What Parents of Down Syndrome Kids Get About Sarah Palin That Others Don’t

Perhaps I'm getting this wrong, but it seems to me that many liberals are more concerned about the welfare of the dog than the welfare of the kid. They go apeshit because the dog - who doesn't seemed bothered by it in any way - is being stood upon, then imply or even say that the kid shouldn't even be alive.

Yes, you are getting it wrong.

I feel pity for Trig. I feel pity he is going to go through life with this horrible syndrome because his mother was a religious fanatic. I fear about what's going to happen to him when Palin's fifteen minutes of fame are finally up and she doesn't have the hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay other people to mind him.
no he is not wrong....Toro was in the same thread i was in when the lowlife known as paint my house called the kid a "drooler"....and said he and kids like him should be put out of his misery....and no lefty in that thread had anything to say about that....even mr."compassionate" himself luddy.....and when i brought it up they either ignored me or got pissed at me for bringing it up like luddy did....like i have been saying Joe about many on the left....they do a lot of talking....
what's the genetic test for mental retardation or autism joe?

We don't have those yet. someday we will.

eta: millions are spent on special education services over and above gen ed. I estimate 5 times the amount for a regular ed student and I'm being conservative

Yes they are. and is that wise? Are we doing it to give them a quality of life that is normal, or just to make ourselves feel better. And could those resources be used on let's say, a poor kid with no disabilities who is reading from a 15 year old used textbook with missing pages who can't concentrate because his classroom has a broken heating system.

Our Special Ed policy is a overreation to the horrible days when we warehoused the disabled when their parents could no longer handle them. We've just gone to the other extreme.

as age of the mom increases so does the risk of having a special needs child. That is accurate

I'm glad to see you are not totally immune to science.

yes, an over-reaction. The problem is IDEA is an unfunded mandate here to stay. What can you do otherwise?

Special ed teachers are often expected to do the impossible which is cure them.

A parent asked me last month " do you think he will ever be married?" I was honest and said I did not believe any woman would want to accept that responsibility. The mom cried.

Her child is severely autistic. He can feed himself, dress himself, toilet, shower, brush his teeth, is mobile. Beyond that?

no so much.

He will be in my classroom for 6 1/2 more years until he ages out. I don't know wft I'm going to do with him until he ages out of the school system. He screams and hollers and waves his arms when he gets agitated. He speaks one word sentences or repeats what you say to him(echolalia) he is not a candidate for competitive employment, but we are obligated to work toward that.

then there is the student that has siezures.............

I totally understand whre you are coming from. Yesterday I did a resume for a lady who is in your line of work, and after two years, she is burned out. I know I couldn't handle it.

My point is that we have one of these conditions we can identify in advance and prevent. Yes, the prevention offends certain sensibilities, but it's feasible.
So he should have been put to death in the womb?

Again, guy, I don't consider abortion to be "putting someone to death". We have a million abortions a year in this country because someone didn't use birth control or they figured out their boyfriends aren't good father material or because they don't want their parents to know they are having sex.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

BUt shit, it doesn't even have to get that far. The reason why this is an issue at all is because women are putting off having children into their 30's because in their 20's when they are very unlikely to produce a baby with an extra chromosome, they were too busy climbing the corporate ladder.

Again, we have our priorities completely wrong.
science says you are wrong Joe......i thought only righties ignored science?....
How much you want to bet that if they knew a way of finding out if your unborn child would be homosexual Progressives would be championing aborting them. They hate anything different.
So, you have trouble differentiating between scientific fact and political correctness. What a retarded individual you are!

Had your parents predicted this, they would have aborted your sorry ass!

Uh, no, guy, Syndromes are diseases. sorry you can't get that.
Joe you are right....a Disease is anything wrong with the body....but they have been breaking this up with the advent of knowledge.....DS as well as other types of mental problems are now considered more of a disorder or condition or syndrome.....but yea you can still say its a disease and be considered right...
Liberals talk what a bad parent palin is, but over look the Clintons. Hillary is the bitch from hell and Bill is a registered sex offender. It's a wonder how she came out sane. Think about how many times Chelsea was humiliated because her dad couldn't keep his dick out of other women.
Liberals talk what a bad parent palin is, but over look the Clintons. Hillary is the bitch from hell and Bill is a registered sex offender. It's a wonder how she came out sane. Think about how many times Chelsea was humiliated because her dad couldn't keep his dick out of other women.

Really, when was Clinton "Registered" as a sex offender? When did this happen?

And the only reason why Chelsea was humiliated was because Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars creating porn.
Liberals talk what a bad parent palin is, but over look the Clintons. Hillary is the bitch from hell and Bill is a registered sex offender. It's a wonder how she came out sane. Think about how many times Chelsea was humiliated because her dad couldn't keep his dick out of other women.

Really, when was Clinton "Registered" as a sex offender? When did this happen?

And the only reason why Chelsea was humiliated was because Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars creating porn.
So it was Starr's fault that Clinton couldn't keep his dick in his pants?
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.
This is what progressives are really like. If it is different kill it. Selfish bastards

Downs Syndrome is not a disease. It's a disability.
Interview Down Syndrome is not a Disease but Another Personal Characteristic
It's the same as communists thinking.
Kill it because it is useless to society.
Life has no value if it's different.
Never mind how much they bring into society for what they are, very special people.
Celebrity Category - My Great Story - National Down Syndrome Society
To liberals abortion is naught more than a means of preserving liberal purity. Fortunately there currently is no in-womb test for lib-purity so at least a few children remain safe.
To liberals abortion is naught more than a means of preserving liberal purity. Fortunately there currently is no in-womb test for lib-purity so at least a few children remain safe.

It's their choice and life. but you seem to right. If they don't have the "perfect" little baby, then suck it out and wash it down the drain. That's their tolerance for others they always wail they have more of I guess
It's fine to be excited that your DS child is "figuring" things out. And yes, it IS an accomplishment and something to be happy about. But "figuring things out" with an animal not meant to be used in such a way is my complaint. Like I said before..it is not Trig at fault here. It's his idiotic mother.

Were you there?
You have no idea what she is or is not teaching Trig.
You are just speculating.
You believe she is an idiot based on very left biased attacks and outright lies of her.
It's fine to be excited that your DS child is "figuring" things out. And yes, it IS an accomplishment and something to be happy about. But "figuring things out" with an animal not meant to be used in such a way is my complaint. Like I said before..it is not Trig at fault here. It's his idiotic mother.

Were you there?
You have no idea what she is or is not teaching Trig.
You are just speculating.
You believe she is an idiot based on very left biased attacks and outright lies of her.
Um. No. I believe she is an idiot just by listening to her idiocy during her run for VP.
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.
This is what progressives are really like. If it is different kill it. Selfish bastards

No, it's not being different. It's being so disabled you have no quality of life.

If you have a 7 year old that pretty much can't tell his mother he wants to be picked up, that's a pretty crappy quality of life.

And it was 100% avoidable.

If he was that disabled he would not know that he wanted to help do the dishes.
Sara and her husband are raising that child to want to help and do chores.
That was what he was doing.
How many regular children wants to help do the dishes?

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