What Political Party Would You Put Jesus In According To His Deeds While On Earth?


No Soup For You!
Jul 17, 2011
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

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Constitutionalist, Natural Law, maybe Green/Egalitarian

NOTE: He might join the Democrat Party to save the most lost people!
That's my reason for joining anyway, to help where it is needed the most!
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Constitutionalist, Natural Law, maybe Green/Egalitarian

NOTE: He might join the Democrat Party to save the most lost people!
That's my reason for joining anyway, to help where it is needed the most!

Are these choices based on any act, miracle, or comment from his life?

Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?


Attempting to do so would amount to blasphemy.

Claiming that you're going the work of Jesus via politics is for the heathens, for whose only God is Big Daddy Big Gubmint.
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

DEFINITELY a Socialist, wanted the rich to SHARE their wealth with the poor, sick and infirm, promised them salvation ONLY IF they followed his commands!

Hey three more of you and Wonky and we can start a special olympics basketball team.
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

DEFINITELY a Socialist, wanted the rich to SHARE their wealth with the poor, sick and infirmed!
lets see abortion,gay marriage,forcing people to pay more in taxes,not displaying the 10 commandments, I would say he would be a conservative.and christian conservatives give more to charity and do more for the poor than in liberal group!!:eusa_pray:
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

DEFINITELY a Socialist, wanted the rich to SHARE their wealth with the poor, sick and infirmed!
lets see abortion,gay marriage,forcing people to pay more in taxes,not displaying the 10 commandments, I would say he would be a conservative.and christian conservatives give more to charity and do more for the poor than in liberal group!!:eusa_pray:

I think his preaching of peace would exclude him from being conservitive.
Constitutionalist, Natural Law, maybe Green/Egalitarian

NOTE: He might join the Democrat Party to save the most lost people!
That's my reason for joining anyway, to help where it is needed the most!

Are these choices based on any act, miracle, or comment from his life?

If you want to say he spoke to women, even accepted a correction from a woman, at a time this was frowned upon, he would be egalitarian.

What Jesus represents in all his words and actions and incarnation as fulfilling the laws, both divine and natural, that is why I would say Natural Laws.

He would just BE the law and inspire all people to live and enforce the laws themselves by conscience. Whatever you call that, I think it is Constitutionalist to believe the people are the government (under natural law) or the people are the church (by divine law).

He would have to teach respect for civil authority and Constitutional check and balance in order to maintain equal order between the different interests or party biases. Thus he would fulfill equal protection under the law, equal justice for all, as his nature.
P.S. RE: He might join the Democrat Party to save the most lost people!
That's my reason for joining anyway, to help where it is needed the most!

NOTE: This could be traced to Jesus answer when asked about the company he kept
where he said the doctor is for the sick, not for the well.
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lets see abortion,gay marriage,forcing people to pay more in taxes,not displaying the 10 commandments, I would say he would be a conservative.and christian conservatives give more to charity and do more for the poor than in liberal group!!:eusa_pray:

Yes, but would Jesus hang out with the WELL
or tend to the SICK? What did he say in the Bible
when criticized for the company he kept?
I would say he would pick up a sword and start chopping people up like Michael Myers. Like he promised he'd do.
Constitutionalist, Natural Law, maybe Green/Egalitarian

NOTE: He might join the Democrat Party to save the most lost people!
That's my reason for joining anyway, to help where it is needed the most!

"constitutionalists"? Nahhh...Jesus was intelligent, he'd have actually understood the constitution

Want to know what he'd have been? He'd have probably been a socialist b/c he'd have been far more altruistic than any of the " compassionate" conservatives. He'd have been far mores than the vast majority of deems, too,

As for "saving" any dems, I'd strongly recommend you worry about yourself first.
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

none of them. politics and religion don't mix.
Most of us are have read the historical accounts of Jesus. If you could put him in a political party today according to those deeds which one would it be and why?

This should be fun. Would you call him a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Neo-Con?

None, Jesus avoided politics like the plague. He wasn't here to be a politician.
The biblical Jesus would have been a Communist, or more accurately a communalist. In the book called Acts his apostles were described as sharing everything in common and distribution was according to what one needed.

The biblical Jesus strongly opposed the conservative religious leaders who were either very interested in accumulating wealth or obsessed with enforcing all 613 commandments found in the Torah. The biblical Jesus character was very liberal in a very conservative society.
Jesus was a Zealot and was the leader of a group of rebellious Jews who wished to overthrow the Roman yoke. He surrounded himself with bodyguards and assassins, Peter and Judas to name two, and today might be viewed as a religious extremist and threat to the social order. The Romans viewed him as such , as did the Sanhedrin, and their solution was to execute him. He was outside political parties, as any rebel is, and instead created his own faction. He was liberal in some ways,( share the wealth, admit women to the inner sanctums), and conservative in others ( maintain slavery, obey all Judaic Laws ).
I think he would cringe at the conservative Christian, movements of today, and oppose the Tea Party and reject Republican platforms in their entirety. He would lean towards Socialism or Democrats, but would probably never join a political party at all. that's how I see him, anyway.

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