What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Gavin Newsome could fuck up a one man rock fight. He is an idiot, commie fuck sans any common sense whatsoever.
What does anyone know about being governor, really? Mr. Elder is a tremendously intelligent individual, has hosted a successful radio program for many years. And its High Fucking Time that California end its racist heritage and elect an African American.
By that measure, Rush Limbaugh would have made a good president huh
By that measure, Rush Limbaugh would have made a good president huh

Most people thought so, that's for sure. Back in the 1990's, he declined the throne.

The Maha Rushdie, if you'll remember was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee proposed by the founder of the Landmark Legal Foundation founder, Mark R. Levin.
Elder lists in his book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America released in 2000, his "Ten-Point Plan" to save America. He calls for abolishing the IRS; passing a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%; ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.[29][30]

Does anyone really believe that will solve poverty in the US?

Do you really believe poverty can be solved?
Is this a trick question? What qualifies him to be governor? The largest number of VOTES...
When you are telling black people what you think will help them, and are told by blackds that it won't yet you still believe your oinion of what helps blacks is the right one, thats white suptemacist thinking. Now as a black man, I am telling you that what Larry Elders represents is not good for black people. There are black conservatives who have good ideas, and I think you need to differentiate between black conservatives and black right wing extremists. Elder is a black right winger, he has nothing to do with being conservative.

I find it quite odd that a white person can’t know what is really like to be a black person and can’t make claims of regarding racism or lack thereof and yet black people evidently do know what it is like to be a white person and can make claims of white privilege. You can’t have it both ways.

There are black consevatives that have good ideas, but most of them are quickly kicked to the curb by black Democrats particularly if they don’t agree that racism is predominate, that black people are helpless and that white people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
As the Schwarzenneggar-electing California public knows, a resume is not as important as intelligence and the proper political perspective. I dare say that few people who have listened to Elder's radio show with some regularity would have any misgivings about giving him control over California's "nuclear football," whatever that might be. He has a formidable intellect, and can think on his feet with the best of them.

Manifestly, people with the best resumes are rarely good candidates and usually make mediocre executives, either in the private sector or the public sector. The governor of California, whoever that might be, has a massive staff of experts and advisors, most of whom are careerists, and they will surely prevent him from doing something catastrophic out of sheer ignorance about "how things are done around here." The example of Arnold is apropos.

I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents - like his policies or not - of the past century, despite constantly being besieged by the entire non-Fox Media, the entire political Left, and a sturdy cadre of "Never-Trump" Republicans.
Larry Elder is an attorney. That's good enough.
Is this a trick question? What qualifies him to be governor? The largest number of VOTES...
Ronald Reagan was an actor. Harry Truman was a farmer and clothing salesman. Dwight Eisenhower spent his whole life in the Army. George Washington was a farmer. Jimmy Carter was a farmer.
You are a truthless factless cuckoo clock.

Are the "white supremacists" hiding under your bed?

The Republican Party did not change at all from 1865 to 1998. It was for freedom, small and accountable government, strong military, and treating everyone equally. In 1998, the GOP became the party of Zionist treason against America.

The democrat party has always been the party of

Right-wingers are just plain practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.)

Job 34:30 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
Do you really believe poverty can be solved?
Yes, as easily and automatically as the concept of employment at the will of either party and equal protection of those laws for unemployment compensation can make it. It could have literally happened, Yesterday, but for right-wing obstruction at every turn.
As the Schwarzenneggar-electing California public knows, a resume is not as important as intelligence and the proper political perspective. I dare say that few people who have listened to Elder's radio show with some regularity would have any misgivings about giving him control over California's "nuclear football," whatever that might be. He has a formidable intellect, and can think on his feet with the best of them.

Manifestly, people with the best resumes are rarely good candidates and usually make mediocre executives, either in the private sector or the public sector. The governor of California, whoever that might be, has a massive staff of experts and advisors, most of whom are careerists, and they will surely prevent him from doing something catastrophic out of sheer ignorance about "how things are done around here." The example of Arnold is apropos.

I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents - like his policies or not - of the past century, despite constantly being besieged by the entire non-Fox Media, the entire political Left, and a sturdy cadre of "Never-Trump" Republicans.
Schwarzenneggar won because of name recognition....it was funny because Darryl Issa literally paid for the Grey Davis recall out of pocket in hopes to slide in as Governor afterwards. Ah-nold steps up and squashes Issa's dreams...
Aren't you in favor of a black man advancing and bringing a black mans perspective into Sacramento??? I think its just what the Doctor ordered for CA....dump the privileged out of touch rich kid white guy for an African American that is well known and obviously qualified for the job....how can you be against that?....
So much for you believing in the content of someone's character.
He believes Biden didn't steal the election. If I was a Californian that would be cause enough for me to give him solid consideration.
Yes, as easily and automatically as the concept of employment at the will of either party and equal protection of those laws for unemployment compensation can make it. It could have literally happened, Yesterday, but for right-wing obstruction at every turn.

I'm not surprised that you believe poverty can be eliminated. The far-left has always lived in a fantasy world of unicorns and gumdrops,


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