What Parents of Down Syndrome Kids Get About Sarah Palin That Others Don’t

these people disagree.....
FAQ and Facts about Down Syndrome - Global Down Syndrome Foundation

2. Down syndrome probability increases with advanced age in mothers. However, since younger women have more babies,80% of newborns with Down syndrome in the US are born to mothers under 35 years old.

and these people....
Down Syndrome Facts - National Down Syndrome Society
National Association for Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome Birth Defects NCBDDD CDC

these 4 sources all say the same thing Joe....80% under age 35.....

1. Today the average lifespan of a person with Down syndrome in the U.S. is approximately 60 years.

2. In the last several years, the average IQ of a person with Down syndrome has increased. In people with Down syndrome, 39.4% are in the mild intellectual disability range of 50-70, and 1% in the borderline intellectual function range of 70-80 (average IQ in the general population is 70-130).

3. People with Down syndrome have physical and intellectual delays from birth but there is a wide variety of abilities within the population that are impossible to predict ahead of time.

4. By law, people with Down syndrome in the U.S. must be provided an appropriate and free public education.

5. A growing number of people with Down syndrome live independently.

6. A small but growing number of people with Down syndrome are choosing to get married and live together.
And if the dog turned around and bit Trig, the right wingers like Steph would volunteer to put a bullet in the dogs head.
And if the dog turned around and bit Trig, the right wingers like Steph would volunteer to put a bullet in the dogs head.


Well, I raised three kids around Labs... and n'er a bite from a one of the pedigree Labs. Although old Lance did ring up two cats... and before I settled on Labs, a Rotty-mix did bite the baby, for reachin' out for the bone it was chewin' on. Which was a career ending decision... which sucked, 'cause he was a good dog. BUT... ya don't bite the baby and live to tell that story for long and he was no exception.

But only a person with no Lab experience would be exercised over the possibility of a Lab biting a child... .

Sit on it, stand on it, ride it, dress it up... pull its tale, reach in its bowl for a handful of food... they're not a risk to the babies. If they don't like it... they'll just go somewhere else.
Time really struggles not to show their biases against Mrs. Palin in this article. but all in all a good article. I hope some of you feel shame for the ugly you unleashed on Palin over that picture.

Jan. 8, 2015

Steve Friess is a freelance writer.
For parents of a child with Down syndrome, their children figuring out a solution to any problem is a tremendous triumph

My sister stood around the corner and deliberately out of sight, curious to see what her then-14-month-old son, Chaim, was up to. He sat on the kitchen floor, legs spread around the dog’s dish. With a devilish smile, Chaim looked around a couple of times before plunging his bare hands into the bowl and extending it as an offering to his closest friend, Sammy, the family’s poodle mix.
My sister, Sheryl, couldn’t have been more delighted. No, she wasn’t fond of Chaim boy-handling the Alpo. But the idea that Chaim knew he was doing something wrong and took precautions to avoid being caught showed logic and reasoning skills that she hadn’t before seen or anticipated. After all, before a baby with Down syndrome is born, doctors warn the expectant parents that a dire, sad, dependent life may lie ahead.
“I remember thinking, ‘Boy, there’s a lot more going on in his brain than I thought,’” says my sister, Sheryl Zellis. “When you see a child sneaking to do something, it kind of heartens you.”

Steve Friess
This is the side of those controversial images—the ones that former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin posted of her son, Trig, standing on his dog—that my sister and other parents of children like Trig and Chaim say is overlooked. Even Palin, confronted :rolleyes-41:by Savannah Guthrie on Today this week, understood that standing on small animals is generally not a good habit. But for a woman hoping that her 6-year-old will exceed the low expectations placed on him by both doctors and the rest of society, the fact that Trig figured out a solution to any problem is a tremendous triumph.

ALL of it here:
Down Syndrome Parents Rally Behind Sarah Palin s Dog Photo

What's going to happen when the 20 year old 300lb Trig Palin stands on his dog?

The dog will bite him.
I did look at the problem logically. The difference between the construct of my reasoning and the your 'logic' is that mine rests upon a sound foundation providing for valid conclusions.

You feel that because a child has an abnormality that he should have been stripped of his life.

The problem is that you're not sufficiently heeled intellectually, to understand that the value of human existence is no measured as you need to measure it.

