That precedent was set when the Right wanted to hang Obama for Bengahzi but let GWB slide for all the war contractors, attacks and deaths that occurred on his watch.

Unless now the right has changed their position and see higher numbers as meaning more important. Its hard to keep up.
Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Rationality is the first thing that has to go to be a liberal.

Certainly for this one,it is amazing the utter stupidity of some ,trying to make some point.

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

Nope that would be your twist.

The OP is highlighting a gross hypocrisy,but nice try.

There is no spin....just your deflection going on.

The OP's point is about the amount of attention given to a relatively small number of deaths, as opposed to the deaths of the millions of deaths via abortions, as per the OP's owns words.

My analogy is spot on...same exact t hing over the amount of press a certain segment is giving 4 Americans vs. the amount of attention those same people have given to the 4000 dead via the Iraqi War.

Your BS stinks to high heavens.
There has been NO press regarding 4 deaths in Benghazi because that as these quotes sum up THE DIFFERENCE IS THE PARTY IN POWER!!!!

During Iraq prolongation due to these encouraging words by people WANTING THE Iraq conflict to go on purely for political power..

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to _______ on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

So wouldn't the fair and balanced press treat Obama the same way.."bash the president cause that's their job???

I mean in a way -------’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kyle-drennen/2009/06/05/newsweek-s-evan-thomas--------sort-god
This is the same PRESS who are to BASH the president YET do they dare bash a God??
Or is this the Press that BASHED Bush as it was their job???

It certainly is true that Obama is good at manipulating the media, but I’m taking Obama’s side on this one.
The media has proven itself willing subjects, with tingles and oohs and ahhs running wild since before Obama was elected the first time.

Obama didn’t force the media to run wild for days against Romney over Benghazi while covering up the cover up.
Obama didn’t force the media to collude at Romney’s Benghazi press conference to make sure an appropriate gotcha question was asked.
Obama didn’t force the media to proclaim Paul Ryan a liar, or to perpetuate the falsehood that Republicans are racist.
Obama didn’t force Politico to turn practically its entire home page over to going after Herman Cain.

Don’t blame Obama for your own failings.
Look in the mirror and ask why you are such a bunch of hypocritical sycophants who abandoned all pretense of journalistic integrity in order to get Obama elected twice.
» Politico tries to expunge media bias by playing victim of Obama manipulation - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
If your attempting to state that an unborn human isn't alive,your an idiot!

So are you and idiot?

Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Doesn't something have to be born before it can be killed?

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