What President Bush Didn't Do!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I'm not going to comment on these because they're self-explanatory [meant for confrontists]

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Don't forget vacations and golf games!

You really don't want a comparable list of what Bush did do.
Bush didn't stop 9/11, Bush didn't kill bin Laden, Bush didn't tell the truth about Iraq, Bush didn't win in Iraq.

But he did spend over $4 trillion of taxpayers' dollars slaughtering civilians for 6 years in a country that didn't attack us.


Fast and Furious (lol)

IRS Scandal


...why am I not surprised? Actually kind of am about Libya, is that a new Republican thing?
Bush didn't stop 9/11, Bush didn't kill bin Laden, Bush didn't tell the truth about Iraq, Bush didn't win in Iraq.

But he did spend over $4 trillion of taxpayers' dollars slaughtering civilians for 6 years in a country that didn't attack us.

Another GD liberal talking about our military slaughtering people. The Iraq war WAS WON you idiot and our troops didn't slaughter anyone. Matter of fact civilian casualties was very low. And the countries that Obama attacked that attacked us which ones were they? The 16 year old AMERICAN that Obama's drone program killed who did he attack?
Well Bush actually did have more than one Benghazi!

January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al-Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of “Bali Bombings.” No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al-Qaida terrorists storm the diplomatic compound killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what’s considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar” storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband. This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.
13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush's Watch Without a Peep from Fox News | The Daily Banter
Bush didn't satisfy the requirements of the Resolution authorizing the use of Military force again Iraq.

Lerner was appointed as head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division during the Bush administration.

Bush began illegal wire taps and data collections including giving legal immunity to telecommunications companies for installing data collection devices.

Obama ordered his commanders to use every "DOD" asset to protect American lives in the ME.

The administration was always clear that it was extremist that attacked our consulate.

Susan Rice was our Ambassador to the UN.

Obama didn't send any guns to Mexican cartels.

Congress did cite several Bush officials for contempt as well. They were also ignored.

Bush single handedly made one of the greatest strategic blunders in our history by invading and occupying an oil rich Arab nation that did not pose a significant threat to us or was involved in the 9-11 attacks against us.
We won? What is victory when the war is a lie from the start?

And our troops didn't slaughter anyone?

Type "Ishaqi 2006" into your search engine. Type "Haditha massacre" into your search engine. Type "no WMD found" into your search engine. Type "Iraq torture photos" into your search engine. Type "Curveball lied" into your search engine. Type "White phosphorus Fallujah" into your search engine. Type "Iraq civilian body count" into your search engine. Type "drone strikes civilian deaths" into your search engine.

Civilian casualties are low because the US official policy is to declare everyone killed by a drone strike as an "enemy combatant" regardless of if they're a terrorist or a five-year-old.
Bush didn't stop 9/11, Bush didn't kill bin Laden, Bush didn't tell the truth about Iraq, Bush didn't win in Iraq.

But he did spend over $4 trillion of taxpayers' dollars slaughtering civilians for 6 years in a country that didn't attack us.

OK.. Maybe you'd better tell the Iraqis that YOU loved Saddam and his drill/plier wielding sons as well as the 2.7 million children that would have starved had your hero
Saddam still be the dictator!
Read facts not guesses from you!
1) Attack UN/US air craft in the "No fly" zone?
2) That Saddam continued to allow children to be starved while he added to the 91 palaces he built with the "Oil for Food" program?
3) "So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it"
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg put the question to Barham Salih, the former prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan's regional government and a former deputy prime minister of Iraq's federal government.
"But," he added, "it's important to understand where we started from. ... Literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were sent to mass graves. Ten years on from the demise of Saddam Hussein, we're still discovering mass graves across Iraq. And Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein -- the overwhelming majority of Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein."
So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it; and the fault for all that has gone wrong is ultimately with Iraqis themselves: It's a remarkable point of view to encounter in June 2013.

10 Years After the Fall of Saddam, How Do Iraqis Look Back on the War? - J.J. Gould - The Atlantic

4) Were you aware that The anthrax attacks following 9/11 seem to be almost completely forgotten today. However, these anthrax attacks were an unalienable part of the actual 9/11 perpetration and not to mention them in this book at least briefly would be a lapse. At least for the sake of history this perpetration has to be remembered. Bio-terrorism -- anthrax attacks following September 11

5) Were you aware that :
"In a major development, potentially as significant as the capture of Saddam Hussein, investigative journalist Richard Miniter says there is evidence to indicate Saddam’s anthrax program was capable of producing the kind of anthrax that hit America shortly after 9/11. Miniter, author of Losing bin Laden, told Accuracy in Media that during November he interviewed U.S. weapons inspector Dr. David Kay in Baghdad and that he was "absolutely shocked and astonished" at the sophistication of the Iraqi program.

Given all the above were you aware of these events and situations and articles and FACTS that following the attack on US Soil on 9/11 with 3,000 deaths..
you would want 28 million people to be afraid of people that would live under this??

