What pisses me off about Modern Conservatism


One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

Uhhh.... say what?

How soon we forget... this is not unlike the sputtering retort to the point that candidate Romney would be one of the least experienced Presidents ever with, "b-but, but.. he's a businessman!". What was that, if not melding the two?

Oligarchy is not in any way party-specific. That's why I put that Eisenhower quote up there. It's not this party or that party ---- it's systemic.
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I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Start with the fact they steal from the poor to give to the rich.

The American middle class, long the most affluent in the world, has lost that distinction.

While the wealthiest Americans are outpacing many of their global peers, a New York Times analysis shows that across the lower- and middle-income tiers, citizens of other advanced countries have received considerably larger raises over the last three decades.

After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada — substantially behind in 2000 — now appear to be higher than in the United States. The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans.

The numbers, based on surveys conducted over the past 35 years, offer some of the most detailed publicly available comparisons for different income groups in different countries over time. They suggest that most American families are paying a steep price for high and rising income inequality.

Although economic growth in the United States continues to be as strong as in many other countries, or stronger, a small percentage of American households is fully benefiting from it. Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.

Since liberals from both parties have controlled DC for the last 60+ years, its clear where the blame lies.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Politics aren't morals.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Start with the fact they steal from the poor to give to the rich.

Yes, thats what liberals and socialists do. under any socialist govt there is a very small group of super elites that controlls all of the money and all of the power------and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable-------and you idiots on the left want that for this country-------you are morons of the highest degree.
Not making a liberal post, but I'm here to say why I dislike modern conservatism.

I consider myself fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. Sorta what the republicans were long ago.

My main pet peeve with modern conservatism is that they almost always mix up "big government" with "big business".


Thats why I hate modern conservatism and would RATHER have pre-cold war conservatism instead. They had their shit in order.

Seeing as I didn't read every word of your post I know i missed something.

Please point out, if you'd be so kind, the part that connects all of the ills you've pointed out, to Conservatives.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Conservatism never had it to lose. Holier-than-thou attitudes and stubborn clinging to the past is not necessarily the best way to deal with social problems. Conservatives ban things, outlaw consensual activities, censor naughty words and a bunch of other shit that seeks to steal the joy from life. Conservatives stomp on fun for fun I guess.

One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

Uhhh.... say what?

How soon we forget... this is not unlike the sputtering retort to the point that candidate Romney would be one of the least experienced Presidents ever with, "b-but, but.. he's a businessman!". What was that, if not melding the two?

Oligarchy is not in any way party-specific. That's why I put that Eisenhower quote up there. It's not this party or that party ---- it's systemic.

You voted for obama, clearly the least experienced president in modern history. Never had a real job, never had to make a payroll, never had to file schedule C tax form, never had any profit and loss responsibility, never dealt with any international leaders---unless you consider his indonesian coke dealer.

I get it that you hate Romney and everyone with an R behind their name, but Romney would have been a very good president 10,000 times better than obama.

One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.


Do you EVER look around at your own circumstance before you pontificate?

Jeezus H Fucking Chist but you are the most clueless hypocrite I've ever come across.
This is like a enviro-wacko that called the Rush Limbaugh show starting out claiming "I'm not a enviro-wacko" then he proceeded to go off on cars, pollution, etc.
Excellent thoughts. And yeah, I'd say that's basically Liberalism. Nuttin' wrong with that, those founder names listed above are the voices of Liberalism that founded this country.

Two relevant quotes from notable Republicans, uttered by chance 100 years apart, come to mind:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes." -- Dwight Eisenhower, 1961

(Ike originally wrote the phrase as "military-industrial-congressional complex")


"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -- Abraham Lincoln, 1861

We miss these kinds of Republicans.

That's ok, we miss JFK Dems.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Conservatism never had it to lose. Holier-than-thou attitudes and stubborn clinging to the past is not necessarily the best way to deal with social problems. Conservatives ban things, outlaw consensual activities, censor naughty words and a bunch of other shit that seeks to steal the joy from life. Conservatives stomp on fun for fun I guess.

total bullshit

One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

Uhhh.... say what?

