What pisses me off about Modern Conservatism

OOOO lookie....a skirt for Pogo to hide behind :)

If you want to be negged, I suggest you take a chill pill. You're childish. You're smart and I've seen it, but you're childish. I agree with some of the stuff you say. But you ruin it all by making such disgusting comments.

People like you in particular are makes us conservatives come off as unintelligent. Instead of arguing, you name call. You're uncivil.

You'll neg me?

Holy shit.......Pogo and go way back...different Forums....so pardon me if I tell you to fuck off.
He gets what he deserves...

Makes me wonder why you aren't at that other forum anymore. So pardon me if I think you're full of shit. And yes, you've been negged. This rank puerility is turning the GOP and the conservative brand into a joke. Don't think that just because I'm conservative that I'll go easy on you for being one. I am really tired of you guys coddling each other, even when you're wrong.
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If you want to be negged, I suggest you take a chill pill. You're childish. You're smart and I've seen it, but you're childish. I agree with some of the stuff you say. But you ruin it all by making such disgusting comments.

People like you in particular are makes us conservatives come off as unintelligent. Instead of arguing, you name call. You're uncivil.

You'll neg me?

Holy shit.......Pogo and go way back...different Forums....so pardon me if I tell you to fuck off.
He gets what he deserves...

Makes me wonder why you aren't at that other forum anymore. So pardon me if I think you're full of shit. And yes, you've been negged. Don't think that just because I'm conservative that I'll go easy on you for being one. I am really tired of you guys coddling each other, even when you're wrong.

They closed it dipshit.
I don't give a shit about your opinion, why would you think I would?

Who gives a flying fuck about what you are tired of?

On another note how will I ever sleep tonight knowing that some pussy negged me?
If you want to be negged, I suggest you take a chill pill. You're childish. You're smart and I've seen it, but you're childish. I agree with some of the stuff you say. But you ruin it all by making such disgusting comments.

People like you in particular are makes us conservatives come off as unintelligent. Instead of arguing, you name call. You're uncivil.

You'll neg me?

Holy shit.......Pogo and go way back...different Forums....so pardon me if I tell you to fuck off.
He gets what he deserves...

Makes me wonder why you aren't at that other forum anymore. So pardon me if I think you're full of shit. And yes, you've been negged. This rank puerility is turning the GOP and the conservative brand into a joke. Don't think that just because I'm conservative that I'll go easy on you for being one. I am really tired of you guys coddling each other, even when you're wrong.

Actually, he's now been negged again. I hit him for that "skirt" crack.

See Roo, this is what intelligent posters who have differences but still respect each other do -- stand up for each other. You lose twice.

Btw Roo is hallucinating with that song and dance about being on some different forum. I've never even been on a forum that no longer exists. He thinks it's some kind of psychological game to pretend he knows me. He doesn't.
You'll neg me?

Holy shit.......Pogo and go way back...different Forums....so pardon me if I tell you to fuck off.
He gets what he deserves...

Makes me wonder why you aren't at that other forum anymore. So pardon me if I think you're full of shit. And yes, you've been negged. Don't think that just because I'm conservative that I'll go easy on you for being one. I am really tired of you guys coddling each other, even when you're wrong.

They closed it dipshit.
I don't give a shit about your opinion, why would you think I would?

Who gives a flying fuck about what you are tired of?

On another note how will I ever sleep tonight knowing that some pussy negged me?


It is precisely why conservatives are unpopular in America right now, simply because people like you don't give a shit what other people think about them. A lack of self image that is dividing the party right now. People like you are why I left the Republican party.

And as far as sleep goes, you're up way past your bedtime.
Another thing... Pogo, nitroz is making the same mistake you're calling me for. If this isn't party specific, why is he pinning this on conservatism? I mean the very title of his thread is slanted.

I don't understand.

OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

Uhhh.... say what?

How soon we forget... this is not unlike the sputtering retort to the point that candidate Romney would be one of the least experienced Presidents ever with, "b-but, but.. he's a businessman!". What was that, if not melding the two?

Oligarchy is not in any way party-specific. That's why I put that Eisenhower quote up there. It's not this party or that party ---- it's systemic.

You voted for obama, clearly the least experienced president in modern history. Never had a real job, never had to make a payroll, never had to file schedule C tax form, never had any profit and loss responsibility, never dealt with any international leaders---unless you consider his indonesian coke dealer.

I get it that you hate Romney and everyone with an R behind their name, but Romney would have been a very good president 10,000 times better than obama.

I hated romney because while he was successful with business, he had bad practices that hurt Americans.

Foriegn affairs? He made us look pretty bad real quick in other countries.

Couldn't keep his story straight if he tried.

Romney tried, America said "no".
Another thing... Pogo, nitroz is making the same mistake you're calling me for. If this isn't party specific, why is he pinning this on conservatism? I mean the very title of his thread is slanted.

I don't understand.

OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

I said conservatism, not Republicanism.

Conservatism isn't limited to one party as those values can be shared.

I shared why I'm fed up with current conservatism, not liberalism. It's not a smear campaign, it's a bunch of thoughts containing why I think old fashioned Conservatism should make a comeback.

