What Parents of Down Syndrome Kids Get About Sarah Palin That Others Don’t

yeah, they have great careers playing people with Down Syndrome.

Still doesn't negate what I said about all the medical problems a Down Syndrome patient is going to suffer during their shorter than normal life expectancy.
Black people have a shorter than normal life expectancy. What is your solution to that? Is it the same? Why or why not?

I see another Wingnut stretching to defend a silly point.
yeah, they have great careers playing people with Down Syndrome.

Still doesn't negate what I said about all the medical problems a Down Syndrome patient is going to suffer during their shorter than normal life expectancy.
Black people have a shorter than normal life expectancy. What is your solution to that? Is it the same? Why or why not?

I see another Wingnut stretching to defend a silly point.
I see you unwilling to be logical, answer my questions and flinging a silly insult instead of using reasonable dialogue. Carry on.
So posting about her children is suddenly okay with Stephanie who, like Palin, is using children to further her agenda.

Too bad $arah turned her back on them.

Remembering when $he spoke to the NRA for free but charged a couple hundred K$ to speak to a group of parents of Down children.

Funny that RWs would suddenly care about a Down child when they usually post against the welfare, safety and health of children. They're not fetuses, you know.

Lots and lots of hypocrisy from Stephanie and $arah.

You're the female version of rdean. Seriously.
I know, I feel the same about a lot of politicians. Palin would have been a good Vice President and representative for our country. At least I felt that way. Anyway, cut her some slack dear. We ALL make MISTAKES. It looks like the dog is alive and well, if it wasn't we would have heard from those two faced people at Peta... who said Nothing of Ellen picture of her little girl standing on a dog and made her their, woman of the year.

Palin is a retarded attention whore.

The only reason she put these pictures out was so that she could get a reaction and someone would pay attention to her again.

She sure does know how to punch the lefties buttons alright.
Gets them all upset. :lmao:
yeah, they have great careers playing people with Down Syndrome.

Still doesn't negate what I said about all the medical problems a Down Syndrome patient is going to suffer during their shorter than normal life expectancy.
Black people have a shorter than normal life expectancy. What is your solution to that? Is it the same? Why or why not?

I see another Wingnut stretching to defend a silly point.
I see you unwilling to be logical, answer my questions and flinging a silly insult instead of using reasonable dialogue. Carry on.

Uh, guy, you were trying to compare being black to being retarded.
Oh, wait, we might hurt someone's feelings if we call them "Retarded".
She sure does know how to punch the lefties buttons alright.
Gets them all upset.

No, what gets me upset that a stupid attention whore with nothing to say about much of anything because she's stupid, gets so much attention.

I blame the media for paying attention to her.
Uh, guy, you were trying to compare being black to being retarded.
Oh, wait, we might hurt someone's feelings if we call them "Retarded".
That's not what I did or said. I asked you a question (based upon your proposal) that you refuse to answer.

I compared the fact that downs syndrome people have a shorter than normal life span and so do black people. It's factual and it's scientifically proven in both situations. Why are you unwilling to address scientific fact?
You propose aborting babies with downs syndrome with the shorter expected life span as part of your argument. Are you willing to use your same argument to abort black babies?
I suspect you will continue to dodge answering questions because you know your logic (and I use that term loosely in this situation) is not only flawed, it is ridiculous. If you want further dialogue with me, answer the questions instead of accusing me of harboring your idiotic biases.
That's not what I did or said. I asked you a question (based upon your proposal) that you refuse to answer.

I compared the fact that downs syndrome people have a shorter than normal life span and so do black people. It's factual and it's scientifically proven in both situations. Why are you unwilling to address scientific fact?

Uh, if you think shorter life spans was my point, you are being intentionally disingenous.
That's not what I did or said. I asked you a question (based upon your proposal) that you refuse to answer.

I compared the fact that downs syndrome people have a shorter than normal life span and so do black people. It's factual and it's scientifically proven in both situations. Why are you unwilling to address scientific fact?