How soon we forget... this is not unlike the sputtering retort to the point that candidate Romney would be one of the least experienced Presidents ever with, "b-but, but.. he's a businessman!". What was that, if not melding the two?

Oligarchy is not in any way party-specific. That's why I put that Eisenhower quote up there. It's not this party or that party ---- it's systemic.

You voted for obama, clearly the least experienced president in modern history. Never had a real job, never had to make a payroll, never had to file schedule C tax form, never had any profit and loss responsibility, never dealt with any international leaders---unless you consider his indonesian coke dealer.

I get it that you hate Romney and everyone with an R behind their name, but Romney would have been a very good president 10,000 times better than obama.

Mittens promised to sell us and that's what he would have done.

We made the right choice - twice.

Just deal with it and move on because you've got another election to lose in 2016. :badgrin:
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Start with the fact they steal from the poor to give to the rich.

Socialists steal from the poor, steal from the rich and give it to themselves.
Not making a liberal post, but I'm here to say why I dislike modern conservatism.

I consider myself fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. Sorta what the republicans were long ago.

My main pet peeve with modern conservatism is that they almost always mix up "big government" with "big business".


Thats why I hate modern conservatism and would RATHER have pre-cold war conservatism instead. They had their shit in order.

Seeing as I didn't read every word of your post I know i missed something.

Please point out, if you'd be so kind, the part that connects all of the ills you've pointed out, to Conservatives.

I suspect you may have missed his adjective "modern".

I thought it was pretty clear; he's comparing those who commonly/popularly call themselves conservatives today with what true conservatives have traditionally been.

You know-- the people that the Eliminationists call "RINOs" if they decline to set their hair on fire about The Gay?
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Conservatism never had it to lose. Holier-than-thou attitudes and stubborn clinging to the past is not necessarily the best way to deal with social problems. Conservatives ban things, outlaw consensual activities, censor naughty words and a bunch of other shit that seeks to steal the joy from life. Conservatives stomp on fun for fun I guess.

And they never saw a right they didn't hate or want to destroy.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Start with the fact they steal from the poor to give to the rich.

Not true.

That is your propaganda and your mantra designed to get everyone to generally agree with it even though they do not understand it and do not know that it is incorrect.

Why do you do this?

So you can impose Communism on us in yet one more attempt to make that turd of a political system fly.

And it never has and it never will.

And it killed more than 100 MILLION people in the efforts.

You are advocating murder you asshole.
You libs (socialists?) got it bass-ackwards as usual. It is the freaking bi-polar radical left that has (big) business mixed up with government. Low information lefties might incorporate as an LLC and go to the bank to finance a car or a mortgage and then the nut case left wing blogs tell them that banks and corporate America is the enemy and government is your benefactor and they believe it. In the history of the Great Republic the freaking government has not held a red cent in their hands that wasn't confiscated from citizens or stamped on a printing press. Government is the least efficient way of distributing funds but it is the best method we have. The unstated (but sure as the nose on your face) purpose of a government bureaucracy is to get bigger and spend more money. Bureaucracies never complete their missions and when they fail miserably in their stated mission they stay in power and another or two or three bureaucracies are created with the same mission. We must have two dozen federal bureaucracies classified as "intelligence" but they couldn't find two Russian terrorists in Boston last year until it was too late.
I especially agree with the moralizing habit conservatives engage in all of the time. You would be hard-pressed to find a self-described conservative who does not feel that conservatism has exclusive ownership of the moral high-ground.

If I didn't consider my political beliefs to be the moral high ground, I would alter my political beliefs. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to where conservatism has lost the moral high ground.

Conservatism never had it to lose. Holier-than-thou attitudes and stubborn clinging to the past is not necessarily the best way to deal with social problems. Conservatives ban things, outlaw consensual activities, censor naughty words and a bunch of other shit that seeks to steal the joy from life. Conservatives stomp on fun for fun I guess.
YOU loathe the Founding of this Republic...and hate the Founders even more...WE get it...:eusa_hand:

The complaint is against revisionist conservatism of the far right.

Don't want you and your wack ideas.

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