Like the "conservative" trolls who attack anything that does not fit their ideals. They have no intent of discussing matters and would just rather undermine anything/thought that stands in their way.
Another thing... Pogo, nitroz is making the same mistake you're calling me for. If this isn't party specific, why is he pinning this on conservatism? I mean the very title of his thread is slanted.

I don't understand.

OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

I said conservatism, not Republicanism.

Conservatism isn't limited to one party as those values can be shared.

I shared why I'm fed up with current conservatism, not liberalism. It's not a smear campaign, it's a bunch of thoughts containing why I think old fashioned Conservatism should make a comeback.

Like the "conservative" trolls who attack anything that does not fit their ideals. They have no intent of discussing matters and would just rather undermine anything/thought that stands in their way.

Yeah I get that, we're on the same page.
Another thing... Pogo, nitroz is making the same mistake you're calling me for. If this isn't party specific, why is he pinning this on conservatism? I mean the very title of his thread is slanted.

I don't understand.

OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

Oh I get it, and understand. I have some of the same problems with "conservatism."

Antares and his friends are neo-conservatives. Anything closer to the middle will seem extreme to them. I was that exact same way as a younger buck. I all but worshiped Glenn Beck, hung on Fox News, thought Sarah Palin was the grandest thing in the world... until I got tired of being strung along, and left the party altogether.

Enjoy the ballgame!
Another thing... Pogo, nitroz is making the same mistake you're calling me for. If this isn't party specific, why is he pinning this on conservatism? I mean the very title of his thread is slanted.

I don't understand.

OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

Oh I get it, and understand. I have some of the same problems with "conservatism."

Antares and his friends are neo-conservatives. Anything closer to the middle will seem extreme to them. I was that exact same way as a younger buck. I all but worshiped Glenn Beck, hung on Fox News, thought Sarah Palin was the grandest thing in the world... until I got tired of being strung along, and left the party altogether.

Enjoy the ballgame!

I prolly shouldn't mention it but it just so happens, in this ball game one team is wearing blue and the other, red. Guess which one I'm rooting for :D
OK, I didn't manage that point well; it was trying to address the 'business' angle. But I believe the OP is comparing not one party to another but the contemporary thrust of (so called) "conservatism" with true conservatism. I'd put our present trolls that have been trashing the thread in the former camp, for example.

Will pick it up later -- there's a ball game on.

Oh I get it, and understand. I have some of the same problems with "conservatism."

Antares and his friends are neo-conservatives. Anything closer to the middle will seem extreme to them. I was that exact same way as a younger buck. I all but worshiped Glenn Beck, hung on Fox News, thought Sarah Palin was the grandest thing in the world... until I got tired of being strung along, and left the party altogether.

Enjoy the ballgame!

I prolly shouldn't mention it but it just so happens, in this ball game one team is wearing blue and the other, red. Guess which one I'm rooting for :D

I can only imagine.

Defense is 13% of federal spending, don't know where you got it was the majority.


One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

In the Fifties a Canadian agricultural economist wrote a book that blamed the problems of the economy on the conflict between Big Labor and Big Business which were both too big to serve the public interest. His solution was the "theory of countervailing power", i.e. Big Government. His name was John Kenneth Galbraith. I consider it the greatest intellectual disaster of the last half of the twentieth century.

ALL agglomerations of power, political, economic, religious, or social, are self-aggrandizing and self-perpetuating, inimical to liberty and the public interest.

Crony capitalism is not a market economy. Finance is not an industry. Rent seeking is not capitalism. Use of economic power to achieve political power which is used to further consolidate economic power is an evil downward spiral to economic and social destruction.

People who argue labels and ideology while encouraging people to vote against their own best interests are not your friend. This isn't liberal vs conservative. This is "when playing hockey, do not volunteer to be the puck!"

One thing you forget. Government is a business. It collects revenue like a business. It runs itself like a business, so for us, the parallels are too striking to distinguish the two from one another. One is just as predatory as the other. One is just as corrupt as the other.

What pisses me off about modern liberalism is their desire to meld the two.

In the Fifties a Canadian agricultural economist wrote a book that blamed the problems of the economy on the conflict between Big Labor and Big Business which were both too big to serve the public interest. His solution was the "theory of countervailing power", i.e. Big Government. His name was John Kenneth Galbraith. I consider it the greatest intellectual disaster of the last half of the twentieth century.

ALL agglomerations of power, political, economic, religious, or social, are self-aggrandizing and self-perpetuating, inimical to liberty and the public interest.

Crony capitalism is not a market economy. Finance is not an industry. Rent seeking is not capitalism. Use of economic power to achieve political power which is used to further consolidate economic power is an evil downward spiral to economic and social destruction.

People who argue labels and ideology while encouraging people to vote against their own best interests are not your friend. This isn't liberal vs conservative. This is "when playing hockey, do not volunteer to be the puck!"

Mandatory tax audits for all federal workers and politicians would be helpful.

Tax audit the president, senate, the house, etc. Lobbiests? Audit them, too.

It would clean house real quick.
What pisses me off about Modern Conservatism

That it's not modern?

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