What Parents of Down Syndrome Kids Get About Sarah Palin That Others Don’t

Perhaps I'm getting this wrong, but it seems to me that many liberals are more concerned about the welfare of the dog than the welfare of the kid. They go apeshit because the dog - who doesn't seemed bothered by it in any way - is being stood upon, then imply or even say that the kid shouldn't even be alive.

Yes, you are getting it wrong.

I feel pity for Trig. I feel pity he is going to go through life with this horrible syndrome because his mother was a religious fanatic. I fear about what's going to happen to him when Palin's fifteen minutes of fame are finally up and she doesn't have the hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay other people to mind him.

So he should have been put to death in the womb?
I really wish we had the red x option still
YES !! we most definitely need a DISAGREE function, this :bsflag: of nicey nice is not the American way, we PATRIOTIC Americans have always been allowed peaceful dissent. :up:
So he should have been put to death in the womb?

Again, guy, I don't consider abortion to be "putting someone to death". We have a million abortions a year in this country because someone didn't use birth control or they figured out their boyfriends aren't good father material or because they don't want their parents to know they are having sex.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

BUt shit, it doesn't even have to get that far. The reason why this is an issue at all is because women are putting off having children into their 30's because in their 20's when they are very unlikely to produce a baby with an extra chromosome, they were too busy climbing the corporate ladder.

Again, we have our priorities completely wrong.
YES !! we most definitely need a DISAGREE function, this :bsflag: of nicey nice is not the American way, we PATRIOTIC Americans have always been allowed peaceful dissent.

Or you can just post a message saying "I disagree".

And maybe you can even use a coherent argument more than, "My Sky Pixie says it's Murder".
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.

man you are one miserable human being. that's all and nothing more
i really believe he is NOT human.., more closely related to his brothers, the chimpanzees, they too murder their own especially the dominate male that wants to fuck the mother of a baby chimp, he will kill the baby without a moments hesitation.., as i have learned by watching National Geographic TV !

we need to name him JoeChimp :lmao:
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The liberal mind is replete with selfishness. They see caring for the elderly and the physically challenged as unnecessary drains on their piggy bank....less for them to share and squander on themselves. Dead babies? Dead elderly? Who cares?

Yet which party is always cutting money to the elderly and the physically challenged.

Paul Ryan's whole budget plan is based on slashing the shit out off Medicare And Social Security in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy. That sounds- actually kind of selfish.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that we have the technology to make Down Syndrome a 100% preventable disease and we don't use it.

to give tax cuts to the wealthy or keep the plan solvent?

and it's not a disease it's a chromosome defect you lair

lie lie lie
man you are one miserable human being. that's all and nothing more

91% of women who get diagnosed with a Down Syndrome pregnancy choose to abort. Are they all miserable human beings?

Kill the kid, huh?

You've impressed me.

fetuses aren't kids.

Okay, let's look at what we are talking about here. Trig is 6 years old. He can't master skills that a 2 year old knows how to do. Has his mother really done him any favors ignoring the common sense advice to NOT still be having babies in your 40's?
i want to see proof of what i deem a huge lie, post a link or be proven the USMB's most prolific liar !! :up:

put up or shut the fuck up :up: .............. :up_yours: ... :up_yours:
Progressive is the ideology of death and intolerance

Says the party who thinks war is wonderful, cheers for executions, makes excuses for cops shooting black children, and says "Let them die" if they can't afford health insurance.

But man, they are all for "Life" is some woman concludes she doesn't want to bring a horrifically deformed child inot the world. At least until the little monstrosity is born. Then she better not be asking the government to help them take care of it.

And in case anyone needs a reminder of what the GOP thinks of DS Children who AREN'T the spawn of Faux News Attention Whores....

House GOP Proposes Cutting Special Education Funds Despite GOP Chairman s Call For More Funding ThinkProgress

In their proposed continuing resolution — which would set funding levels for the rest of the fiscal 2011 year — House Republicans slash and burn their way through many important programs that boost economic growth and protect the nation’s most vulnerable citizens. And as Education Week reported, House Republicans also decided to cut funding for special education by $557 million

In the list of proposed cuts released by the House Appropriations Committee, the reduction in special education funding is hidden as “part b grants to states.” This refers to Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which, as the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities pointed out, is “the foundation upon which special education and related services rest.”

to my knowledge nothing has changed, so your source was wrong
to give tax cuts to the wealthy or keep the plan solvent?

Good question. But, no, it's to give tax cuts to the wealthy. The program was perfectly solvent when Clinton taxed the wealthy an an appropriate rate. We were posting 200 billion dollar surpluses in 2000.

and it's not a disease it's a chromosome defect you lair

I think you are playing semantics here. The chromosomal defect has debilitating effects. So it is a disease.

