What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

I do think I have the right to oppose a black man if what he stands for opposes what's in the best interest of black people. So what is it racist? Must I vote for a candidate just because he's black regardless of his policy beliefs? Ain't that what you miserable wretches have been whining about being racist? So now I am racist because I don't pick the right wing negro of the moment. You raggedy chumps are disingenuous personified.

opposes whats in the best interests of black people? Are you joking? As opposed to all the great things liberals have done in 50 years? lmao!
any black who is conservative is ALWAYS ALWAYS A SELLOUT according to the resident race baiter. lmao!
Blacks who repeat the same rhetoric as white racists are sellouts. Larry Elder is no conservative. Elder is a black right wing extremist.
opposes whats in the best interests of black people? Are you joking? As opposed to all the great things liberals have done in 50 years? lmao!
Larry Elder has been out there for the same 50 years and has done nothing. You talk about what you have been brainwashed to believe, but what Elder represents is not good for blacks. That's why you support him.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
He is black, so it is racist to ask about his qualifications
Black people who participate in the disenfranchisement of their own is nothing new. Usually, people with black skin who parrot the talking points of white people who are racist or believe we live in a post-racial society will be propped up and taken seriously by whites. This is an old white supremacy tactic: find a black person who can espouse our views about non-existent racism while simultaneously degrading black people through sheer ignorance so we can 1). Refute any allegations of being racist since my worldview aligns with someone who has black skin and 2). Give false validity to an argument that racism does not exist when I use this black person as my source.

It should go without saying that this is extremely illogical, but Racism White Supremacy (RWS) is illogical by definition so this should be expected. Larry Elder is a great example of a tool RWS uses to perpetuate it...

Larry Elder: The problem; the biggest burden that black people have, in my opinion, again, is the percentage of blacks, 75% of them, that are raised without fathers.

This is a classic RWS talking point that not only false but tries to absolve any responsibility of whites in their complicity in the collective disadvantageous predicament of black people. The point is to put it all on the individual morality of black men. Never mind the fact that whether or not black men are physically in the homes or not, the functions of these institutions will remain the same as I have described above. But let’s get to the facts: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, 71.5% of black, non-Hispanic children in 2013 were born to unmarried women compared with 29.3% of white, non-Hispanic children. Josh Levs points out in his new book, All In, however, 2.5 million of 4.2 million black fathers–about 59.5%–live with their children. They are just simply unmarried. Levs also cited CDC data that showed black men who live with their kids are more likely than their white counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis.

There are still disparities in the amount of black men with at least one child who they are more likely to be absent from. A New York Times article points to systemic reasons for the cause, namely mass incarceration. Again, this can be argued from a systemic position, rather than an individual one.

After going through Larry Elder’s old and tired talking points about black people, there is hope. By dissecting these false, bigoted ideas about black people, it can force us to do research to find the truth. This way we can be better equipped to refute these junk arguments. I found it interesting that most of that arguments Larry Elder gave for why black people are behind, can be explained by systemic reasons, which he refuses to acknowledge or define.

Blacks who repeat the same rhetoric as white racists are sellouts. Larry Elder is no conservative. Elder is a black right wing extremist.
leftists who repeat the same rhetoric are just as stupid as anyone who eats it up with a spoon.
leftists who repeat the same rhetoric are just as stupid as anyone who eats it up with a spoon.
Right-wingers have no understanding of economics or the law. Who would benefit from any repeal of minimum wage laws? Even now, right-wingers prefer to require a work ethic in at-will employment States that only drives down wages and ensures poverty due to natural unemployment.
He's not brining any black perspective to California. Elder has no public policy experience. The only reason you support him is because hes a sellout.
"Black perspective"? Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Washington DC, etc, etc. Racist Kingfish.
As the Schwarzenneggar-electing California public knows, a resume is not as important as intelligence and the proper political perspective. I dare say that few people who have listened to Elder's radio show with some regularity would have any misgivings about giving him control over California's "nuclear football," whatever that might be. He has a formidable intellect, and can think on his feet with the best of them.

Manifestly, people with the best resumes are rarely good candidates and usually make mediocre executives, either in the private sector or the public sector. The governor of California, whoever that might be, has a massive staff of experts and advisors, most of whom are careerists, and they will surely prevent him from doing something catastrophic out of sheer ignorance about "how things are done around here." The example of Arnold is apropos.

I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents - like his policies or not - of the past century, despite constantly being besieged by the entire non-Fox Media, the entire political Left, and a sturdy cadre of "Never-Trump" Republicans.
STATEMENT (Most ludicrous ever):

"I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents - like his policies or not - of the past century, despite constantly being besieged by the entire non-Fox Media, the entire political Left, and a sturdy cadre of "Never-Trump" Republicans"

RESPONSE: Trump was effective all right, he was able to further divide an already divided population, add trillions of dollars to the nation debt without any discernable benefit to our rusting infrastructure; fumbled leading a 100 year health crisis, expanded the divide of wealth and worked very hard to destroy democracy in America.

BTW: Trump was an exceptional liar; he took credit for what worked, and blamed others when things went wrong (many went wrong, esp. his trade policy); he was exceptionally vindictive, a failure at marriage and at the end was the first president to leave with a bang not a handshake.

Oh, and let's not forget he orchestrated the insurrection of Jan 6th.
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Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Bojangles Elder??? If that isn't a racist comment, nothing is. Clearly, you're a racist.
As for Qualifications, you don't need to have been in politics to run for any office. If you look into various Mayors, City Councilpersons and Congressional office holder in the states, many have had no political background.
As for California: Reagan, an actor and was popular. Schwarzenegger, an actor.
As for Presidency: Hoover, Eisenhower, Grant, Taylor and Trump.
You don't need political experience, only the determination to try and solve community/state problems.
A leftist San Francisco news media, interviewed Elder and couldn't stump him on any topic they brought up. He came across as intelligent, insightful and determined to succeed if elected.
Your present Governor is a flake.
Bojangles Elder??? If that isn't a racist comment, nothing is. Clearly, you're a racist.
As for Qualifications, you don't need to have been in politics to run for any office. If you look into various Mayors, City Councilpersons and Congressional office holder in the states, many have had no political background.
As for California: Reagan, an actor and was popular. Schwarzenegger, an actor.
As for Presidency: Hoover, Eisenhower, Grant, Taylor and Trump.
You don't need political experience, only the determination to try and solve community/state problems.
A leftist San Francisco news media, interviewed Elder and couldn't stump him on any topic they brought up. He came across as intelligent, insightful and determined to succeed if elected.
Your present Governor is a flake.
I'm black and called step n fechit what his ass is. You defend him because he's black and spouts your racist views. Fuck Laary Elder and anybody that suppors him. He talks a lot of shite, but he hasn't done a damn thing to improve the black community. He is 70 years old and since he knows so much about what blacks need to do you would think that somewhere in the 50 plus years he's been an adult he would have done more than talk shit every day on the radio. I have it on good authority that the black community boycotted his show and still doesn't listen to it. That's how fucked up Bojangles is.

There is nothing wrong with Newsome. Elder is the flake.
The notion that black people cannot think for themselves is racist. You are a bigot and a racist.
I did not write that article but I'm black and the notion that the only blacks who can think for themselves are sellouts and uncle toms is what's racist. So that makes you the bigot and racist. The only reason Elder is where he's at is for the exact reason stated in the article. Same with Candice Owens.

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