What percentage of white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians did the Democrats win?

What percentage of Trumpsters are white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians?

Probably 15%? Definitely not as high as 20%. Most are deadbeats and "Christian' in name only.
That's a pretty elitist view of America's working class.
What percentage of Trumpsters are white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians?
Well, a person can't be an actual Christian and support Trump, so kind of by definition, 0% of that group voted for Trump.

You're welcome in advance.
but it is a shrinking demographic
Hmmm, you say that like that's a good thing....Do you have any data that suggest that's good for America? I wonder if in part, that's why we're 30 trillion in debt, with a hateful divided citizenry, with more homeless than ever before, with a middle class that can't save or get ahead, with stagnant wages, with a destroyed healthcare system, with a destroyed education system, with violent crime at all time highs...
Hmmm, weird how when the number of those who founded, built and pillar the greatest nation on earth start to "shrink" the nation goes to shit. Bizarre isn't it...who would have thought?
Don't worry. Joe's on the job. We now have a president that actually cares about the American people, instead of his "brand".
Joe doesn't give a shit about America. He's China's bitch. As far as I am concerned, the sooner Alzheimer Joe dies from a massive cerebral aneurysm, the better. And Kamalaladingdong can suffer from stage 4 cervical cancer for all I care. All Democrats are the enemy.
but it is a shrinking demographic
Hmmm, you say that like that's a good thing....Do you have any data that suggest that's good for America? I wonder if in part, that's why we're 30 trillion in debt, with a hateful divided citizenry, with more homeless than ever before, with a middle class that can't save or get ahead, with stagnant wages, with a destroyed healthcare system, with a destroyed education system, with violent crime at all time highs...
Hmmm, weird how when the number of those who founded, built and pillar the greatest nation on earth start to "shrink" the nation goes to shit. Bizarre isn't it...who would have thought?
Don't worry. Joe's on the job. We now have a president that actually cares about the American people, instead of his "brand".
Joe doesn't give a shit about America. He's China's bitch. As far as I am concerned, the sooner Alzheimer Joe dies from a massive cerebral aneurysm, the better. And Kamalaladingdong can suffer from stage 4 cervical cancer for all I care. All Democrats are the enemy.
I'm a reasonable person. I don't believe anyone reasonable would believe what you have to say. Like the Kraken, OP is pushing a line of "alternative facts" that we know will be disavowed, if found inconvenient. Believe it? Totally unreasonable.
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but it is a shrinking demographic
Hmmm, you say that like that's a good thing....Do you have any data that suggest that's good for America? I wonder if in part, that's why we're 30 trillion in debt, with a hateful divided citizenry, with more homeless than ever before, with a middle class that can't save or get ahead, with stagnant wages, with a destroyed healthcare system, with a destroyed education system, with violent crime at all time highs...
Hmmm, weird how when the number of those who founded, built and pillar the greatest nation on earth start to "shrink" the nation goes to shit. Bizarre isn't it...who would have thought?
Don't worry. Joe's on the job. We now have a president that actually cares about the American people, instead of his "brand".
Joe doesn't give a shit about America. He's China's bitch. As far as I am concerned, the sooner Alzheimer Joe dies from a massive cerebral aneurysm, the better. And Kamalaladingdong can suffer from stage 4 cervical cancer for all I care. All Democrats are the enemy.

You're an idiot clown.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history.

He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live.

He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He did? Wow, I didn't know he had that kind of power. My great2 uncle fought for Confederates beginning week one, enlisting when he was 15. I suppose it's his fault too. He was a better man than you as well, I know because I knew his son, no mistaking it.

He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery. Ah, your feelings

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. Because he was West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government. Since we're on the conversation of taking oaths & defending the Constitution, what happened to your Democrats who took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government?

You Know Lee fought for the Democrats right?

He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin. "Deserves" is the present tense snowflake.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot. Ah, your feelings again.

Lee was a scumbag because he mistreated slaves that he inherited. Sure, and for having slaves at all, but then your ancestors aren't innocent of it either.

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but it is a shrinking demographic
Hmmm, you say that like that's a good thing....Do you have any data that suggest that's good for America? I wonder if in part, that's why we're 30 trillion in debt, with a hateful divided citizenry, with more homeless than ever before, with a middle class that can't save or get ahead, with stagnant wages, with a destroyed healthcare system, with a destroyed education system, with violent crime at all time highs...
Hmmm, weird how when the number of those who founded, built and pillar the greatest nation on earth start to "shrink" the nation goes to shit. Bizarre isn't it...who would have thought?
Don't worry. Joe's on the job. We now have a president that actually cares about the American people, instead of his "brand".
Joe doesn't give a shit about America. He's China's bitch. As far as I am concerned, the sooner Alzheimer Joe dies from a massive cerebral aneurysm, the better. And Kamalaladingdong can suffer from stage 4 cervical cancer for all I care. All Democrats are the enemy.

You're an idiot clown.
Why? Because I consider Democrats the enemy that cannot be bargained with? Unconditional surrender is what we REAL Americans demand of the Left.
Is there any data on this?

Productive white people voted for Biden. Only the non-productive broke losers voted for Trump.
Haha...let’s cut the bullshit and be totally honest ...Don’t we both know that only genetically flawed, weird and mentally twisted white folks voted for Biden?
Aren’t the fine specimen shown below an accurate representation of who voted for Biden?
Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.
Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.
Thats odd

when godless libs want something the often invoke Jesus to people of faith
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I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history.

He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live.

He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He did? Wow, I didn't know he had that kind of power. My great2 uncle fought for Confederates beginning week one, enlisting when he was 15. I suppose it's his fault too. He was a better man than you as well, I know because I knew his son, no mistaking it.

Lee was the commanding General of Confederate forces in Virginia, so yes, he had that power.
Your Great2 Uncle was also a traitor and a scumbag who may have been responsible for the deaths of Union soldiers. That fact proves that he was by no means a 'better man' than anyone. Sorry to bust your bubble.

He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery. Ah, your feelings

No, fact dumbass.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. Because he was West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government. Since we're on the conversation of taking oaths & defending the Constitution, what happened to your Democrats who took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government?

Yes, Lee was one of the worst people ever to live. He was a traitor that betrayed his oaths. A lying piece of shit.

Current day Democrats have lived up to their oaths to uphold the Constitution. They have nothing in common with the Civil war era Democrats.

You Know Lee fought for the Democrats right?

Lee fought for Virginia, not the Democratic party.

He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin. "Deserves" is the present tense snowflake.

Correcting grammar and/or typos on the internet is just plain lame. It doesn't pass for any intelligent argument.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot. Ah, your feelings again.

No. My beliefs as a loyal and patriotic American.

Lee was a scumbag because he mistreated slaves that he inherited. Sure, and for having slaves at all, but then your ancestors aren't innocent of it either.

None of my ancestors ever owned slaves. However, my grandfather's grandfather was in the Irish Brigade - and risked his life to stop slavery and to protect and defend the Constitution.


Irish Brigade (Union Army) - Wikipedia

Yeah, yeah, another lame attempt to justify the unjustifiable!

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