One that you can take VERY sensible precautions to avoid. We know what causes it, we know how to prevent it.
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.

You're an imbecile. Such is the state of your intellectual deficiency, that you lack the minimal means to sustain yourself in a state of freedom.

By all rights you should be removed from any means to speak publicly, to interact with free people. You should be interned into an asylum and held there for the rest of your natural life.

and maybe have a forced lobotomy and shock treatments on top of all that.

it worked for joe
91% of women who get diagnosed with a Down Syndrome pregnancy choose to abort. Are they all miserable human beings?

i want to see proof of what i deem a huge lie, post a link or be proven the USMB's most prolific liar !!

put up or shut the fuck up

Here you go. From the NIH.

The aims of this systematic literature review are to estimate termination rates after prenatal diagnosis of one of five conditions: Down syndrome, spina bifida, anencephaly, and Turner and Klinefelter syndromes, and to determine the extent to which rates vary across conditions and with year of publication. Papers were included if they reported (i) numbers of prenatally diagnosed conditions that were terminated, (ii) at least five cases diagnosed with one of the five specified conditions, and (iii) were published between 1980 and 1998. 20 papers were found which met the inclusion criteria. Termination rates varied across conditions. They were highest following a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome (92 per cent; CI: 91 per cent to 93 per cent) and lowest following diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome (58 per cent; CI: 50 per cent to 66 per cent). Where comparisons could be made, termination rates were similar in the 1990s to those reported in the 1980s.

Termination rates after prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome spina ... - PubMed - NCBI

Also, someone should have explained to you at a young age that emoticons are not an argument.
So he should have been put to death in the womb?

Again, guy, I don't consider abortion to be "putting someone to death". We have a million abortions a year in this country because someone didn't use birth control or they figured out their boyfriends aren't good father material or because they don't want their parents to know they are having sex.

Sorry, that's just the way it is.

That's not the issue.

The issue is whether or not you think all fetuses with DS should be aborted.

By the way you answer, I'm presuming yes.
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.

You're an imbecile. Such is the state of your intellectual deficiency, that you lack the minimal means to sustain yourself in a state of freedom.

By all rights you should be removed from any means to speak publicly, to interact with free people. You should be interned into an asylum and held there for the rest of your natural life.

and maybe have a forced lobotomy and shock treatments on top of all that.

it worked for joe

No, what worked for me is that you dumb-ass Christian right rubes who get played over abortion and gay marriage and all the "moral issues' you get so upset about are just tools of the rich. They get you to vote against your own economic interests by waiving something shiny in front of you.
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.
This is what progressives are really like. If it is different kill it. Selfish bastards

No, it's not being different. It's being so disabled you have no quality of life.

If you have a 7 year old that pretty much can't tell his mother he wants to be picked up, that's a pretty crappy quality of life.

And it was 100% avoidable.
i believe the kid showed great incentive in getting his own drink of water, rather than always asking for help to perform basic skills, but then that is something beyond the thinking skills of a fucking disgusting liberscum.

people like JOEBLIBERSCUM, will never see judgement day.., they WILL go straight to HELL ! :up:
That's not the issue.

The issue is whether or not you think all fetuses with DS should be aborted.

By the way you answer, I'm presuming yes.

I wouldn't bring a child like that into the world.
i believe the kid showed great incentive in getting his own drink of water, rather than always asking for help to perform basic skills, but then that is something beyond the thinking skills of a fucking disgusting liberscum.

people like JOEBLIBERSCUM, will never see judgement day.., they WILL go straight to HELL !

Uh, yeah, you see, my 4 year old neice knows how to get a glass of water without asking or being picked up. and she doesn't step on the dog to do it, either.

But the important thing is that Bible Spice has her prop to show just how anti-abortion she is. That's the important thing.
But do you think that people should not be allowed to bring a child with DS into the world?

Do I think there should be a law requiring them to be aborted? No.

Do I think that the 91% of women who abort are justified in doing so? Yes.

Do I think that some politician who knowingly has one in order to pander to the Crazy Religious Right is beneath contempt? Absolutely.
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.

You're an imbecile. Such is the state of your intellectual deficiency, that you lack the minimal means to sustain yourself in a state of freedom.

By all rights you should be removed from any means to speak publicly, to interact with free people. You should be interned into an asylum and held there for the rest of your natural life.

and maybe have a forced lobotomy and shock treatments on top of all that.

it worked for joe

No, what worked for me is that you dumb-ass Christian right rubes who get played over abortion and gay marriage and all the "moral issues' you get so upset about are just tools of the rich. They get you to vote against your own economic interests by waiving something shiny in front of you.

I'm atheist, could care less about the queers and believe in pro-choice which includes the right to NOT abort

pro-choice works both ways dumbass

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