Ahmad was Uday's chief executioner. Last week, as Iraqis celebrated the death of his former boss and his equally savage younger brother Qusay, he nervously revealed a hideous story. His instructions that day in 1999 were to arrest the two 19-year-olds on the campus of Baghdad's Academy of Fine Arts and deliver them at Radwaniyah. On arrival at the sprawling compound, he was directed to a farm where he found a large cage. Inside, two lions waited. They belonged to Uday. Guards took the two young men from the car and opened the cage door. One of the victims collapsed in terror as they were dragged, screaming and shouting, to meet their fate. Ahmad watched as the students frantically looked for a way of escape. There was none. The lions pounced. 'I saw the head of the first student literally come off his body with the first bite and then had to stand and watch the animals devour the two young men. By the time they were finished there was little left but for the bones and bits and pieces of unwanted flesh,' he recalled last week."
-- Sunday Times, London, July 27, 2003

"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street. "'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

"'I would read them out the verdict and cut off their tongue without any form of anaesthetic. There was always a lot of blood. Some offenders passed out. Others screamed in pain. They would then be given basic medical assistance in an ambulance which would always come with us on such punishment runs. Then they would be thrown in jail.'"

-- Fedayeen Saddam member interviewed in The Sunday Times (London), April 20, 2003
Saddam has reduced his people to abject poverty.
He wiped out families, villages, cities and cultures, and drove four million people into exile.
He killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Kurds. He killed as many as 300,000 Shiites in the uprising after the Persian Gulf war. He killed or displaced 200,000 of the 250,000 marsh Arabs who had created a unique, centuries-old culture in the south. He drained the marshes, an environmental treasure, and turned them into a desert.

And you feel all that should exist today? Saddam killing people? Saddam allowing 2.7 million kids to starve?

That's what you would prefer???
Kind of a sick person aren't you that you are willing to let millions of people live in the above environment with 2.7 million kids starved to death? SICK!

None of these things were done by Obama, either.

But here's one really important thing left off the Bush "didn't do list".

He didn't get Osama Bin Laden.

That was President Obama.
And of course being the Saddam worshipper KNB is what about these FACTS that your beloved Democrats were directly responsible for making the war last 6 more years when militarily it was over Saddam was captured in less the 6 months!
Read what you and your fellow traitors said about our Troops which did as this Harvard study shows cause MORE violence!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

and when these statements are made most normal intelligent people would say..."geez doesn't this just help the terrorists in killing more troops"?
FACT:LOOK at this Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"

asked: "Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. (wouldn't you conclude the next president accusing the US military of methodically and systematically air raiding villages killing civilians.. dissent???) We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.

So when Reid, et.al. made statements that were NEGATIVE about our military... you don't think the terrorists USED that crap??
Yea and GWHB didn't expect US senators to daily encourage the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when US troops handed out candy!
GWHB believed you don't bad mouth the same people you put at risk and while the Liberation of 28 million Iraqis took less then 6 weeks to rid the dictator that used pliers and drills on his people while allowing millions of children to starve while he built 91 palaces that people like YOU obviously approved!
I am sure you were one of these anti-military hate Americans and glad to see the terrorists blow up our troops by making statements like these which have been proven to have
extended the violence and especially the deaths of our American troops!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

and when these statements are made most normal intelligent people would say..."geez doesn't this just help the terrorists in killing more troops"?
FACT:LOOK at this Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"
You Republicans can't change the reasons for going to war from "We know that Saddam Hussein has chemical and biological weapons that pose an imminent threat to America" to "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy."

The US supported Hussein's regime throughout the 1980s, and then have been bombing Iraqis since the 1990s.
Bush didn't stop 9/11, Obama didn't stop Benghazi or the Boston Bombing Bush didn't kill bin Laden Neither did Obama. SEALs did, Bush didn't tell the truth about Iraq It is not a lie when you repeat something you are told is true, . Bush didn't win in Iraq Bush didn't retreat and leave a hell hole

Try to be honest
And Iraq is in worse shape now then it was before the invasion.

Much worse.

Bull shit!

Prove it and I'll prove to you it is BETTER!
From a study I've downloaded frequently during the Iraq period from 2006 up to last few years from the liberal biased Brookings Institute!
Iraq Index

Page 32 of the above In 2002 (Under Saddam) 2012
each Iraqi had $802 in GDP $7,000 The GDP/capita growth rate averaged 96% per year over the 9 years !

Does that look like it's degrading back to Saddam era GDP?

Does that look like it's degrading???
GDP - real growth rate: 8.4% (2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 15
You Republicans can't change the reasons for going to war from "We know that Saddam Hussein has chemical and biological weapons that pose an imminent threat to America" to "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy."

The US supported Hussein's regime throughout the 1980s, and then have been bombing Iraqis since the 1990s.

the reason Congress of both sides of the aisle voted for and approved the military action in Iraq is because the intel of the US as well as the intel of many countries showed that Iraq was in breach of the treaty Hussein signed in 1992.

Try to debate honestly

None of these things were done by Obama, either.

But here's one really important thing left off the Bush "didn't do list".

He didn't get Osama Bin Laden.

That was President Obama.

No he didn't. SEALs did.

Following the orders of Bush and then Obama, many different agencies left no stone unturned and finally located FOR SURE his whereabouts.

I do not believe there were any changes initiated by Obama as it pertained to finding Bin Laden.
The "intel" was from a CIA informant named Rafid Ahmed Aiwan al-Janabi, codenamed "Curveball" who has admitted that he lied about everything.

The war was a lie from the start.

Obviously the intel was wrong.....but it doesn't change the fact that the intel was confirmed by intel agencies all over the world.

Get off it guy. You are making yourself look silly.

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