You know what, Guy. Save me the sanctimonious horseshit. Your party cheers at executions, you thought it was wonderful when Trayvon and Michael Brown were shot, and you scream "Let him Die" at debates about health insurance. So please don't lecture me about your concern at "human existence".

The only reason why your side cares about THIS issue is because your nutty religious beliefs say that women controlling their own bodies is against the will of your sky pixie, and the fact that 91% of them choose abortions over spending their golden years with an angry man-child just offends the shit out of you.

And that's truly all there is to our little discussion. You're manifestly evil... and in my opinion an irredeemable waste of skin. The world would be better off replacing you with 5000 Trigs. Because Trig doesn't call for the murder of innocent people, neither does he pretend to be intelligent. He simply is what he is and he's happy about being such.

Fetuses aren't people. And the Christian Right didn't give a fuck about abortion until AFTER they realized they had lost the argument on segregation. Before 1980 or so, abortion was "A Catholic Thing".

91% of women who are told the fetus have DS abort. That includes a lot of women who are conservatives, Christians and Republicans. And then they pretend not to see them when they aren't sanctimoniously talking about the "right to life".

Also, keep in mind, Palin charges speaking fees to DS Groups, but she'll talk to the NRA for free.
Time really struggles not to show their biases against Mrs. Palin in this article. but all in all a good article. I hope some of you feel shame for the ugly you unleashed on Palin over that picture.

Jan. 8, 2015

Steve Friess is a freelance writer.
For parents of a child with Down syndrome, their children figuring out a solution to any problem is a tremendous triumph

My sister stood around the corner and deliberately out of sight, curious to see what her then-14-month-old son, Chaim, was up to. He sat on the kitchen floor, legs spread around the dog’s dish. With a devilish smile, Chaim looked around a couple of times before plunging his bare hands into the bowl and extending it as an offering to his closest friend, Sammy, the family’s poodle mix.
My sister, Sheryl, couldn’t have been more delighted. No, she wasn’t fond of Chaim boy-handling the Alpo. But the idea that Chaim knew he was doing something wrong and took precautions to avoid being caught showed logic and reasoning skills that she hadn’t before seen or anticipated. After all, before a baby with Down syndrome is born, doctors warn the expectant parents that a dire, sad, dependent life may lie ahead.
“I remember thinking, ‘Boy, there’s a lot more going on in his brain than I thought,’” says my sister, Sheryl Zellis. “When you see a child sneaking to do something, it kind of heartens you.”

Steve Friess
This is the side of those controversial images—the ones that former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin posted of her son, Trig, standing on his dog—that my sister and other parents of children like Trig and Chaim say is overlooked. Even Palin, confronted :rolleyes-41:by Savannah Guthrie on Today this week, understood that standing on small animals is generally not a good habit. But for a woman hoping that her 6-year-old will exceed the low expectations placed on him by both doctors and the rest of society, the fact that Trig figured out a solution to any problem is a tremendous triumph.

ALL of it here:
Down Syndrome Parents Rally Behind Sarah Palin s Dog Photo
There isn't bias against Sarah Palin.

She's the best gift the GOP ever gave to the Democratic Party.

She does use her kids as human publicity shields too much though
Progressive is the ideology of death and intolerance

Says the party who thinks war is wonderful, cheers for executions, makes excuses for cops shooting black children, and says "Let them die" if they can't afford health insurance.

But man, they are all for "Life" is some woman concludes she doesn't want to bring a horrifically deformed child inot the world. At least until the little monstrosity is born. Then she better not be asking the government to help them take care of it.

And in case anyone needs a reminder of what the GOP thinks of DS Children who AREN'T the spawn of Faux News Attention Whores....