Uh, if you think shorter life spans was my point, you are being intentionally disingenous.
See your post #46 in this thread. It was one of your points/arguments.
Did you forget? <--- I expect no answer to that question, just like you haven't answered any other question I've asked.
See your post #46 in this thread. It was one of your points/arguments.
Did you forget? <--- I expect no answer to that question, just like you haven't answered any other question I've asked.

It was a PART of my point. The blindness, mental retardation, higher cancer risk, deafness, cleft pallets, and all the other health problems being the others.

But at least they aren't black. Well, most of them.
I know, I feel the same about a lot of politicians. Palin would have been a good Vice President and representative for our country. At least I felt that way. Anyway, cut her some slack dear. We ALL make MISTAKES. It looks like the dog is alive and well, if it wasn't we would have heard from those two faced people at Peta... who said Nothing of Ellen picture of her little girl standing on a dog and made her their, woman of the year.

Palin is a retarded attention whore.

The only reason she put these pictures out was so that she could get a reaction and someone would pay attention to her again.

No different than you then
See your post #46 in this thread. It was one of your points/arguments.
Did you forget? <--- I expect no answer to that question, just like you haven't answered any other question I've asked.

It was a PART of my point. The blindness, mental retardation, higher cancer risk, deafness, cleft pallets, and all the other health problems being the others.

But at least they aren't black. Well, most of them.

what is it your business anyway. worry over yourself and your children. best of luck
So posting about her children is suddenly okay with Stephanie who, like Palin, is using children to further her agenda.

Too bad $arah turned her back on them.

Remembering when $he spoke to the NRA for free but charged a couple hundred K$ to speak to a group of parents of Down children.

Funny that RWs would suddenly care about a Down child when they usually post against the welfare, safety and health of children. They're not fetuses, you know.

Lots and lots of hypocrisy from Stephanie and $arah.

Its her PERSONAL face book page she can do what she wants. Now quit spewing at Sarah and me. Go take a walk or :alcoholic:
what is it your business anyway. worry over yourself and your children. best of luck

that's what I say when you fucking religious morons want to tell women they can't have abortions.

You never listen, though. You'd make women have those retarded kids if you could get away with it.
Its her PERSONAL face book page she can do what she wants. Now quit spewing at Sarah and me. Go take a walk or

Yes, it's her 'Personal" facebook page which can be accessed by anyone on facebook.

I mean, I get it, the rest of the Right Wing Circus has moved on to other clowns and she's trying to get attention.
Liberals talk what a bad parent palin is, but over look the Clintons. Hillary is the bitch from hell and Bill is a registered sex offender. It's a wonder how she came out sane. Think about how many times Chelsea was humiliated because her dad couldn't keep his dick out of other women.

Really, when was Clinton "Registered" as a sex offender? When did this happen?

And the only reason why Chelsea was humiliated was because Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars creating porn.
So it was Starr's fault that Clinton couldn't keep his dick in his pants?[]

No, it was Starr's fault that he turned an investigation into a land deal into an investigation into the President's sex life.
Which he lied about under oath. What a piece of shit.
man you are one miserable human being. that's all and nothing more

91% of women who get diagnosed with a Down Syndrome pregnancy choose to abort. Are they all miserable human beings?

Kill the kid, huh?

You've impressed me.

fetuses aren't kids.

Okay, let's look at what we are talking about here. Trig is 6 years old. He can't master skills that a 2 year old knows how to do. Has his mother really done him any favors ignoring the common sense advice to NOT still be having babies in your 40's?
To bad your parent didn't do you in,people like you are shit stains on this earth nothing more.l
yeah, they have great careers playing people with Down Syndrome.

Still doesn't negate what I said about all the medical problems a Down Syndrome patient is going to suffer during their shorter than normal life expectancy.
Black people have a shorter than normal life expectancy. What is your solution to that? Is it the same? Why or why not?

I see another Wingnut stretching to defend a silly point.
I see you unwilling to be logical, answer my questions and flinging a silly insult instead of using reasonable dialogue. Carry on.

Uh, guy, you were trying to compare being black to being retarded.
Oh, wait, we might hurt someone's feelings if we call them "Retarded".
Yeah because you lefty loonies got to be pc.

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