What Qualifies Larry Elder to be Governor of California?

Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
I would say his qualifications are that he isn’t Gavin Newsome. What a clusterfuck that moron has been.
No it wouldn't. Whites with racial problems tend to like timid blacks who deny racism and who blame blacks for the problems we face without taking into account the long history of American racist public policy.

You voted for the guy who said he didn't want his kids to grow up in "a racial jungle" with people like you. Sucker.
I really think republicans should not talk about failed policy after a failed republican policy that has killed over 600,000 and left a huge mess that we're still battling.
what policy is that?
Whites call each other all kinds of things when they disagree politically so spare me the white instruction on racial unity. We do not have to like blacks who have spent theirvadult lves throughing other blacks under the bus as Elder has done. Elder is an Uncle Tom and he's called that to make him an example of what creates disunity. There are plenty of legitimate true black conservatives who are not sellouts or Uncle Toms but sellouts get put before the public by white power brokers. There is nothing outdated by calling Elder a tom when that is exactly what he is doing.

An Uncle Tom is a black person who denigrates blacks to gain favor among whites. That is exactly what Elders has done. Shermichael Singleton was a black conservative fired by the trump administration because he refused to be a sellout. Michael Steele was fired as chair of the RNC after a record setting republican victory in 2010 because he refused to Uncle Tom. Colin Powell was run out of the parrty because he refused to sell out and cast his vote for trump. So don't lecture me about this sorry ass house boy Elder.
First- my comment was out of curiosity about why you divide with words and nothing more. I am aware that you are a black male and you used the phrase sellout; I gave you my opinion and asked you for elaboration.

Your reply provides more information about why you choose to solidify divisions within your race over unity.

Related question to your reply: If you thought I were a black female, stating my opinion about the harm in supporting divisions within our race, would you still state that my opinion is (white) instruction? As if my opinion means that I’m trying to tell you how to live your life? No, I am not.

Bottom line question for you, that has absolutely zero to do with me and it’s just my opinion not an unsolicited lecture: Aren’t divisions already in existence among the races enough for you? Why do you want more oppositional factions within your own race?
Elder is a good candidate because he is not a politician but has experience in reporting politics and, he's not a looney leftist.
Obama was very well qualified. Bill Clintons wife got beat by Obama so apparently his comment was irrelevant. Larry Elder has no public policy experience and he really is not liked.
what do you define as “public policy experience”?
You’ve presented no facts only racist opinions. I’ve watched Leftists like you say and do the same things to help the black community for over 40 years.
It’s only made things worse.
It fails because anyone who deals with the facts is labeled racist. Starting out with leftist feelings instead of facts is the problem.

And while you were in the stands watching, I was on the field. So you really didn't see shit.

You know what I've see for the past 40 years, blacks like Mrs. McCord who owned a corner store in the hood who went to the bank where she and her husbamd deposited money for years to get a loan to expand the size of her store and get turned down even after she put her home up for collateral. Black community NFP's going to white banks that are holding their money, asking for contributions to help fund programs that would put a dent in the problem, only to get turned down while that same bank gives money to white organizations without fail.

Social service dollars created by taxes blacks put in the pot while recieving no funding for their communities. White businesses and developers getting TIFFS and tax abatements to start busisses or develop housing in black communities while blacks with similar ideas get rejected. In democrat and republican cities. We forced a republican city to change its funding because they refused to ever fund organizations run by non whites. So don't tell me what you pretended to see son, because I was on the field in the game and apparently, you stayed at the concession stand.
Look at his resume.

Compare it to Gavin Newsome.

You would think the right would have learned it's lesson about supporting loudmouths with no public policy experience. And here we have the right wing supporting an unqualified black over a better qualified white candidate. Why? To create plausible deniability because you know that Bojangles Elder will two step for you and implement anti black policy. But this way right wingers can claim they aren't racist because they support a man with brown skin.
Affirmative action?
what makes you think anyone needs to speak for black peoples? folks are individuals they don’t need a representative “speaking for them”
Spare us the individualism bs.
I find it funny how people talk about the issurs in the black community. Laughingboy wants to talk about what so called black leftists haven't done. Larry Elders is slapping 70 on the ass, and while he runs his mouth daily and gets paid, he's had 50 years to do something and with all his loud talk, the black community faces what it does. So what I am saying is,


But he has sure managed to take you white right wingers money.
Obama was very well qualified. Bill Clintons wife got beat by Obama so apparently his comment was irrelevant. Larry Elder has no public policy experience and he really is not liked.

Newsom is not liked either

What the fuck?
No it wouldn't. Whites with racial problems tend to like timid blacks who deny racism and who blame blacks for the problems we face without taking into account the long history of American racist public policy.

You know what the rest of us call it

say it's name

personal responsibility

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