What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Obuthole comes to mind. Of course next to Joe the moron, obuthole looks like a genius.
The Constitution guarantees the right to demonstrate. For the first time in over a hundred years a conservative demonstration got out of hand, unlike the literal thousands of liberal ones that got out of hand sines 1965. Liberals rioted over Vietnam, over police killings, over jury verdicts over damn near anything.
Without massive tax hikes at every level they would have never existed.
And while you were in the stands watching, I was on the field. So you really didn't see shit.

You know what I've see for the past 40 years, blacks like Mrs. McCord who owned a corner store in the hood who went to the bank where she and her husbamd deposited money for years to get a loan to expand the size of her store and get turned down even after she put her home up for collateral. Black community NFP's going to white banks that are holding their money, asking for contributions to help fund programs that would put a dent in the problem, only to get turned down while that same bank gives money to white organizations without fail.

Social service dollars created by taxes blacks put in the pot while recieving no funding for their communities. White businesses and developers getting TIFFS and tax abatements to start busisses or develop housing in black communities while blacks with similar ideas get rejected. In democrat and republican cities. We forced a republican city to change its funding because they refused to ever fund organizations run by non whites. So don't tell me what you pretended to see son, because I was on the field in the game and apparently, you stayed at the concession stand.
I will be having the same conversation with you in 20 years because nothing will change. Just like I had this same conversation with leftists 20 years ago. Enjoy you’re anger but know it solves nothing. It does get demleftists plenty of votes.
Elder isn't running for Governor of black California, he's running for governor of everyone in the state. The question you should be asking yourself isn't is he good for black Californians, but is he good for all Californians? The answer to that is he's better than the governors California has had for at least twenty years and just possibly thirty. the last great governor I can remember California having was Pat Brown because he believed in building infrastructure to make California great and attracting business so it could prosper.
I'm going to go out on a limb, here:

You know less than nothing about Larry Elder.
Trolling trolling trolling keeps the Fort Fun Indiana trolling...ahoy!!!!!
Cry it all out, crybaby. Make up any interesting fantasies today? Something, anything, to explain why you, a white man, are so inferior...?

I hear Larry Elder has a space laser.
I find it funny how people talk about the issurs in the black community. Laughingboy wants to talk about what so called black leftists haven't done. Larry Elders is slapping 70 on the ass, and while he runs his mouth daily and gets paid, he's had 50 years to do something and with all his loud talk, the black community faces what it does. So what I am saying is,


But he has sure managed to take you white right wingers money.

No. I’m telling you what any color leftists have done. Until the black community breaks free from the handouts leftists give them for votes nothing will change. Relying on politicians is not a wise strategy.
Sorry but electing Elder will make little difference. California has been infected with leftism from top to bottom. The government and all its workers, academia, law, courts everything. There is little hope once this happens. Plus the DNC leftists will never allow those electoral votes to turn red. Ever. They’d rather see the entire state and it’s people suffer.
Elder lists in his book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America released in 2000, his "Ten-Point Plan" to save America. He calls for abolishing the IRS; passing a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%; ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.[29][30]

Does anyone really believe that will solve poverty in the US?
Elder lists in his book, The Ten Things You Can't Say In America released in 2000, his "Ten-Point Plan" to save America. He calls for abolishing the IRS; passing a national sales tax, reducing government by 80%; ending welfare and entitlements, abolishing the minimum wage, and eliminating corporate taxes.[29][30]

Does anyone really believe that will solve poverty in the US?
The guy sounds like a typical republican, and we know about the booming metropolises and states that republicans run. Getting rid of minimum wage laws on his agenda also. No surprise there.
Nothing. That's what I said. We were republicans for 100 years and republicans did none of what you claim.

Translation - republicans gave blacks freedom and citizenship. Black bigots prefer preferential treatment and taxpayer funded handouts from the party of slavery... which black bigots claim blacks do not have the right, the freedom, to disagree....
Larry Elders is a black bigot.

How so?

Who is the alleged bigotry towards?

It is your side that hates blacks who do not agree, your side which imposes dogmatic allegiance to the party of slavery, your side that hurls cards and slurs at those who dare disagree.

Larry elder tells black bigots like you the truth, and you hate him for that....
Translation - republicans gave blacks freedom and citizenship. Black bigots prefer preferential treatment and taxpayer funded handouts from the party of slavery... which black bigots claim blacks do not have the right, the freedom, to disagree....
Right-wingers voted democrat back then. Lincoln was a republican and there would have been no civil war if right-wingers were voting republican back then.
How so?

Who is the alleged bigotry towards?

It is your side that hates blacks who do not agree, your side which imposes dogmatic allegiance to the party of slavery, your side that hurls cards and slurs at those who dare disagree.

Larry elder tells black bigots like you the truth, and you hate him for that....
Republicans have no problem "hating on the Poor" or trying to criminalize poverty.
Right-wingers voted democrat back then. Lincoln was a republican and there would have been no civil war if right-wingers were voting republican back then.

You are a truthless factless cuckoo clock.

Are the "white supremacists" hiding under your bed?

The Republican Party did not change at all from 1865 to 1998. It was for freedom, small and accountable government, strong military, and treating everyone equally. In 1998, the GOP became the party of Zionist treason against America.

The democrat party has always been the party of

I might point out that, with literally no public sector experience, President Trump was one of the most effective presidents
There ya go. If you believe that garbage...Elder's your guy

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