House GOP Proposes Cutting Special Education Funds Despite GOP Chairman s Call For More Funding ThinkProgress

In their proposed continuing resolution — which would set funding levels for the rest of the fiscal 2011 year — House Republicans slash and burn their way through many important programs that boost economic growth and protect the nation’s most vulnerable citizens. And as Education Week reported, House Republicans also decided to cut funding for special education by $557 million

In the list of proposed cuts released by the House Appropriations Committee, the reduction in special education funding is hidden as “part b grants to states.” This refers to Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which, as the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities pointed out, is “the foundation upon which special education and related services rest.”
Perhaps I'm getting this wrong, but it seems to me that many liberals are more concerned about the welfare of the dog than the welfare of the kid. They go apeshit because the dog - who doesn't seemed bothered by it in any way - is being stood upon, then imply or even say that the kid shouldn't even be alive.
Perhaps I'm getting this wrong, but it seems to me that many liberals are more concerned about the welfare of the dog than the welfare of the kid. They go apeshit because the dog - who doesn't seemed bothered by it in any way - is being stood upon, then imply or even say that the kid shouldn't even be alive.

Yes, you are getting it wrong.

I feel pity for Trig. I feel pity he is going to go through life with this horrible syndrome because his mother was a religious fanatic. I fear about what's going to happen to him when Palin's fifteen minutes of fame are finally up and she doesn't have the hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay other people to mind him.
It's fine to be excited that your DS child is "figuring" things out. And yes, it IS an accomplishment and something to be happy about. But "figuring things out" with an animal not meant to be used in such a way is my complaint. Like I said before..it is not Trig at fault here. It's his idiotic mother.

If Trig was hurting the dog, it would have immediately let out a yelp and got up. It is apparent that the dog didn't care and wasn't be hurt, why the hell should you care? Were you just as upset when Ellen Degeneres showed a picture of her kid standing on a dog? PETA named her 'Woman of the Year" after that.

When Ellen DeGeneres Posted a Kid Standing on a Dog There Was No Liberal Outrage Truth Revolt
I hate Palin. She is an idiot for letting her kid stand on the dog.
I love Ellen. She is an idiot for letting her kid stand on the dog.

The dogs didn't seem to mind, why the hell should you?
Because I do mind, that's why. Fuck off with yourself, asshole.

You only mind because of your mindless hatred of Sarah Palin. That makes you the asshole.
Perhaps I'm getting this wrong, but it seems to me that many liberals are more concerned about the welfare of the dog than the welfare of the kid. They go apeshit because the dog - who doesn't seemed bothered by it in any way - is being stood upon, then imply or even say that the kid shouldn't even be alive.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The liberal mind is replete with selfishness. They see caring for the elderly and the physically challenged as unnecessary drains on their piggy bank....less for them to share and squander on themselves. Dead babies? Dead elderly? Who cares?
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The liberal mind is replete with selfishness. They see caring for the elderly and the physically challenged as unnecessary drains on their piggy bank....less for them to share and squander on themselves. Dead babies? Dead elderly? Who cares?

Yet which party is always cutting money to the elderly and the physically challenged.

Paul Ryan's whole budget plan is based on slashing the shit out off Medicare And Social Security in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy. That sounds- actually kind of selfish.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that we have the technology to make Down Syndrome a 100% preventable disease and we don't use it.

Yes, you are getting it wrong.

I feel pity for Trig. I feel pity he is going to go through life with this horrible syndrome because his mother was a religious fanatic. I fear about what's going to happen to him when Palin's fifteen minutes of fame are finally up and she doesn't have the hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay other people to mind him.
Trig doesn't need your pity. Likely, he'll be more successful in life than you could ever hope to be.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. The liberal mind is replete with selfishness. They see caring for the elderly and the physically challenged as unnecessary drains on their piggy bank....less for them to share and squander on themselves. Dead babies? Dead elderly? Who cares?

Yet which party is always cutting money to the elderly and the physically challenged.

Paul Ryan's whole budget plan is based on slashing the shit out off Medicare And Social Security in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy. That sounds- actually kind of selfish.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that we have the technology to make Down Syndrome a 100% preventable disease and we don't use it.
DS is not a disease. Why don't you read about it?
Palin brought a child into the world with a terrible disease because of her religious fanaticism.

That's nothing to be impressed about.
sooooo !! you would have killed the kid.., RIGHT ??

pretty typical of a baby killing LIBERNAZI :up:

you too shall go to HELL !! :up:

Trig doesn't need your pity. Likely, he'll be more successful in life than you could ever hope to be.

Trig probably won't even live as long as I have. And again, when his mom is through blowing through all that Faux News money and you wingnuts have moved on to a younger pair of boobs that validate your misogyny and racism, that kid is going to be in trouble. I hope they have good group homes in Alaska.

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