What number is bigger 1.5 million killed or 8 killed???

If your attempting to state that an unborn human isn't alive,your an idiot!

So are you and idiot?

Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Most abortions happen before a heartbeat. And it's less retarded than comparing all abortions to murderers.

Maybe Anti-abortion nuts would be taken more serious if they cared about kids after they are born.
Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Most abortions happen before a heartbeat. And it's less retarded than comparing all abortions to murderers.

Maybe Anti-abortion nuts would be taken more serious if they cared about kids after they are born.

Where are your facts about "before a heart beat" idiotic uninformed statement!!

Percentage of 2009 Reported Abortions by Weeks of Gestation* (CDC):
  • ≤6 wks 7 wks 8 wks 9 wks 10 wks 11 wks 12 wks 13 wks 14-15 wks 16-17 wks 18-20 wks ≥21 wks
  • 32.3% 17.8% 14.0% 9.3% 6.6% 5.1% 3.9% 2.8% 3.4% 1.9% 1.8% 1.3%
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks is usually a very good time to detect either a fetal pole or even a fetal heart beat by vaginal ultrasound.
Concerns Regarding Early Fetal Development - American Pregnancy Association

Do these facts mean anything to your idiot comment that "MOST abortions happen before a heartbeat"??
Most being more then 50% OK??
by 11 weeks gestation period there were 56% abortions occurred WAY AFTER the 6 week period when the first heartbeat is detected!
Do you believe we should should go to jail for masterbation or cutting down a tree, because sperm and trees are alive?

Ok your a waste of time,your analogy is retarded. comparing an unborn human with a heart beat and brain waves,to a tree and some jizz is a stretch beyond rational.

Doesn't something have to be born before it can be killed?

Good greef a fucking other nut case.

No babies die before they are born,some naturally most that parish befor birth are intentional.

So you never had a heart beat or warm blood in your vein until you hit the floor??
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

There was never any lie when Obama and these others said the following. They made these statements prolong the Iraq conflict.

They said these words to encourage terrorists to kill Americans as the war was over in May 2003 but because Obama and others wanted the war to be prolonged why else would they want to encourage these deaths by making statements that were used to RECRUIT more terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " 40,800 Google results

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Again all these above statements surely didn't halt the war... they were helpful! They helped the terrorists when our current SOS calling our troops TERRORISTS!
And you and others think that didn't ENCOURAGE more recruits and prolonged the war???
What does this diatribe have to do with the price of tea in China?

The point still remains that certain people made a big stink out of 4 deaths in Benghazi but didn't and hasn't made that stink over 4,000+ in Iraq...and counting.
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

You can tell these SOB's are pure unadulterated nutjobs, beceause if they truly meant what they said, they'd be advocating the arrest of the women and anyone else that were accessories to the crime of abortion.

They don't.

That's because they're nothing but a bunch of rabid circus barkers.

Plain and simple.
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

Thats your idea,didn't see that bull shit before you posted it.

The default is always over the top nonsense with people like you.
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

You can tell these SOB's are pure unadulterated nutjobs, beceause if they truly meant what they said, they'd be advocating the arrest of the women and anyone else that were accessories to the crime of abortion.

They don't.

That's because they're nothing but a bunch of rabid circus barkers.

Plain and simple.

When given logic and rationality,default to insults and nonsense,your not alone.
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

Thats your idea,didn't see that bull shit before you posted it.

The default is always over the top nonsense with people like you.

Well, you can always fill the gap. If abortion is murder then what do you purpose the penalty should be?

Here's your chance, don't let me down :clap2:
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

You can tell these SOB's are pure unadulterated nutjobs, beceause if they truly meant what they said, they'd be advocating the arrest of the women and anyone else that were accessories to the crime of abortion.

They don't.

That's because they're nothing but a bunch of rabid circus barkers.

Plain and simple.

When given logic and rationality,default to insults and nonsense,your not alone.
Listen...if you believe that abortion is murder, you should be seeking to arrest anyone and everyone involved in those murders.

If you aren't then you're a fraud.

Plain and simple.
You can tell these SOB's are pure unadulterated nutjobs, beceause if they truly meant what they said, they'd be advocating the arrest of the women and anyone else that were accessories to the crime of abortion.

They don't.

That's because they're nothing but a bunch of rabid circus barkers.

Plain and simple.

When given logic and rationality,default to insults and nonsense,your not alone.
Listen...if you believe that abortion is murder, you should be seeking to arrest anyone and everyone involved in those murders.

If you aren't then you're a fraud.

Plain and simple.

