What Parents of Down Syndrome Kids Get About Sarah Palin That Others Don’t

Yes they are. They are killing innocent babies

No, they aren't. fetuses aren't babies. No amount of wishful thinking on your part will turn them into babies.
Like always you deny the truth. You probably still think black people are not human as well.

Wow, so you don't have an argument, then...
Must suck to be as despicable as you.

Other than appealling to weepy emotionalism, you don't have an argument.

I'd be more impressed with you guys if you cared about the poor kids who are already here before I listen to you mewl about fetuses.
Yes they are. They are killing innocent babies

No, they aren't. fetuses aren't babies. No amount of wishful thinking on your part will turn them into babies.
Like always you deny the truth. You probably still think black people are not human as well.

Wow, so you don't have an argument, then...
Must suck to be as despicable as you.

Other than appealling to weepy emotionalism, you don't have an argument.

I'd be more impressed with you guys if you cared about the poor kids who are already here before I listen to you mewl about fetuses.
You're so stupid. There is no argument. You refuse to think the unborn as human just like your kind thought blacks as ******* and not human.
Your living right? You should be thank, because a child with a disability is way smarter than you. At least they have a heart.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between "Your" and "You're", Cleetus.
Still doesn't change what I meant.

Well, yes, it does. You can't go around questioning the intelligence of others when you can't master basic grammar.

Again, 91% of women who test positive for Downs abort their pregnancies. They are not bad people for doing so.

but does not aborting them make them bad people?

remember a diagnosis of DS is not a lifetime of suffering for the child
but does not aborting them make them bad people?

remember a diagnosis of DS is not a lifetime of suffering for the child

Blindness, deafness, intestinal issues, shorter life spans, lower IQ? How is that not suffering.

Are they bad people? I'd say a lot of them are selfish.
Hey Adolf who the fuck are you to say whose life is worth it or not?
but does not aborting them make them bad people?

remember a diagnosis of DS is not a lifetime of suffering for the child

Blindness, deafness, intestinal issues, shorter life spans, lower IQ? How is that not suffering.

Are they bad people? I'd say a lot of them are selfish.
Hey Adolf who the fuck are you to say whose life is worth it or not?

We make those decisions as a society all the time, guy.
but does not aborting them make them bad people?

remember a diagnosis of DS is not a lifetime of suffering for the child

Blindness, deafness, intestinal issues, shorter life spans, lower IQ? How is that not suffering.

Are they bad people? I'd say a lot of them are selfish.
Hey Adolf who the fuck are you to say whose life is worth it or not?

We make those decisions as a society all the time, guy.
Only evil fucks like you.
Only evil fucks like you.

No, I mean insurance companies, policy planners, doctors, etc.

I know this is a tough concept for you to grasp, but once little trig isn't cute and managable anymore, he's getting dumped in a group home everyone else will end up paying for. (Palin's Bible Spice Schtick isn't going to still be selling when she's less "GILFie".
I know this is a tough concept for you to grasp, but once little trig isn't cute and managable anymore, he's getting dumped in a group home everyone else will end up paying for. (Palin's Bible Spice Schtick isn't going to still be selling when she's less "GILFie".

From your liberal point of view that makes sense.

Of course it's impossible for such a downright religious liberal to comprehend the meaning of "family". Is not "the state" your only family?

Also, the Palin family is not without resources, much of which I'm sure will be one day forcibly redistributed though I am certain there will be appropriate provision made should circumstances require more than in-home care.

I rather suspect Trigg will be taken care of by loving people, perhaps at a relatively young age (that happens with the Downs afflicted) while you drift through the years in a government-paid padded cell. Along and with nothing and no one to play with other than yourself. Please ask that your caregivers come by and post a picture or two.
From your liberal point of view that makes sense.

Of course it's impossible for such a downright religious liberal to comprehend the meaning of "family". Is not "the state" your only family?

Uh, no, guy. I actually have little interaction with "the state". I do think there are things a modern civilization should do, like provide health care for all it's people and insure economic fairness.

Also, the Palin family is not without resources, much of which I'm sure will be one day forcibly redistributed though I am certain there will be appropriate provision made should circumstances require more than in-home care.

The way the Palins blow through money, they won't have it for long. I mean, the whole family prostitutes itself on reality TV, but their 15 minutes of fame were up a long time ago. Now it's just one desperate attempt at another to get back in the media spotlight, whether it be a drunken brawl at someone's house or publishing pictures of animal cruelty.

I rather suspect Trigg will be taken care of by loving people, perhaps at a relatively young age (that happens with the Downs afflicted) while you drift through the years in a government-paid padded cell. Along and with nothing and no one to play with other than yourself. Please ask that your caregivers come by and post a picture or two.

Guy, I've been pretty much self-sufficient since I was 18. Point is, I don't see the White Trash from Wasilla all saying, "Hey, who gets the Tard this week?"

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