What percentage of white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians did the Democrats win?

Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.

This nation is all that it is because of Christianity...Are you thinking wise people can't recognize and respect that without being devout Christians themselves?
Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.

This nation is all that it is because of Christianity...Are you thinking wise people can't recognize and respect that without being devout Christians themselves?
I'm thinking you're hateful liars and hypocrites.

Thanks for asking.
How so? What should I be afraid of?
Many things

a bankrupted America and domination by china for instance
Bankrupted? Seems like America is doing just fine there. Economy improving. Market up. Employment is.

The economy is fine.

Domination by China? What does that even mean?

Nearly $30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about a MORALLY BANKRUPT America.
Isn't it safe to say the Democrats are a Godless base?

Why would they do the things they do if they expect to answer for it? Sure one might argue "well Christians are saved". No offense but I don't buy it. If Jesus is what Christians claim you can bet the message wasn't do whatever you want, just believe me you're saved.
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Bankrupted? Seems like America is doing just fine there. Economy improving. Market up. Employment is.
Everything is up including the debt

how much as the federal governmemt borrowed in the past year?

5 trillion?

that is a recipe for bankruptcy
Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.

This nation is all that it is because of Christianity...Are you thinking wise people can't recognize and respect that without being devout Christians themselves?
I'm thinking you're hateful liars and hypocrites.

Thanks for asking.

Hateful because we want what's best for the future of America and core Americans?
What do conservatives lie about?
How so? What should I be afraid of?
Many things

a bankrupted America and domination by china for instance
Bankrupted? Seems like America is doing just fine there. Economy improving. Market up. Employment is.

The economy is fine.

Domination by China? What does that even mean?

Nearly $30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about a MORALLY BANKRUPT America.

California's homeless are migrating to Nevada quite heavily now, and I don't mean because it's a warm climate. I've witnessed home-built shelters in the middle of town just this week. Lived here all my life and this is the first I've seen it.
How so? What should I be afraid of?
Many things

a bankrupted America and domination by china for instance
Bankrupted? Seems like America is doing just fine there. Economy improving. Market up. Employment is.

The economy is fine.

Domination by China? What does that even mean?

Nearly $30 trillion in debt, a homeless population larger than some countries, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a citizenry that hates one another, a middle class that can't save a penny or get ahead, 20-40 million illiterate illegal thirdworlders deciding our elections through their anchor babies, decayed infrastructure, a destroyed healthcare system, a worthless education system...I could go on and on....Maybe you should think about a MORALLY BANKRUPT America.
Drama queen.

For starters, none of these occurred because I voted for Biden.

Second, the education system and healthcare system are fine. You’re just being hysterical.

Should I trust Republicans who made the debt worse? Made homelessness worse? Made hatred worse? Did nothing to fix healthcare problems?

Sorry, but Biden wouldn’t have won if y’all had spent more time governing and less time “owning libs”.
Whenever these Trumpster fake Christians start leveraging Christianity around here, I start wondering if there's an online version of lightning.

This nation is all that it is because of Christianity...Are you thinking wise people can't recognize and respect that without being devout Christians themselves?
I'm thinking you're hateful liars and hypocrites.

Thanks for asking.

Hateful because we want what's best for the future of America and core Americans?
What do conservatives lie about?
You asked, I answered. You'll distort anything further that I say.
Bankrupted? Seems like America is doing just fine there. Economy improving. Market up. Employment is.
Everything is up including the debt

how much as the federal governmemt borrowed in the past year?

5 trillion?

that is a recipe for bankruptcy
We are a sovereign nation. Bankruptcy isn’t a concept that applies.

No one should take Republicans seriously when it comes to fiscal responsibility after Trump. The party lost all credibility.
Second, the education system and healthcare system are fine. You’re just being hysterical.
The education system is in shambles

many black childen are learning nothing and white children are learning less and too much of the wrong things
I don't know, but I do know that President Harris and her running mate won 100% of the vote from those who have not entertained a single original thought in their entire lives.
We are a sovereign nation. Bankruptcy isn’t a concept that applies.
Ask Greece about that

when our credit is shot interest rates go through the roof

and the federal governemt cannot pay its obligations

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