Well if it was Illegal,which now it is not,then the laws we have on the books would do.

Your attempt at a trap is kinda funny. And a real nice deflection from,if an unborn is really alive and such nonsense.

Abortion is not illegal ,and I have never said people should be arrested,once again words from you ,not me.Abortion is tragic not illegal.

Logic and rationality isn't your strong suit it?
Wait so, it's murder but...not murder?

Funny how words mean things. Maybe when you discuss abortion, murder is the wrong word to use if you don't consider the penalty should be the penalty for murder
I know, lets lock up the women who had abortions for murder and the doctors as accessories!

Women will LOVE this message. I hear a winning issue for 2016 GOP. Go for it!

Thats your idea,didn't see that bull shit before you posted it.

The default is always over the top nonsense with people like you.

Well, you can always fill the gap. If abortion is murder then what do you purpose the penalty should be?

Here's your chance, don't let me down :clap2:

Love .......bet you didn't see that coming did cha

Do you apply that logic to the Benghazi situation?

You know, 4 Americans vs. 4,000 Americans and countless other non-Americans?

I'm curious to know.

There was never any lie when Obama and these others said the following. They made these statements prolong the Iraq conflict.

They said these words to encourage terrorists to kill Americans as the war was over in May 2003 but because Obama and others wanted the war to be prolonged why else would they want to encourage these deaths by making statements that were used to RECRUIT more terrorists!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " 40,800 Google results

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Again all these above statements surely didn't halt the war... they were helpful! They helped the terrorists when our current SOS calling our troops TERRORISTS!
And you and others think that didn't ENCOURAGE more recruits and prolonged the war???
What does this diatribe have to do with the price of tea in China?

The point still remains that certain people made a big stink out of 4 deaths in Benghazi but didn't and hasn't made that stink over 4,000+ in Iraq...and counting.

What are you talking about 4,000+ we never heard NIGHTlY repeated on all networks the same death roll call?
What the f...k you talking about when these are the FACTS... dummy!
About 87,000,000 citations of "media blames 4,000 troops deaths in Iraq on bush"

When idiots like you totally ignore the FACT that Iraq was prolonged because of terrorist aided statements like the above there is no further FACTS that can be shown.
You and your ilk are so pathetic you can't do as I have done admit when I'm wrong.
But you stupidly say that people didn't make a stink is absolutely stupid because here we have proof the Terrorists loved the encouragement the above traitors provided!
Wait so, it's murder but...not murder?

Funny how words mean things. Maybe when you discuss abortion, murder is the wrong word to use if you don't consider the penalty should be the penalty for murder

Abortion is not a crime,in this country how many freaking ways can that be said??

I am not calling women that have had abortions accessory too murder,the doctors,are close,but once again its NOT A CRIME in this country.

I'll save you the trouble,sure as the sun comes up in the morning,religion will be your next attempt.

Religion has nothing to do with my position,logic and rationality and science ,its not a gold fish,nor would it ever be one,an unborn child is human from concept,genetically unique from all others.its not that hard to grasp.
I know this appears to be such a silly question.
But the MSM has been generating so much press about events that average over the past 31 years 8 people killed per year in 62 events.

YET an average of 1.5 million are killed every year in the same 31 years.

1,500,000 potential tax payers, idea generators, job creators a year have been killed.
8 ... just 8 per year in the past 31 years were killed.

Please tell me why then there is such angst. Such press coverage over an average of 8 when every day 4,100 future citizens are murdered.. some as this recent trial has described so grotesquely that these deaths are not being covered by the press... why?

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, "described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body." One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his "snipping" technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified "It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place." Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: "Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic."
Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

And as the Press and general public is wont to do believe the exaggerated grossly overblown RARE and EXCEPTIONAL gun events while EVERY DAY 4,000 babies are murdered..EVERY DAY!!!

I do hope you are not trying to convince the left that their eugenics program is wrong. They want to thin the weeds and no amount of morality is going to stop them. Hell they even got the blacks to vote for them. Quite interesting.
Of all the stupid short-sighted positions to hold is the Democrats upholding the killing of 1.5 million potential democrat voters per year!
Over 47 million potential democrat voters in the last 50 years have been terminated!
I personally see them as tax payers first! Think about it.. Starting in 1990 after the 1973 RoevWade.. 1.5 million people would have been in the work force.. making money paying taxes!, Then 3 million, then 5 million then 8 million, at one point we'd had at least 20 million more people paying taxes and the supposed deficits would not be spawning $16 trillion national debt! All because democrats had no problem in killing 47 million potential voters!

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